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Full Name:
Doc Magus
Sorceror Supreme
"The Man Who Sold The World" - Lulu
Quote-open.png I hate to interrupt such a tender moment...but I have a ticket to the new Star Wars movie. If we leave now, I'll just catch my showing. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Young mage Dormagus stepped up to take the position of Sorceror Supreme at the behest of the Vishanti. Bringing a new and fresh perspective, Dormagus works to protect the world from mystical cosmic threats.


Through circumstances no one likes to discuss, Dormagus was born the child of a union between a very magical human and a sorceress from the Dark Dimension. Because no one likes to discuss it, Dormagus was raised quietly, instructed in the ways of magic, and ended up ascending to the position of Sorceror Supreme when the position was unexpectedly, temporarily open.

Deacon, supposedly his mentor, was assigned to attend to his needs, though he mostly just hung out. Dormagus had the idea to open a comic and collectible shop, to both reflect his interests and make it easier to engage with people he reasoned would be having problems similar to the comics, given their ties with the world. After having chosen a place he knew was specifically affected by chaotic time disruptions, it was very easy for him to get a ridiculously low rent. And since Deacon wasn't doing anything better, Dormagus appointed him to be the manager.

Though he doesn't live altogether as glamorous a life as he'd like, Dormagus reasons that he's working on it. He'll get there eventually, and when he does, he'll be better than any other sorceror who ever existed, in any of the countless universes he's seen.