Darrow Heart

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Full Name:
Darrow Heart
Sheltered Superhuman
OC (None)
Darrow was sheltered for a long time, protected because of his metahuman nature. But now he's finally getting out into the world for the first time. He's a recent arrival at Sky High and thus far has been quiet, keeping mostly to himself as he observes those around him. He has a love of music, books, and film.


Darrow is a gentle soft-hearted soul with a love of life, music, and art. He's lived a very sheltered life and so has a certain degree of inexperience and lack of understanding of pop culture, streetwise experience, or normal socialization, though he is starting to catch on.


Darrow's mother gave him up when he was very young. She left him with her mother and took off, never to be heard from again. His grandmother doesn't talk about her much, and Darrow only knows what he can piece together from the things of hers he found in the house. His mother had considered him a freak. He was born with strange lumps on his back which were a source of ridicule as a child, though as he grew they eventually sprouted into beautiful white feathered wings, granting him the gift of flight.

Darrow had always had an affinity for living things. He loved animals and had a small garden out behind his grandmother's house that he tended. Living things seemed to flourish around him, but it wasn't something that he controlled or really even realized. His healing abilities were something he discovered at a fairly young age.

His grandmother, fearing for his safety out in the world, kept him homeschooled and protected, not letting him have many experiences that were unsupervised. But his grandmother fell ill and while she still lives in the house that he grew up in, she now needs constant care, and Darrow has found himself sent off to Sky High, a place where he can learn about his abilities and actually go to school with others who are more like himself.