Emery Sigma

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Full Name:
Emery Sigma
Psychic Genius
OC (None)
"Inner Universe" from Ghost in the Shell
Emery's been through a lot in his life. He started out as a boy genius, developed an AI all for himself, almost hijacked a prototype fighter jet from the government (but got caught) and finally tapped into latent psychic abilities he never knew he had. It's been a roller coaster for him and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. What's next in store for the psychic genius? Stay tuned to find out!


Emery is cocky when it comes to smarts or tech, but doesn't mind deferring to others when something is out of his comfort zone - such as combat. He has the potential to be amicable as much as he can be an utter brat. Genesis is his foil and does a good job of tempering his worst qualities. If it weren't for her, who knows how out of control his attitude would be.


Emery was orphaned at a young age when a lab accident killed both of his parents, prominent scientists in their respective fields - neurobiology and robotics. The incident caused Emery to withdraw into himself, focusing instead on the technology that so fascinated him and which he had a natural aptitude for. A genius and prodigy, he came across some journals belonging to his parents years later revolving around the research they had been doing. Setting himself on a course to follow in their footsteps, he became determined to join their research in order to create the perfect companion - an artificial intelligence.

It did not take him long to succeed. Dubbing her Genesis, he kept her a secret until he could find somewhere to house her. Genesis was a masterful AI, and soon the two of them hatched a plot to get her off of his network and installed somewhere. With her assistance, they hacked into a military database and sought out a vessel with the right specifications necessary. Eventually, they found a prototype jet which looked like it might fit the bill. Unfortunately, before they could get to the part of the plan where they stole the craft, he got caught. Equally impressed and annoyed with him, the military cut him a deal - his freedom in exchange for his service. This wasn't really a bad deal, as far as he was concerned. He negotiated that he got to keep the jet, of course. Genesis could be installed somewhere, and he would have something to do. Once Genesis was safely housed in the fighter jet, which he named Dawn's Impulse, the government granted him a special gauntlet which would sync to the ship. This would permit Genesis to go anywhere with him. Sounds great, right?

There's always a catch. In this case, the catch was that the military wanted to use nanite technology to keep tabs on Emery and Genesis. Normally he would have objected completely, however, Genesis assured him the technology was benign and would cause no change in his body. Well, guess what? Genesis was wrong. See, what no one knew was that Emery had latent psychic abilities. Once the nanites hit the blood vessels of his brain, everything lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July. Now finding himself with untapped psychic potential, Emery isn't sure what to do. One thing is for sure, he'd better not let his benefactors at the military know about his new tricks or who knows what they'd ask for him to do next.

Deciding to go by the moniker Psynapse, because it sounded cool and why not, he ventured out into the world to explore and do all the things. What things? Well, the government hadn't asked for anything yet. He knew it would only be a matter of time before they wanted him to use Genesis for something, but in the meantime the sky's the limit!