I hate to interrupt such a tender moment...but I have a ticket to the new Star Wars movie. If we leave now, I'll just catch my showing. |
— Himself |
Young mage Dormagus stepped up to take the position of Sorceror Supreme at the behest of the Vishanti. Bringing a new and fresh perspective, Dormagus works to protect the world from mystical cosmic threats.
Through circumstances no one likes to discuss, Dormagus was born the child of a union between a very magical human and a sorceress from the Dark Dimension. Because no one likes to discuss it, Dormagus was raised quietly, instructed in the ways of magic, and ended up ascending to the position of Sorceror Supreme when the position was unexpectedly, temporarily open.
Deacon, supposedly his mentor, was assigned to attend to his needs, though he mostly just hung out. Dormagus had the idea to open a comic and collectible shop, to both reflect his interests and make it easier to engage with people he reasoned would be having problems similar to the comics, given their ties with the world. After having chosen a place he knew was specifically affected by chaotic time disruptions, it was very easy for him to get a ridiculously low rent. And since Deacon wasn't doing anything better, Dormagus appointed him to be the manager.
Though he doesn't live altogether as glamorous a life as he'd like, Dormagus reasons that he's working on it. He'll get there eventually, and when he does, he'll be better than any other sorceror who ever existed, in any of the countless universes he's seen.
Wrath of the Faltine
Due to his heritage, Dormagus is part Faltine on his mother's side, but he has a tremendously strong mystical makeup. If he should find himself in a truly hopeless situation where it seems there is no way for him to manage to survive, much less win, his parents' gifts to him will awaken.
Through this, the inherent flames of his Faltine heritage, strengthened by the mysterious and inscrutable magics of his father, may stand against whatever problem seems to be presenting itself. They will try to remove Dormagus and his allies to the safest place in their current dimension, but if the situation is dire enough, they may simply draw everyone into the Dark Dimension, which is its own problem. At the same time, the Flames will attack the most immediate threats to Dormagus and his allies. These are magical flames, able to damage spells, poisons, and other mystic and mystic-adjacent threats. They don't burn their targets physically, but they are capable of causing excruciating pain and damage.
Academics - Competent Level
Business - Competent Level
Investigation - Competent Level
With enough information for him to access, Dormagus is capable of successfully performing rituals and incantations and creating them as well. He has a large range of information on herbalism, alchemy, spellcraft, witchcraft, demonology, and many other studies within the realm of occultism, and he is rightfully confident in his abilities.
Pop Culture - Expert Level
Though it may not seem very impressive to have a high knowledge of popular culture and entertainment, it comes up far more than anyone might think. The ability to place things in a context that is otherwise absent can be of great assistance in a number of situations, mostly detail work in investigation. It also helps make Dormagus more approachable, he feels.
Strategy - Competent Level
Power: Agelessness - Basic Level
Due to his otherworldly heritage in part, Dormagus is essentially ageless and will maintain a youthful appearance indefinitely. He technically doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep to survive, but he tends to be much happier when he can do these things.
Tech: Cloak of Levitation - Enhanced Level
The Cloak of Levitation is a magical artifact worn by the Sorceror Supreme. It allows the user the ability to fly and to float, and it does this in a way much more efficient than spells for those purposes. It is capable of subsonic speeds, and can also be used as one would use a flying carpet. The Cloak can understand commands and requests, and it will attempt to obey its user, to the best of its ability. It has its own personality and will not cooperate with anyone it doesn't approve of or like, but it will tirelessly protect and support those it likes.
The Cloak is extremely durable and can be used, in a pinch, as a shield. It can also be used to ensnare opponents and alter its shape sufficiently to grab something. It may also transform into other garments, such as a scarf or a trenchcoat. Unlike some of the other artifacts, the Cloak is not indestructible, but it is extremely resistant to even cosmic damage.
