Damian Wayne

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Several characters have been known to use the codename "Robin." You can check the Robin disambiguation page for more information.


Full Name:
Damian Wayne
Son of Batman
Quote-open.png Truly, grandfather? Ninja? I am insulted. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Son of Batman, grandson of Ra's al Ghul, and a trained assassin: he's left the League of Assassins behind and come to Gotham to learn from his father and become the kind of crime-fighter Gotham needs, rather than a killer or mere vigilante.

Teaming up with the other Robins, the rest of the Bat-family, and the Batman himself, he's determined that the night will learn to fear Robin.

The others are just determined to make him behave himself.


Caught between two worlds, Damian is the ultimate poster child of nature versus nurture. Brought up to be a professional murderer, an assassin, he is also the son of a man with perhaps the greatest instinct for righteousness ever known. As a result of his training, Damian is arrogant, brash, certain of his abilities and almost disdainful of everyone else around him that he perceives as a 'lesser', which is practically everyone. It takes a long time to gain his respect, but once earned his demeanor changes. There are, according to him, only two kinds of people on this world; the inferior and the equal. He is a young man struggling to leave a violent past behind him, learning slowly again what it's like to be human, and to be young. While he does have a vulnerable side, like everyone his age, that part of him has been clad with the armor of arrogance. He is a firm believer that respect must be earned, and strives daily to be worthy of his position of privilege.



The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, the daughter of Bruce's nemesis Ra's al Ghul, Damian nearly didn't survive conception. He was placed in an artificial womb, and genetically engineered to more closely resemble the physical ideal sought for by the League of Assassins. One day he was to take over the League from his grandfather, and thus one day he had to be the ultimate assassin. For reasons that were entirely her own, Talia kept Damian's existence from Bruce, and neither father nor son were aware of each other.

The League

For years Talia and Ra's trained Damian, known to the rest of the League as Ibn al Ghul (The Son of al Ghul), to be the perfect assassin. To say that they demanded the best of him would be understatement, and although their methods were often harsh, they were undoubtedly effective. In demanding more from Damian than any other member of the League, they helped him to excel, to realize his own potential which might otherwise have lain dormant. Above all, however, his mother and grandfather fostered the greatest gift of all in the young assassin: confidence. Throughout it all, however, Damian remained curious about his father, and his mother was always quite happy to share stories... and Damian resolved he would meet this man. Finally, after beating Talia in a duel on his birthday, Damian was taken to Gotham to be introduced to his father, to meet the man and myth.

A Boy Wonder

It was, in hindsight, probably inevitable that Damian would end up staying in Gotham. He and his father were too much alike for anything else to happen between them. It meant turning his back on another part of his life, but when given a choice between returning with his mother to the League or staying with his father, the boy chose to remain, and to get to know the man behind the mystery. Now he haunts Gotham as Batman's partner, learning how to moderate his violent tendencies, clawing back his humanity one day at a time. He knows that one day he may have to choose permanently between his Father and Mother, knows that his Grandfather has great hopes for him, but until that day comes he will play the long lost son in the public eye, taking on his role as the new darling of Gotham by day, and terror of the night in darkness.