Eric Most

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Full Name:
Eric Most
Shut up, Eric!
The Cavalier
Brought to the world of THE REALM by the powerful wizard DUNGEON MASTER, Eric - dubbed "The Cavalier" - set off with his friends to stop the Warlock VENGER and save the multiverse from the dread NAMELESS ONE. Their adventures continue, with Eric complaining every step of the way.


Eric is a grumbling complainer with the heart of a true hero, who masks his concern for friends and others behind the shield of being a complete and utter curmudgeon about most things. If you repel people and don't let them in, after all, they can never hurt you.


Eric, AKA "The Cavalier", AKA "Shut up Eric" was one of a group of friends who traveled to an alternate world thanks to an enchanted Dungeons & Dragons roller coaster ride at a carnival - what was the name of that carnival? Witchlight... something. There they became the agents of an OBNOXIOUS LITTLE GNOME in his struggle against a terrifying Warlock, where they had a number of adventures, made a lot of friends and even more enemies.

What they never did get to do was go home.

The thing is, as much as he complains otherwise? Eric's not really sure he wants to go home. Here, he's a hero with friends. There, he's the friendless rich-boy son of a father who neglects him.
