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Full Name:
The Keeper of Souls
Patron of Death and Rebirth
Patron of Death and Rebirth
Ancient god of death and rebirth, Est’erien is most often depicted as a large stag with horns like tree branches springing from his head, upon which rides an entire menagerie of birds and beasts. It is Est'erien who decides when souls are worthy of rebirth and how long they much spend in the River of Souls, which he guards, before being given new life.


The temples of Est’erien are not buildings at all. His followers instead build him exquisite gardens, some of which are said to have spanned as much land as a whole city. Though it is believed that gardens of Est'erien still exist, anyone who has actually seen one has not come forward to speak of it in centuries.

Holy Day

The Day of the Departed is the day each year that is dedicated to Est'erien. It is said that on the eve of this day, the spirits of the River of Souls are able to for a short time leave the river and visit the homes of loved ones, to see how they fare in the world of living. And on the Day of the Departed itself, reborn souls are said to be able to access memories from previous lives, some say to find and recognize loved ones -- and sometimes mortal enemies -- from the past. The Day of the Departed is not celebrated quite as other holy days. On the eve of the Holy Day, most families leave empty places open at their evening meals or at the feasts some families hold, where the visiting souls might return to. When the sun sets, those who have lost a loved one often place candles on their windowsills to light the way for the departed souls. On the Holy Day itself, inns and pubs are held open as long as possible to allow reunited souls time to reacquaint themselves with one another.