Power: Cosmic Awareness - Supreme Level
Through meditation and self-discipline, Dormagus may call upon cosmic awareness and perceive on a far greater scale than most beings in the entire universe. He is able to sense anomalies in time and space, extradimensional threats that would otherwise escape notice, and even to perceive major temporal and spatial alterations beyond the capability of others to comprehend.
Magic: Dimensional Magic - Enhanced Level
Dimensional magic is where the Sorceror Supreme really excels. Dormagus is able to open portals through dimensions with relative ease, he just has to know where he wants to go. This extends beyond the average in that he is able to perceive and travel to and from alternate realities and parallel universes. Naturally, he is also able to use his dimensional knowledge to teleport from one point to another in the same dimension as well.
Used in concert with scrying and other informational pursuits, dimensional magic can also allow for gathering of data that would otherwise by prohibitively difficult, if not impossible. For example, by perceiving the alternate dimensions caused by a decision looming over him, Dormagus can see the possibilities of what is likely to happen if certain things occur.
Dimensional magic has the potential to perform almost godlike feats, but it is also the magic single most demanding in power. Excess use of it will weaken and exhaust Dormagus.
Magic: Divine Magic - Enhanced Level
By calling upon beings with whom Dormagus has some agreement or patronage, he may evoke their powers. For example, the Shield of the Seraphim, the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, and the Sacred Sash of Stanleiber. These are dependent on him maintaining a successful arrangement with these beings, and said beings or sources of power existing in a dimension accessible to him, ideally his own. They can be tremendously powerful, but it's best if Dormagus doesn't rely too heavily on them, given the seemingly fickle tendencies of many cosmic beings.
The Flames of the Faltine, it should be noted, are an ability innate in Dormagus, which he may use at will. Through this, he is able to summon magical flames which may damage magic, spells, and magic-adjacent things such as certain poisons and even illness, in very special application. No matter what, he will always have the Flames of the Faltine at his disposal.
Tech: Eye of Agamotto - Supreme Level
An artifact created by Agamotto, member of the Vishanti, the Eye is able to find and show others truth on every level. It is capable of emitting an all-revealing light, able to give its wearer mystical perceptions into the soul of others, it can play back recent events, and it even accompanies the user's astral form, though its power is somewhat diminished in that state. It can see through the illusions of shapeshifters, such as the alien Skrulls, and it may track both ethereal and corporeal beings by their energy.
It may also weaken beings of true evil, and it can place beings in a limited state of suspended animation. It can levitate about a ton of weight with minimal effort from its user. The Eye can be used for simple illumination, and it is also possible for the user to show someone else one of their own perceptions. It can be used as a channel, combining and unifying separate energies into a single mystical act and making the user's job much easier.
The Eye is indestructible, and it can be activated by will alone. It cannot, however, be used by anyone who is exceptionally evil-aligned. It simply will not work and may even relocate itself rather than even be touched or worn by them.
Power: Faltine - Basic Level
Due to being in part Faltine, Dormagus is somewhat tougher than an average human. He is also inherently slightly stronger than an average human and possesses the natural ability to fly and hover, though not at supersonic speeds. Unfortunately, when he is not in the Dark Dimension, it's much easier to use the Cloak of Levitation for this as the ability can be weakened by being in a dimension with different vibrations, especially incompatible ones.
Magic: Magic - Supreme Level
Dormagus has demonstrated his genius in magic and proven himself a veritable prodigy in sorcery. He is one of the greatest mages in the world, which is reflected in his position as Sorceror Supreme. Though he has yet to reach his full potential, he has a tremendous selection of spells at his command. These include but are not limited to telepathy, astral projection, telekinesis, eldritch beams, wards and shields, elemental control, illusions and dispelling illusion, flight, transformation and transfiguration, healing, animation, and more.
He is able to detect magic and sense many details about it, especially if it is a spell known to him. He can sense the magically-inclined, though this can be obscured, with effort. He can start attempting to formulate a counterspell almost immediately, if he knows enough about the spell he intends to counter.
As with any magic, the more Dormagus tries to do with it, the more energy it will require and the more it will take out of him. He generally can't do too many things at once or in too brief a period, or risk exhaustion and inability to do anything at all.
