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Full Name:
Subject Delta Alpha Nu - 2501
Escaped Experiment
OC (None)
Dan is an escapee from a Drexel Industries Research Facility, though most would know him only as the picture of the missing boy going around the Hypernet with the king-size reward offered.


Dan, despite the number of people he has killed, has a very soft heart. He can feel the emotions of other people, so to him there is no detachment. He hates seeing other people in pain, except when he's so angry or afraid that he feels like they deserve it. He craves being loved, even though he could never put it into words. He is also very curious, wanting to see the universe and to see all the happy things that are out there. Most of all, once he finds people to care about, he will be terrified of losing them.


Subject Delta Alpha Nu - 2501 has no memory other than being in the control of Drexel Industries. His earliest memories are the painful needles, surgeries, and experiments they put him through. He has no memory of being loved, no memory of toys or games or other children. Instead, his life has always been filled with pain. The researchers tried everything to further unlock his powers and get him to be able to use them to their advantage.

When he was ten, he killed his first person, a prisoner. They made Dan kill him for no other reason than to see if he could. The trauma of that moment almost left the boy catatonic. As he grew older and his powers advanced, they sometimes took him places. He never saw the outside world, except through his remote viewing, but he traveled in a mobile lab. They took him to planets where he had tracked down their targets, and then they forced him to use his remote viewing to see them, then kill them. He resisted, or tried to, but that only led to punishment and in the end, he would always do it.

Finally, he had enough. The mobile lab ship docked at a station, and when they came to make him kill the next target, he fought back. He killed the researchers. He killed the guards. He tore open the docking bay and escaped into the station. There were other people on board, people willing to kill to find him, so he just ran.