Truly, grandfather? Ninja? I am insulted. |
— Himself |
Son of Batman, grandson of Ra's al Ghul, and a trained assassin: he's left the League of Assassins behind and come to Gotham to learn from his father and become the kind of crime-fighter Gotham needs, rather than a killer or mere vigilante.
Teaming up with the other Robins, the rest of the Bat-family, and the Batman himself, he's determined that the night will learn to fear Robin.
The others are just determined to make him behave himself.
Caught between two worlds, Damian is the ultimate poster child of nature versus nurture. Brought up to be a professional murderer, an assassin, he is also the son of a man with perhaps the greatest instinct for righteousness ever known. As a result of his training, Damian is arrogant, brash, certain of his abilities and almost disdainful of everyone else around him that he perceives as a 'lesser', which is practically everyone. It takes a long time to gain his respect, but once earned his demeanor changes. There are, according to him, only two kinds of people on this world; the inferior and the equal. He is a young man struggling to leave a violent past behind him, learning slowly again what it's like to be human, and to be young. While he does have a vulnerable side, like everyone his age, that part of him has been clad with the armor of arrogance. He is a firm believer that respect must be earned, and strives daily to be worthy of his position of privilege.
The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Bruce's nemesis Ra's al Ghul, Damian nearly didn't survive conception. He was placed in an artificial womb, and genetically engineered to more closely resemble the physical ideal sought for by the League of Assassins. One day he was to take over the League from his grandfather, and thus one day he had to be the ultimate assassin. For reasons that were entirely her own, Talia kept Damian's existence from Bruce, and neither father nor son were aware of each other.
The League
For years Talia and Ra's trained Damian, known to the rest of the League as Ibn al Ghul (The Son of al Ghul), to be the perfect assassin. To say that they demanded the best of him would be understatement, and although their methods were often harsh, they were undoubtedly effective. In demanding more from Damian than any other member of the League, they helped him to excel, to realize his own potential which might otherwise have lain dormant. Above all, however, his mother and grandfather fostered the greatest gift of all in the young assassin: confidence. Throughout it all, however, Damian remained curious about his father, and his mother was always quite happy to share stories... and Damian resolved he would meet this man. Finally, after beating Talia in a duel on his birthday, Damian was taken to Gotham to be introduced to his father, to meet the man and myth.
A Boy Wonder
It was, in hindsight, probably inevitable that Damian would end up staying in Gotham. He and his father were too much alike for anything else to happen between them. It meant turning his back on another part of his life, but when given a choice between returning with his mother to the League or staying with his father, the boy chose to remain, and to get to know the man behind the mystery. Now he haunts Gotham as Batman's partner, learning how to moderate his violent tendencies, clawing back his humanity one day at a time. He knows that one day he may have to choose permanently between his Father and Mother, knows that his Grandfather has great hopes for him, but until that day comes he will play the long lost son in the public eye, taking on his role as the new darling of Gotham by day, and terror of the night in darkness.
Acrobatics - Competent Level
While not a member of a circus family, unlike some Robins before him, Damian's training with the League of Assassins more than makes up for that deficiency. He is very nimble and could, should he so wish, easily run off to join a circus as an acrobat. This leaves him just as skilled as the other Robins (though he will of course always claim to be better than them).
Athletics - Competent Level
You do not survive long as an assassin without being in good shape, and being the heir to an entire League requires physical excellence above and beyond even that. Suffice to say that despite his age, Damian is no slouch.
Business Management - Competent Level
Not a skill often associated with Batman's sidekick, Damian was raised to be more than an assassin or vigilante. His mother Talia always intended him to take over Wayne Enterprises, and so he is quite capable of understanding the complexities of running a large corporation. If nothing else, forensic accounting comes in handy during investigations.
Damian was born to be a weapon. He is lethal in a confrontation, boasts of knowing even more combat techniques than his own father and in the League it is rumoured that in a sword duel between Damian and Ra's the outcome would be too close to call. He was taught how to handle a bow by a world-class expert and is comfortable with the weapon at any range. While he is more than proficient in the use of firearms, he disdains the weapons as crude and unnecessarily loud, preferring instead the bow, shuriken or other thrown weapons (such as Batarangs) for take-downs at range.
