If it don't hurt nobody, who cares? |
— Himself |
Young and carefree, a werewolf who seeks a good time. And maybe, deep down, looking for some kind of meaning in his life.
Doyle is a free-spirited guy who mostly just wants to throw caution to the wind and have fun. But there lies within a deep desire for something more meaningful, and he doesn't know how to grow into that. His morals are loose, but he's not a bad guy. He doesn't like overtly hurting people, but he often lacks the understanding of how his actions can affect others. He's also rather susceptible to direction by groupthink or strong-willed individuals contrary to his overt rebellious attitude.
Remington Doyle Sybert, born to a single woman who happened to be a werewolf. His life was rather plain for a youth who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. His mother was part of a roaming biker gang pack who moved their territory every so often. It was this lifestyle that molded Doyle into a less than savory teen. After a couple years of high school, the pack moved again and Doyle didn't go back to school. The pack started treating him as any other adult member of the pack, including letting him join in the trip sharing using their memory access ability. It was a sort of sacred rite for them. Then one of the betas challenged and stole the power of the alpha, and Doyle's mother disappeared. Doyle left the pack to find her, certain that the new alpha was responsible. He eventually found her happy with a new mate and new pack. She never explained herself and Doyle never asked, mostly because he never liked the werewolf who is now alpha. Though he was invited to join his mother's new pack, he declined as he said he needed to find a new pack of his own with attitudes more in line with his.
Howl of Dire Fate
Death, as far as Doyle is concerned, is the antithesis of fun. If Doyle absorbs the pain of someone who is, or he himself is, in grave danger of dying soon, he may instinctively let out a howl infused with dire urgency that can be heard for miles. Alphas, Guardians, Harbingers of Death, Healers, and other supernaturals with good intent may be drawn to the origin of the howl.
Doyle has often broken into places he's not supposed to. Whether it's getting past a gate into places to mess around, or getting into a building for food, or getting into secure containers for money, Doyle is fairly capable. He's very much a brute force type, though, so finessing locks and such is not really his forte.
Driving - Competent Level
Not only has Doyle been driving since he was far too young to be licensed to do so, he's also experienced in driving in nonconventional areas with conventional vehicles. He's even better with vehicles suited for the area he's driving. Being raised by bikers, he's rather adept at riding a motorcycle.
Just a Guy - Expert Level
Doyle is very adept at blending into the crowd, even if said crowd is just a handful of people. He's just a guy, doing normal people things, nothing to see here. Move on.
Doyle knows how to fight, both with fist and foot and with tooth and claw. He's also capable of wielding improvised weapons like bats, crowbars, pipes. Bowling balls.
Memory Rite - Novice Level
Doyle's grasp of the memory ritual is still underdeveloped. Trying anything more than viewing his target's memories or sharing his own is still above his experience level. Even that can still be dangerous, especially on those without enhanced durability or healing factor. He wouldn't even know where to begin with suppressing, let alone removing, memories.
Doyle was given a guitar when he was having difficulty with his wolfness, both as a bonding exercise with his mentor and as a means to learn control to sing and play. He's gotten decent enough he could probably get a gig in a local club, but not at a superstar level.
Street Smarts - Competent Level
Doyle was raised by a pack whose emphasis on learning wasn't from school. Doyle knows much more about dealing with thugs, bikers, gangers, street rats, pimps, and prostitutes than he does about the endocrine system, quadratic equations, or the finer points of American history.
Vehicle Repair - Competent Level
You dont grow up with bikers and not know how to fix motorcycles and cars. Doyle is fairly knowledgeable about these things, though when it gets into computerized stuff, he's far less adept.
Werewolf Pharmaceuticals - Expert Level
Doyle knows pretty much all the known common ways a werewolf can get drunk, high, or otherwise drugged. He knows most uncommon ways. He knows quite a few rare ways, too. He also, by proximity, knows a lot of healing remedies suited for werewolf physiology along the same levels.
Power: Dominance - Enhanced Level
Werewolves of this type can intimidate those without exceptional willpower, especially normal humans and most animals, simply by making their eyes glow and growling or snarling towards them. They naturally give off a predatory aura, though this is enhanced and punctuated by any show of dominance, typically when they are agitated or nervous.
Power: Healing - Enhanced Level
The resiliency of this type of werewolf allows them to endure non-lethal wounds from personal weaponry such as swords, shotguns, or even rifles without significant loss of ability. Minor wounds heal almost instantly, and even more severe wounds will heal within a few days at most.
Power: Memory Claws - Enhanced Level
Werewolves have the ability to perform a memory sharing ritual by sticking their claws into the back of the target's neck. They can view the target's memories, share their own memories with the target, or suppress or remove memories.
Power: Natural Weapons - Enhanced Level
In their "wolfed out" forms, werewolves of this type have sharp fangs and claws. These are able to carve through stone and steel, and their bite's pressure is able to shatter bone and tear flesh easily.
