Dexios of Nea Argos

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Full Name:
Dexios of Nea Argos
Dex, Splicer, Genie
GEAS Science Commander.png
OC (None)
Quote-open.png Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Dexios was created as a prototype designer baby with enhanced abilities on the research colony of Nea Argos before authorities shut down the program due to ethical concerns. Unaware of his parentage, he simply goes by his given name, doing his best to obscure his contentious heritage (and tumultuous youth) by ultimately becoming an intelligence officer for GEAS, and later, a science officer. But does anyone ever really escape a life of espionage? Or a haunting past?


In an official capacity, Dexios can seem cold and married to protocol; he does his best to play by the rules, is cool under fire, and does not rock the boat. Some might wonder how such a person could attain his rank, given the risks and ambition required of such a thing; the irony of that sentiment is profound. Dexios intentionally buries a furious ambition and strength of power underneath a heavy layer of ethics, duty, and genuine scientific curiosity. Perfection and potential are meaningless words to a man of his history; he is forced to work towards a greater purpose--the mission of exploration, maintaining a sense of wonder, and fostering a kind heart. In this way, he is a warm, playful, and caring individual, dedicated to knowledge and service. Knowing this man over the rigid officer always boils down to a matter of trust.



When Dexios first opened his eyes, he was in a maturation tank. That's the problem with having perfect recall--every memory is always available, even the early ones. Project "Dexios" had everything to do with the meaning of that name: Create a new human from the very molecules up who could recieve all of the troubles of mankind and transcend them, teach the future, endure its pain, and be the right hand of a new dawn for all of humanity. Dexios was a proof-of-concept designer baby with genetics tooled to perfection and near unlimited potential, and that's precisely why the project was shut down. Humans have a habit of allowing their ambition to be limited only by their talents, and when talents become unlimited, so too do the temptations of power. When the Science Directorate of Nea Argos discovered that the subject had been bred with the ambition necessary to change the future, terrified, they quickly stripped it of funding and saw to its demise.


Unsure of what to do with the subject himself, the Science Directorate of Nea Argos kept Dexios under observation for much of his early childhood, all the while destroying the project's research and any remaining embryos. Heated discussion went on for years as to Dexios' ultimate fate. Ethics demanded that euthanasia was out of the question, but ethics had already been superceded by the very existence of the project. Already coming into his intelligence and physical prowess, Dexios quickly began to understand how dire his situation had become, and so chose to escape rather than be killed or locked away. To the scientists, their worse fear had been realized, and they contacted as many authorities as they could, including GEAS. Even young, Dexios had the intelligence to be devious.


On the run, Dexios quickly had to learn to adapt, assuming names and personalities to fit the various environments of first Nea Argos, and later offworld, once he was able to find transporation. He become something of a shapeshifter, taking on increasingly more dangerous and risky jobs as he aged, acting as mercenary, criminal, tech, even sex worker--whatever was required of him to avoid capture and what he believed would eventually be his death. But this life on the edge was no real life; he felt the constant call and desire to do more, even though he didn't quite know what that meant. This search for purpose eventually lead him back to Nea Argos in search of answers. Was he created to lead? To be that thing the scientists feared?


There, he sliced, hacked, bribed, and searched until he found what little information remained on Project Dexios, and its original, optimistic intent: To uplift and empower an entire species. The idea that he had been created for good, generous, and compassionate reasons had never occured to him through the barrage of years of on the run--all of that hard living and tough choices. The simple revelation that he had been inteded as a paragon changed everything. Something in him craved the power he was growing into, but still more of him wanted him to be what his "parents"--for lack of a better word--had intended. Now in his late teens, Dexios left Nea Argos a second time and turned himself into GEAS.


His self-surrender came with stipulations, however. GEAS knew what he was, and required him to submit to the installation of a cybernetic limiter if Dexios didn't want to be extradited somewhere to be inacerated under maximim penalty. They discussed, negotiated, and eventually, Dexios agreed to their terms in exchange for shelter and access to the GEAS academy. The limiter itself was designed by some of GEAS' top scientists with Dexios' aid; he wanted something that couldn't be so easily undone by himself so everyone could be assured that he would no longer pose a flight risk. Even at such a young age, his intelligence continued to impress. Everyone was ultimately satisfied the limiter would work, and could be compartmentally shut down as needed to allow Dexios specific abilities as GEAS required.


The next several years were spent in the academy, focusing on science and engineering. They were not easy years; GEAS did their best to hide Dexios' past, but his own earlier actions while he was on the run lead to rumors. While no one could say for sure that Dexios himself was the genetic runaway, that didn't really matter; he was ostracized anyways. Still, he graduated with the highest honors, but instead of being assigned to a science ship, was immediately taken in by GEAS intelligence who, perhaps rightly so, wanted the specter of Dexios' history to diminish more before giving him a commission, and more self-servingly, wanted him for their own uses. And he was put to task, retreading many of the same criminal paths he had taken in his use (though this time to the benfit of GEAS and whatever government they were partnering with). And he was good. Really good. He infiltrated several criminal organizations, cults of extreme philosophies, and political splinter groups, and likely would have done even more, if not for that one particular event that everyone remembers.


Planet X. Dexios had been assigned to infiltrate Empire Galactic to look into rumors of dire tidings and ill portents, and what he discovered was an absolute trauma. For a man who can remember everything, that is the one piece of his memory he can not access. Something happened on Planet X, and all Dexios can remember are the horrors that followed. He could neither report back quickly enough nor stop what was to occur, and that powerlessness was a reminder of his willing limitations. If he could not be trusted to use his full abilities to help prevent something that terrible, or at least mitigate the aftershocks, what was really the point? He was not so disheartened that he wanted to leave GEAS completely, but after that, it was absoltuely time to move on to something else. GEAS intelligence was not pleased.


That was over a decade ago. Once the ripples of that event had settled, Dexios called in enough favors to transfer to what had been his original intent all along--the Science Directorate, and eventually after quite a bit of convincing, recieved his starship officer commission, and worked his way up to Commander. He never did entirely leave the intelligence community, however, taking the occasional assignment for the good of the Alliance, but for all intents and purposes, he had moved on. Now he has a new assignment, and looking very young for a Commander thanks to his slow aging, an entirely new set of difficulties to navigate.