You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team? It's people they feel sorry for. |
— Himself |
Draco is an arrogant, spoiled bully who never seems to be adverse to picking a fight. He is loyal to those he considers friends, though they are usually fellow school. He looks down upon those of non-pure blood, but his penchant for bullying has diminished in the last few months.
Draco is, in general, an arrogant, spiteful bully. His narcissistic nature most likely stemmed from his being spoiled by his parents throughout his childhood. Despite this, he is loyal to those he calls friends and is quick to anger or show his emotions. Lately, there seems to be a reluctance in his bullying tactics, and some have claimed that Draco has even shown mercy.
Draco Lucius Malfoy was born in the month of June, a pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black). The son of a Death Eater, Draco was raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity. His parents spoiled him, always providing the best material possessions. He received his foundational magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he made enemies of many other students with his arrogant and elitist ways, but he also maintained excellent grades and served as a prominent member of one of the school's Quidditch teams. He was also a school prefect and, whether despite or because of his elitism, graduated with distinction. He has since begun attending the Queensmouth Academy for further magical education.
ACADEMICS: Competent - Draco is intelligent and quick-witted and has had the benefit of family tutoring. He is capable of deducing things and coming up with clever plans based on a small amount of information. His desire to prove himself to his father drives his studies.
ATHLETICS: Competent - Draco is a formidable quidditch player, making seeker in his second year. While slender of build, he is healthy and can keep up with many in his class. He is more bully than fighter and would not hold his own in physical combat.
LEADERSHIP: Competent - Draco became a school prefect in his fifth year and was often at the head of many groups of bullies. He is always more confident when surrounded by others of his house, so getting him alone is the best way to confront him.
LORE: Competent - Draco is well versed in much of wizard lore, particularly Death-Eaters, potions, and transfigurations. He also has studied more dark arts than most at the school. He has shown some skill at charms, and has just started to perform magical repairs.
CHARMS: Basic-level Magic - While talented in the charms he learns, he has not taken the initiative to go above and beyond the capabilities of most Wizards.
DARK ARTS: Basic-level Magic - Given his family, it's no surprise Draco takes to the Dark Arts. His power is minor now, but his ambition in this area will take him far.
DUELING: Enhanced-level Magic - Draco is a powerful duelist, with his skills being inherited from his parents. He learned several dueling charms an earlier years than normal and was able to defeat wizards thought to be more powerful than he.
POTIONS: Basic-level Magic - Draco is proficient in the relation of potions, often getting extra help from his professors. He routinely exceeds expectations in his exams as well.
TRANSFIGURATION: Enhanced-level Magic - Draco is an accomplished practitioner of transfigurations, conjuring a snake in his second year and successfully transfiguring another human.
EAGLE-OWL - Draco owns an Eagle Owl, or Bubo bubo. During Malfoy's first year at Hogwarts, the owl delivered daily packages of sweets from his mother.
HAWTHORN WAND - Draco's wand is 10" long, made of hawthorn wood, and has a unicorn-hair core. The wand was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander and was described by him as being "reasonably pliant."
NIMBUS 2001 - At Hogwarts, Draco's father bought the entire Quidditch team Nimbus 2001s in exchange for his son being played as seeker. Draco still has this broom, which he keeps in excellent condition, though he could easily afford a new one.
SLYTHERIN - Draco is a school prefect of the Queensmouth Academy and as such commands some amount of influence, which he almost always abuses. He can usually call upon a handful of other Slytherin to defend him or join him in his plots.
ARROGANT - Draco is arrogant and condescending to others, particularly muggles or half-bloods. Because of this, he often underestimated their powers and abilities.
DOUBT - Though still a bully, Draco is beginning to have doubts about Death-Eaters and his role in their plans. This makes him susceptible to reasoned arguments in favor of not being a complete terror.