Power: Pain Transfer - Enhanced Level
Werewolves can alleviate the pain of someone else by transferring it onto themselves. This requires physical contact and significant focus, becoming more difficult depending on the severity of the pain.
Power: Physique - Enhanced Level
Werewolves of this variety are much tougher, stronger, and more agile than an average human, able even to twist and bend solid metal, smash through most structures short of armored or strongly-reinforced materials, and break through solid walls of cement or brick with moderate effort. They can resist substantial amounts of damage, especially blunt force trauma, and emerge either unscathed or with only minor injuries. Especially when "wolfed out," and specifically when running on all fours, they can easily outrun most mundane opponents. They also possesses superior agility, able to catch arrows in midair with moderate effort and, with a little luck, even dodge projectiles like bullets. This enables them to leap much higher and farther than an average human, as well as giving them the ability to bounce off walls and tumble like a skilled gymnast.
Power: Senses - Enhanced Level
The senses of this type of werewolf are enhanced far beyond the ability of any average human. They can hear things like a person's heartbeat and tell if they are nervous and possibly lying and clearly hear the murmur of a quiet conversation several rooms away. They can see over long distances and also possesses excellent night vision. Through scent, they can track a person, even if the trail is days old; they can also isolate specific individual scents in a larger group.
Power: Wolf Form - Enhanced Level
Doyle can transform into a wolf of average size. His werewolf qualities apply, he's just wolf-shaped.
Doyle has rarely actually lived in squalor (actually never really), but he's always been content with a life of low means. He has few possessions he cares about, doesn't need lavish shelter, can go quite a while having no permanent shelter at all, and doesn't tend to eat expensively. His clothing tends toward casual and inexpensive.
Doyle has traveled most of the United States and has displayed an unconcious knack for picking up dialects and internalizing the phonology and phraseology fairly quickly and can almost pass as a native speaker to native speakers in months. At this point, this includes most places in the US outside of specialized areas like Native American regions or specialized jargon like legalese or military brat.
Doyle likes to experience things. This includes things like pain that many find unpleasant. Such things are not going to be much of a deterrent if attempted to be used against him. He has his limits, he quite likes to remain intact, for example.
Living by the seat of his pants with an optimism that never seems to cease, Doyle just sort of radiates friendliness and a good time. Doyle genuinely has a hard time seeing the dark clouds hanging onto the silver lining.
Doyle has a penchant for seeing life through no matter how down on his luck he is. He always seems to make it through no matter what is thrown at him, and no matter how dour the outlook might be for others, he keeps his hope up, picks himself up by the bootstraps, and makes sure everything will actually be alright. He often even comes out of trying times better off.
Doyle finds clowns to be deeply disturbing and horrifying. No childhood trauma or anything, he's just scared of clowns. This is mostly limited to Bozo-type clowns; most hobo clowns, jesters, harlequins, Pierrot clowns, and such don't bother him as much or at all.
Doyle dropped out of school as a mid teen and so missed out on a couple years of high school. As far as he's concerned, he didn't miss anything. But he might be lacking in a few bits of formal schooling.
Doyle's wolf eyes are blue due to actions he's taken in the past when he got in over his head. Those who understand what this means may have unfavorable first impressions.
Despite being a free-spirited young man, Doyle has a tendency to go with the flow when he's with peers who treat him well. He also has a strong tendency to submit to a truly dominant personality. Both of these tendencies can, and have, led him into less than ideal situations.
Werewolves are closely tied to the phases of the moon. This affects them in various ways, such that they are at their strongest when the moon is full and their weakest during a lunar eclipse. The phase of the moon also strongly affects the werewolf's emotions, such that they can become almost overwhelming near the full moon. Werewolves often find a strong urge to shift during the full moon, as well as on the nights just before and after a full moon. Most werewolves eventually learn to control their shifts and to manage their emotions via various methods.
During a full lunar eclipse, werewolves of this type are generally powerless and essentially reduced to the status of ordinary, if healthy, humans. If the Bite cured them of any health conditions or injuries, these remain cured. Once the moon becomes visible again, their power is restored. During a partial eclipse they are somewhat weaker than normal, but they do retain their powers at a high-end Basic level.
Mountain ash, when activated, creates a barrier against most supernatural creatures. Werewolves cannot generally penetrate such a barrier, nor can they create one.
Doyle's lack of a father figure for most of his life has led him to issues with authority. He's rebellious and often strongly defiant. The fact his pack growing up was a rebel biker gang didn't help. The only authority he tends to respect is his pack hierarchy, when he has one, and even then he can be difficult.
Wolfsbane is a poisonous plant that is especially dangerous to werewolves. When introduced into a werewolf's system, it slows the natural healing process and may force uncontrollable shifting and steadily-increasing weakness that may lead to death. Various methods, both medical and ritualistic, exist to cure this poisoning, but they all require specialized knowledge, power, or ingredients.