Eloi Fell

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Full Name:
Eloi Fell
GEAS Medical Lieutenant JG.pngDoctor
Young Adult
Eloi Fell is the younger child and only son of Ioan Fell, a folk singer-turned-historian, and Doctor Arai Whitechurch Fell, a... medical practitioner. He has a sister, Elora, who is eleven years his senior. She had a relatively brief but shining career as a popular singer before retiring to settle down, raise her own family, and write children's books. Eloi was more studious, although by no means a genius. His childhood was remarkably non-traumatic, even during those times his sister was making headlines in gossip columns in an effort to promote herself and her (former) career. He elected to follow in his mothers footsteps and enter into the medical field. He studied hard at his post-secondary Academic education, but not at the expense of fun. He made friends fairly easily, and indulged in hijinks in the manner that post-secondary school student often do. Nevertheless, he attained reasonably good grades, and recently graduated as the newly minted Dr. Eloi Fell.


Eloi Fell was born and raised in the confortable and leafy suburbs, in a two story house with a pool and a picturesque view. His father is Ioan 'Freedom' Fell, who made his living as a demifamous folk singer with a small but loyal following, before taking up a 'side gig' as a historian. Eloi's mother, Doctor Arai Whitechurch Fell, is a medical practitioner, and is fairly well known on their home planet. Her own father, Doctor T.K. Whitechurch, served in the GEAS until his retirement.

Eloi's sister, Elora, spent almost twelve years as an only child before her brother was born, but nonetheless loved him from the moment she set eyes on him. She inherited her father's passion for music and singing, and so it was that by the time she was sixteen Elora was 'divorcing' her parents in order to gain control of her own financial and business decisions. Even that went smoothly, and although Elora moved out to live in the pool-house they still all ate meals together as a family. This would change as her career unexpectedly took off, taking her on two multi-world tours before fizzling out by the time she was twenty two. Towards the end of this time Euphoria (as Elora was professionally known) increasingly became tabloid gossip fodder, though Eloi's parents shielded him from much of that. Elora ended up marrying her accountant and moving to a respectably sized home in the Green Mountains, where they are raising their own children while she works as a children's author and he...accounts.

While all this was going on, Eloi was growing up and discovering that he wasn't really all that interested in playing music, or singing, or any of that. Although he can noodle around on a keyboard enough to slowly pick out a basic one-handed melody, he took after the Whitechurch side of the family and had a more scholarly inclination. He was a reader, who didn't mind studying to get good marks. But he was also a regular kid, the kind who didn't always eat his vegetables. The kind who jumped out of a tree at aged six in a vain attempt to fly - That stunt resulted in the almost imperceptible scar he now wears on his chin. He wasn't a sportsman, but he enjoyed getting out and playing pickup games of whatever was available with his friends. He'd go on long walks with his mother, while she told him about old fashioned healing herbs, or the latest in cutting edge medtech that she'd read about in the most recent journal. Similar walks with his dad led to long conversations about various peace movements throughout history, passive vs aggressive resistance, and medieval poetry - among other things. Eloi didn't mind, he has an inquisitive mind and a broad range of interests.

But his big love was, and remains, medicine. Well, that and animals. Eloi was always a sucker for bringing home strays, wounded or otherwise. Growing up he always had a pet dog, and, before settling on becoming a doctor he gave a lot of serious consideration to becoming a veterinarian. But he settled on becoming a regular, common or garden, Medical Doctor. He also drifted toward the idea of joining the GEAS, spurred on by his grandfather's stories of his own time there. Although not himself a Whitechurch by name, Eloi is very interested in carrying on that particular family legacy. And so, when he came of age, he went off to the Academy. There he undertook both fleet and medical training.

While by no means top of the class, he managed study hard enough to to successfully graduate, despite a few minor disciplinary infractions brought about by the follies of youth. And so now it comes to this, the first day of the rest of the life of Doctor Eloi F. Fell.