Fred and George Weasley

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Full Name:
Fred and George Weasley
A matched pair of troublemakers.
Young Adult
A pair of wicked red-headed troublemakers, who also happen to be a pair of highly talented magicians. Whatever they're doing, wherever they go, they solemnly swear they are up to no good. Despite being a couple of troublemakers, they're generally good sports and good friends to have in a pinch.


A pair of loving, impish, naughty, wicked, gold-hearted trouble-makers that always seem to be hand in hand with one another, though sometimes each of them does their own thing... and they even fight. But they're friends in your corner anytime, they're a good time, and sometimes they're doing crimes... but only in an impish, wicked way! Just watch your pants when they're around, or something might wind up in them!


The fourth and fifth sons of a sprawling wizarding dynasty of impeccable bloodline, Fred and George Weasley distinguish themselves by being a pair of absolute, utter troublemakers. They're out to get attention, live their best lives, and use magic to shed a little color, to poke the powerful and challenge the humdrum. Why are they in school at all, when they seem to come and go as they please and do as they like? Well, you've got to do SOMETHING to fill the days, don't you? Besides... it beats *working* for a living. Perish the *thought*.