Gavin Moore

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Full Name:
Gavin Skylar Moore
Superheroic Sidekick
OC (None)
Quote-open.png Yeah, yeah. 'Just a sidekick,' blah, blah, blah.
Guess who just side-KICKED your ASS!?
— Himself
On the surface, Gavin Moore is your average, reasonably socially conscious and upstanding red-blooded American teenager. But Gavin is secretly attends the exclusive super-school, Sky High, where he's an upperclassman learning about power control and the role of superhumans in society. As his alter ego, Dynaboy, he's an experienced junior partner, partnering with quite a variety of well-known heroes. That's right--he's a sidekick, and he's proud!


Gavin is in many ways the classic hero with a heart of gold, but he's not without his quirks. While he certainly has a strong moral center and feels driven to help and protect others, he also has a distinctly epicurean side. While he often performs large acts of heroics, he often seeks to reward himself with little things, whether it be a night out on the town with a paramour or just indulging his sweet tooth. He can also be playful to the point of mischievousness, and he can be a bit of a shameless show-off at times. While sometimes it seems he knows no shame, at the same time he's always ready to put it all aside and leap into action to protect the innocent.


Gavin Moore was born with a latent cosmic power to become more like anyone he declares his Hero. Orphaned at a young age, he grew up idolizing superheroes and was very protective of his younger brother, Owen. When, around the age of twelve, he was admiring a superhero, he found himself suddenly manifesting that hero's powers--strength, flight, and the works! Gavin tracked down the hero and talked his way into became his sidekick at that tender age, taking on the identity of Dynaboy. He has assisted various heroes since then. However, none have kept him on for very long, for one reason or another. He attends Sky High and is currently an upperclassman, studying superhuman powers and the role of superhuman beings in society.