Eddie Bloomberg

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Full Name:
Eddie Bloomberg
Kid Devil
Heroic gadget-maker with built-in blowtorch.
Young Adult
Tinkerer/gadgeteer with a demonic appearance. Known for making his own supersuit when he was a kid and then sidekicking whether his favorite hero wanted it or not. Then he thought he turned into a demon; it turned out to be his own awesomeness instead. He's friendly, but look out for that handshake. Hot damn!


Cheerful, impish, and resourceful. He's optimistic that every problem has a solution, but lacks confidence that he could be the one to provide it. He always wanted to be a hero, but he's not sure he's entirely up to the task. Though slow to make friends, he's relentlessly loyal them and dangerous to anyone who threatens those. Excitable and intensely focused when he fixates on a puzzle that needs solving.


He insisted on being a sidekick, even though the hero he admired specifically told him not to. He built a supersuit and themed weaponry to be the Kid Devil. Years later his latent abilities were forcibly activated by magic and the suit was no longer required to perform proper heroics.