As of now I'm a vegetarian. And this is Bat-Cow. |
— Himself |
Son of the Bat and the Demon, from a nearby universe known colloquially as Effusia, or technically Earth-69.
Created through remarkable tech and the bio-material of Bruce Wayne, Damian was grown in an artificial womb and prepared to be the greatest secret weapon that Ra's al Ghul would ever have. However, when he came up against Batman, it quickly became clear that the two were related. Damian was persuaded to give Bruce a chance, and the rest is history.
Damian is from the Earth known as Effusia, also labeled as Earth-69 for administrative purposes. As one of the worlds closely connected with Superia, it has been relatively easy for Damian to adjust to everyday life residing there. Since there are multiple known Robins on both worlds, he has been known to refer to himself as "the Damian", though this is usually intended to be at least partially humorous.
Acrobatics - Competent Level
Damian is capable of creating art, but that is more of a hobby. He does, however, have a great appreciation for art in all its forms and knows how to appreciate it.
Damian was crafted all his existence to be a weapon, and he received the finest training from the earliest possible age. Though he enjoys hand-to-hand combat most of all due to its challenge inherent, he is expertly trained with most weapons. If he isn't specifically trained in a weapon, he probably has enough training with a comparable one to figure it out remarkably well. Thanks to his keen senses added to his training, he's a remarkable crack shot.
Damian is not only especially perceptive, he notices things and can distinguish what's important from what's not relevant. He can bring various separate clues together illustratively and understand the greater picture that would elude the less attentive. Add to this that he's also profoundly disciplined, making it easier for him to focus on making logical steps and harder for him to be thrown off the trail.
Disguise - Competent Level
Exceptional at mimicry and disguise, Damian has been able to fool even computers with his voice and elude Batman with his skill at disguise.
Escapology - Competent Level
Manipulation - Novice Level
Stealth - Competent Level
Technician - Competent Level
Tech: Arsenal - Enhanced Level
Damian usually carries a number of items to use in combat, strategically. These include batarangs (and the occasional birdarang), explosive pellets that may emit gas or smoke, caltrops, bolas, a slingshot, and often sprays of various purposes.
Damian also owns a few swords, one of which he regards as his personal blade. It is finely-crafted and of the highest quality, but it is generally not something approved for crimefighting.
Tech: Costume - Enhanced Level
Naturally, the costumes Damian wears incorporate body armor into their designs, despite being very sleek. They're resistant to some damage, but not major damage. His boots have various elements incorporated like armor, especially to protect toe and heel. Naturally, the costume gives him some resistance to extreme environments.
The mask helps to protect his identity and incorporates cutting-edge computer integration which allows him to access databases, monitor communications frequencies, and even control his vehicles remotely, for example, as well as a number of other helpful functions. These include but are not limited to: nightvision, infrared, flash protection, HUD, microphone, and voice control interface.
Last but not least, his cape can be converted into a glider, allowing him to glide. The tips are weighted, so they can also be used in a fight regardless of the cape's shape and function at the time.
Power: Enhanced - Basic Level
Designed down to the genetic level to be better than other humans, Damian possesses enhancements to his senses and his system in general. All of his senses are keener than a human's generally tends to be, closer to the superlative hunters of the animal kingdom. He can, for example, discern a heartbeat in a darkened room and notice distinct facial features from a distance at night.
Damian is also slightly tougher than most humans and can withstand more serious physical attacks. He also can go a bit longer and fight harder than most, as his system is efficient enough not to accumulate as much muscle exhaustion. He can go longer without dehydrating or starving, and he doesn't require as much sleep as most, but he's happier when he doesn't have to deny himself. His healing is slightly better than a regular human's, and injuries don't tend to be as serious for him. He's rarely sick and poisons aren't as effective on him.
Damian's reflexes are better than peak human ability, allowing him to react much more quickly than most. While he may not be able to dodge bullets yet, he can catch arrows and grab knives, kunai, shuriken, and so forth from the air harmlessly.
Power: Genius - Basic Level
Damian is a certified genius, a world-class intellect, able to absorb information remarkably fast and able to make connections and conclusions more quickly than most people. His education was exceptional, if questionable at times, and Damian finds it easy to learn.
He also possesses exceptional recall, at times photographic and an often eidetic memory.
Tech: Utility Belt - Basic Level
Damian always wears a utility belt of some stripe. They tend to come standard with at least, but not limited to, the following: microcamera, laboratory equipment, jumplines and grapnel, gas mask, tracking devices, laser cutter, flares, mini-flashlight, handcuffs, and a miniature computer with connected secure interface. He also tends to carry a universal tool with various capabilities, or a miniature toolkit containing a variety of tools. These can help with everything from picking a lock to taking a door apart to hacking into a system.
Damian has many contacts in the world. The Bat Family and Damian's carefully-chosen closest friends obviously understand him the best of all, and they're the most reliable in case of need. The Legion of Super-Pets also can be counted on, especially Ace and, naturally, the indomitable Bat-Cow.
Damian has a number of secret headquarters and boltholes throughout Gotham, including some that he has outfitted more comprehensively than others. Most of them include borrowed Bat-Tech, though all of it has been secured by Damian so as not to compromise his secrecy.
Damian is trained in a number of languages, and he speaks several fluently. He can manage in multiple languages, and he also has the experience and intelligence to adapt and learn new ways of communication rather quickly, though certainly not instantaneously or within seconds.
Not only is Damian the potential heir to two massive fortunes, he also has access to a remarkable degree of wealth and various resources.
Damian has, at his disposal, not only the cutting edge tech of the Bat Family, but also access to technology used by the Justice League and the Avengers, as well as the Titans. It is naturally easiest for him to put hands on Bat-Tech, but if needed, especially in case of emergency, he generally has multiple options.
Damian is not particularly a social person. He can make appearances and he can act well enough to make a role work, but he doesn't prefer it. He also is known for being a bit indelicate, though he would argue that niceties are not a priority when the safety of living things is at stake.
Damian has a tendency to go out of his way to put the unworthy in their place, especially if he has a particular dislike of them. Ninja are especially high on his list; he cannot stand them.
Both as Damian and in costume, Damian has powerful enemies and shares several with his father and the rest of the Bat Family. It's complicated, just like everything else, but in every aspect of his life, Damian has powerful foes ready to strike at any moment.
Sometimes, Damian can be overconfident and get himself into trouble. He is justifiably confident in what he can do, but the problem comes when he overesteems his ability or commits to something out of a desire to defend another.
"It's complicated" doesn't even begin to describe the mess that is Damian's lineage. Dealing with the drama of either family is work, but dealing with both of them is an ordeal.