Tech: Orb of Agamotto - Enhanced Level
Another artifact created by Agamotto, the Orb of Agamotto is most typically used for scrying purposes, though the user must at least know a general location to look, and it helps for the user to be familiar with the person, place, or thing he intends to find. It can look into other dimensions and realities. It can point out potential dangers on a global scale, and it may also be used to help with teleportation, as well as being able to allow for travel into Agamotto's personal realm. The Orb can speak, though it tends to be perceived differently by each person hearing it.
The Orb is, like the Eye, indestructible. It is not generally usable by the evil, or by those aligned closely with evil and may relocate itself away from any such person who would try to use it.
Dormagus collects things, from mystical artifacts and magical items to comic books and pop culture collectibles. He's very choosy with the things he collects, but most all of them have some advantage in some circle of society or the universe. He has a library of grimoires and tomes, and a library of comics from the Golden Age to today.
Dormagus has many connections in the hero world, and plenty more in magical people, heroes or otherwise. He is known to a fairly broad range of people he could potentially call on for help or for a variety of purposes.
Deacon is technically Dormagus's mentor. It would be more accurate to say that Deacon knows some magic and has a great deal of knowledge...even though he rarely uses either of those things. He could be, perhaps a bit uncharitably, summed up as "your dad's stoner friend who always crashes on your couch" and, in Dormagus's case, that might be literal. He does help Dormagus pretty ably, acting as a sort of personal assistant, arranging meetings for him, and communicating on Dormagus's behalf when he cannot. He is able to use a formidable level of protection magic, and even able to manage a decently successful independent business to assist Dormagus.
Dormagus technically owns Deacon's Den, a comic and collectible shop mostly managed by his sort of mentor, Deacon. They aren't the most popular shop in the world, but they do a solid enough business. That is helped by the fact that rent is significantly lower, due to the building being susceptible to time disruptions. Dormagus's Sanctum Sanctorum of sorts is located in the back of the shop, and this is where he often meets visitors.
Dormagus has a comfortable amount of wealth that is mostly secured in case of need, with very little used regularly. His mysterious parents were the ones who set this up, in order to ensure his safety and well being.
As Sorceror Supreme, Dormagus has a tremendous amount of celebrity with some groups of people. His title not only signifies his approval by the Vishanti, lending him even more significance, but also reflects his excellence in learning the ways of magic. If he happens to be dealing with anyone aware of the title, employing it can simplify matters and often grease the wheels, so to speak.
If Dormagus is bound, especially limiting the movement of his hands, and especially if he is also gagged at the same time, this can prevent him from actively using magic. Only spells and enchantments active on him when he is bound can persist, many of which tend to be fairly temporary and often specially for battle. If he should manage even so much as a gesture or a sound, however, he may be able to escape, so any foe hoping to stand up to the Sorceror Supreme should be aware of that limitation.
Dormagus isn't physically like humans, in a number of small but rather noticeable ways. His ears come to a soft point, for one. He barely ages. His hair is mostly black, but with white forelocks that seem to have a mind of their own. He can cover many of these features, and he does in his costume. However, it makes him a very distinctive person, perhaps even more so out of his costume than in it.
The title of Sorceror Supreme is one that comes with certain restrictions and responsibilities. This archmagus cannot, above all, align himself with evil. Fortunately, that is a much more complex question on a cosmic scale, with a significant amount of wiggle room. However, should any Sorceror Supreme be so careless as to severely alter his alignment, he may find himself without the command of a number of useful artifacts and without the support and protection of various beings.
As not only Sorceror Supreme but also a prominent and able magus -- it's even in his name! -- Dormagus frequently finds himself having to step up and fight evil on every level. He must be aware of as much as possible and deal with it as promptly as possible. Especially with being such a metaphysical celebrity, he is aware that his high visibility and prominence tend to make things more difficult sometimes, as much as they can simplify things occasionally as well.