Donovon Sanders

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Full Name:
Donovon Sanders
College art student
Young Adult
A farmboy turned college art student with the ability to animate the artwork he draws.


Donovon Sanders was brought up to be polite to others, always introducing himself when he meets someone new. He is soft spoken, but good natured, usually having a good word for everyone. He believes in hard work and helping others. Sketch is more confident and his abilities allows him to be self sufficient. He can become shy, especially around someone he likes.


Donovon grew up living and working on his family's farm. With his older brother, he was home schooled until his brother went into the marines, and his family lost their farm due to bad investments. He was always a comic book fan and would often draw his own comics. Since then, he has come to the city to make his way at the university in art school.

Donovon started attending art school last semester after taking out a few loans. His raw skills were astonishing, but he needed some refinement and direction, so often took extra assignments to expand his knowledge. One evening doing an assignment about urban graffiti styles, he was jumped and attacked by a street gang. During the fight, he was beaten near unconsciousness, which awakened his mutant powers. Before passing out, he sought to protect his sketchbook, but his bloody hand touched the drawing he was doing of a shadow creature from a German legend. When it did, the creature came to life, running off his attackers and leaving him to be found by a delivery driver. Though his memory of the night is hazy, he soon found himself animating the very drawings that filled his sketchbook.