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Full Name:
Reformed Troublemaker
Young Adult
A troublemaker in the idyllic Kryptonian society, Dev-Em was one of the few who heeded the words of the scientist Jor-El, and placed himself in suspended animation just before the destruction of Krypton. The explosion threw his craft away from the planet and towards Earth. Upon landing on Earth, he immediately started his troublemaking ways again, targeting Superman this time. While for a time he earned the nickname "Brat of Steel," he has grown up a lot since then and become a much more mature, responsible member of society and a worthy son of Krypton.


Dev-Em is something of a reformed troublemaker. As a teenager, he was a rowdy brat, which is bad enough for a human kid, but for a Kryptonian teenager it was even worse. Fortunately for the world, upon coming to Earth he ran up against Superman, who saw him for what he was: a young man in need of guidance. After a few years of love and discipline, Dev found himself learning new ways to handle things. Now, he rather looks up to Superman, and while Dev might still have some mischievous and cheeky tendencies, it's more of a demeanor. Beneath the façade, he's really quite mature and responsible.

Once cocky and arrogant, he is still confident, but now in a more balanced way. Where he was once intoxicated by his "superiority" to all Earthlings, he now feels a great sense of responsibility to use his gifts wisely. He's not wholly selfless or afraid to enjoy his powers by any means, but he puts the greater good and the well-being of others before his own desires. Acts of kindness from others have taught him to do the same in turn, though he still often enjoys testing others' limits, now in a way that's playful and good-natured rather than antagonistic or aggressive.

Where once Dev was a delinquent, practically a criminal in the making, he has matured a great deal and become a much more balanced, compassionate, and yet still fun-loving and high-spirited adult.



Dev-Em has never been a particularly harmonious sort. In the idyllic and peaceful society of Krypton (before the explosion), Dev-Em grew up as something of a troublemaker -- the Dennis the Menace of Krypton, basically. He pulled pranks for the sake of pranks, harassing his neighbors for seemingly no reason. However, despite this, he was one of the only others who believed Jor-El's words of a coming planetary catastrophe.

Being a particularly technically-minded Kryptonian, Dev-Em built a cryostasis unit for himself. He wanted to build them for his parents Ron-Em and Leeta, but they thought it was all hogwash and refused. With little time to spare, Dev-Em got into his cryostasis unit and activated it, then launched it into space. He intended to wait in orbit for the catastrophe to pass, and then help pick up the pieces.

Unfortunately, the catastrophe was even more serious than he had anticipated. The explosion of the planet flung the craft into deep space, and because it wasn't near a planet capable of sustaining life, the unit continued to hold Dev-Em in cryostasis. It wasn't until the craft crashed on Earth that it released him.


It didn't take him long to discover that Kal-El, the son of Jor-El, was a major celebrity here. And of course he started to harass Superman, mainly because despite Dev having been older, the Kal-El HERE was a full-grown adult, while Dev-Em was still a teenager. This was of course due to the cryostasis unit keeping him in... well, stasis until he reached Earth.

Eventually, though, the constant thwarting by Superman -- with a healthy dose of humiliation, because what teen likes to be suspended in the air and spanked in front of a crowd? -- wore him down, and he stopped the very public and harmful pranks. This left him kind of retreating from the public eye quite a bit.

Over the ensuing years, Dev-Em became a part of Team Superman and even an adopted member of Superman's own family. For a while, he was regarded by the public as the bratty "little brother" of the Superfamily, but he's finally started to outlive that reputation... even if some of his exploits may long live in infamy. Rumor has it that his permanent record is used as a way to test the mettle of potential teachers at Sky High, even though he graduated a couple of years ago. But now he's really come into his own, a more mature and responsible hero than anyone would have once thought possible.