Detective - Competent Level
As the son of the greatest detective alive, Damian has inherited many of his instincts and these have been honed by his training as an assassin. There is a great overlap in tracking someone to kill them, and finding someone to bring them to justice, both requiring the gathering and analysis of data and surroundings, and he is learning quickly how to transition from professional killer to bringer of justice.
He learned to drive when he was 5 years old, and has had reason and opportunity to practice regularly ever since. Most vehicles will have to be adapted for his use, however, since his short stature leaves him incapable of seeing out of the windscreen and reach the pedals at the same time.
Escapology - Competent Level
His training in escaping bonds and locked rooms was quite unnecessarily harsh; if he didn't manage to escape, he did not eat. So in order not to starve, he got quite good at getting away and is confident of escaping all but the most elaborate restraints in a matter of minutes.
Infiltration - Competent Level
Assassins go where they are not wanted, much like thieves but with greater focus of intent. If there is a way in, Damian will find it, and he remains one of the few people to have successfully entered the Batcave without anyone noticing.
Intelligence - Competent Level
Quite literally cut from the same cloth as his father, Damian's mind has been honed by years of exercise and training. Having an eidetic memory that can remember the most minute details, his intelligence and capacity for learning can be quite terrifying.
Mimicry - Competent Level
Damian has a rare skill in imitating voices and voice patterns, enough even to fool the security measures on the Batcave. He is equally adept at disguising himself and playing the part of a complete stranger. Certainly comes in handy when attending all those social events his name requires him to appear at.
Reflexes - Competent Level
Although mostly human, Damian was genetically altered by the League of Assassins to be the perfect assassin, a worthy heir to Ra's al Ghul. Quite apart from all the ideology this saddles him with, his reaction time is several fractions beyond that of peak human range. While not fast enough to dodge bullets, he is capable of catching arrows and finds snatching thrown knives or shuriken out of the air a trivial task. Catching a fly with chopsticks? Child's play.
Savoir Faire - Novice Level
There is more to dealing with the elite than simply being well educated or cultured, although both those things obviously help. Damian is learning how to charm and dazzle, delight and amuse... in short, learning how to employ his charisma as precisely as any other weapon. Learning fast, he is still nowhere near as suave as his father.
Stealth - Competent Level
Remaining hidden until the last possible moment is an essential skill for an assassin, and one that Damian was trained in quite ruthlessly. As a result, he is possibly the stealthiest of all Robins, easily slipping into the shadows and moving around unseen and unheard.
Technician - Competent Level
While not as technically gifted as, say, Tony Stark, Damian nevertheless understands mechanics and engineering enough to tinker with, adapt and repair most things he comes into contact with. He has even been known to defuse bombs, although he's far more likely to make them instead.
Tech: Cape Glider - Basic Level
The suit's cape is made of a special "memory" fabric, hardening into its winged "glider" shape with the touch of a control, and the tips are weighted with lead for use in combat.
Tech: Costume - Enhanced Level
Borrowing heavily from previous Robin costumes, Damian's version is as well-appointed as all the others. The red "tunic" in fact conceals supple body armor, and the distinct green boots, trunks, and gloves are designed for maximum freedom of movement, as well as for moving silently. In addition to the obligatory cape and utility belt, both essentially identical to other Robins, his identity is protected by the green domino mask (incorporating high tech lenses and a compact communications suite).
Tech: Heavy Arsenal - Enhanced Level
Robin's heavy arsenal includes: Batarangs (Electro-shock x5, explosive x5), Batclaw (Grapnel gun used as weapon), and Aerosol sprays (IR paint markers, foaming demolition gel, sealant gel, Ver-Sed knockout/amnesiac). He also has a very finely crafted sword, but Batman tends to frown on Robin carrying that weapon.
Tech: Light Arsenal - Basic Level
Robin's basic arsenal includes: Batarangs (Blunt impact x15, Razor edge x15, Shuriken x20, Remote-control x5), Mini-bolas (x5), Caltrops, Pellets (explosive, freezing, smoke, tear gas, knockout gas, regurgitant), Slingshot (fires pellets at range).
Power: Senses - Basic+ Level
Although mostly human, Damian was genetically engineered by the League of Assassins. As a result, he has visual and auditory senses that are beyond the human scope of possibility, although nowhere near as acute as those of more powerful metahumans like Superman, more closely resembling those of a natural predator. His eyes can discern facial details from a roof top and pick up incredible detail at a range even the must visually acute of humans would struggle to perceive. Meanwhile his ears are very sensitive, able to pick up a heartbeat in a darkened room, and Damian remains the only Robin to have been allowed to wear a cowl while on patrol.
Damian also has access to the sensory enhancement features of his costume. Robin's mask connects to miniature communications system, linking him to his vehicles, the Batcave, and several other individual communication frequencies (police scanners, radio, etc.); it houses a directional microphone with high-gain antenna (100m range) and micro-speakers tucked just behind his ears. The mask also features Starlight night-vision lenses, a field of view display protector in case of sudden flashes, computer HUD and voice control, and infrared lenses.
Tech: Utility Belt - Basic Level
Robin's utility belt contains: Digital microcamera w/500m zoom, First aid kit, Handcuffs, Laser torch, Mini-computer w/holo-display, Rebreather/gas-mask, Grapnel Gun/jumplines (200m range), Mini crime lab.
Tracers: These are small adhesive discs which operate on a GPS tracking frequency monitored by the Batcomputer. They can be monitored within inches of accuracy unless disabled or shielded from the GPS network.
Universal Tool: Concealed within a compact hammer, this tool kit contains wire cutters/strippers; a diamond-tipped drill; electronic lockpicks and computer port adapters; and screwdrivers, wrench tips, and similar small tools.
As the confirmed Son of Batman, Damian can call on Bruce's allies and friends. No matter what might wait for him in the darkness, he'll never have to face it alone.
Damian maintains several hideouts throughout Gotham and Metropolis, mostly garages with equipment, but most notably an old warehouse that he has transformed into a back-up Bat cave. It even holds a batmobile that he once 'borrowed' and never got around to returning, modified heavily to enable him to drive it.
A gift from Bruce, Titus is a Great Dane that is highly intelligent and fiercely loyal to Damian. Around Titus, Damian starts to act his age more and more often, and the dog is helping the boy regain his humanity and leave his violent past behind him.
As the legal heir to Bruce Wayne, Damian will one day be fabulously wealthy. Until then, he has a trust fund that is managed in his name, and an allowance that he mostly does not touch. Living in a mansion with a butler, he doesn't have to worry about either food, shelter or even laundry. Anything he could conceivably want he can have, and as a result there really isn't much of anything that he wants at all.
Damian doesn't simply believe he is better than most, he knows it for an absolute fact. This often leads to friction between him and his allies, and quite frequently he will fail to take an opponent seriously. He reserves a particular loathing for Ninja, who he holds to be the "clowns of the assassins."
When you're the son of Bruce Wayne and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, you can be sure that the Christmas card arrangements get a bit tricky. Although fiercely loyal to his father and the Bat family, his mother and grandfather hold enough influence over him still to muddy the waters in direct confrontations.
Publicly known as the son of Bruce Wayne, Damian finds himself in the spotlight more often than he'd care for. This makes his secret identity as Robin quite dangerous to both himself as Bruce... were he ever to be revealed, the secret of the Batman would quickly follow. Likewise, as Damian Wayne he cannot reveal any of his more lethal skills, and is quite often required to appear at social events or deal with reporters doing an article on Gotham's newest darling.
Raised to be an assassin, Damian has had fear all but beaten out of him. While this means he tends not to hesitate and is willing to take risks that many others would never attempt, it also means that he often charges into a situation without any belief that he might fail. He tends to be very stubborn and does not always take direction or guidance well.
Although many would envy Damian's life, with the name and the mansion comes a succession of enemies that he has inherited from his father. Enemies of the Bat will happily target Robin, and enemies of Bruce Wayne may very well choose to target Damian instead, seeing him as the weak link in Bruce's life. The irony is that, despite his abilities, they're not very much mistaken in that assumption.
Before coming to Gotham, Damian made quite a few enemies as a member of the League of Assassins. Now, having left the league, those enemies remain, and the League itself is none too happy with his decision. His past hangs over him like the Sword of Damocles.