Cyrus Sylvarian

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Full Name:
Cyrus Sylvarian
Griffin Rider Mage
Young Adult
OC (None)
Cyrus had the power and was on the path to become an Archmage one day. However he threw all of that out of the window when he intervined in natural selection and lifebonded with Azuraph to save the unborn Griffin's life. He was not allowed to be an Archmage and a Griffin Rider. And his life bond with Azuraph made the decision an easy one. However he has training and magic still. He just can never hold the rank he was being prepared for from birth. He was once asked if he regrets the decision. He just smiled and looked at his bonded partner, "Never." He now travels around Arcadia on an elite squad of Griffin Riders trained to protect the world.


Cyrus and Azuraph are an honorable pair. They have sworn to protect the world. Cyrus also has an insatiable appetite for learning, especially about Magic. He can be a little bit of a show off sometimes when it comes to magic. He has a lot of power at his command. Especially with Azuraph's help. Azuraph also shares that show off flaw. He likes to show off his aerial prowess. The two will do whatever it takes to get a job done and to protect the greater good. Even if it means breaking the rules or flying off to fight a threat on their own.



When Lunaria Sylvarian was pregnant with her first child, an old crone had read her unborn son's future. It was prophesied that her child was going to be a magical talent that could one day become the Archmage of the highest order. When Cyrus was born, it was a solar eclipse on a blessed moon. The energy that radiated off of the baby was obvious to even those who weren't sensitive to it. That raw talent needed to be cultivated from an early age. Cyrus was sent to study with the scholars at the Magic Order. Life at the Academy with the Magic Order was pretty straight forward. Cyrus was a sponge for knowledge and he loved what he was doing. He didn't have many friends at the Academy growing up though. He was raised around older students who were not interested in having a little kid around them.

Cyrus was a natural when it came to Magic and his studies also came easy to him. As the years went by and he grew in power and skill he started to get bored with the studying the basics. He took to studying things on his own. And when he was running out of things he was allowed to study for his young age. He would sneak into the restricted areas and study more magic. Cyrus could easily channel each of the elemental magics and was on his way learn even more. It was then that they decided that young Cyrus needed to start doing some journeyman studying in the world before he can come back to get on the track to becoming an Archmage some day. He was sent to study with a high ranking Master Mage named Duncan Moonstone. Duncan took the eager young mage under his wing. Duncan started to explain to Cyrus the ways of the world. Cyrus and Duncan traveled together for a couple of years. They went to various areas and Cyrus learned about different cultures and societies. He learned magic and languages during his travels.

It was during their travels that they found themselves at the Aerie. They were invited to witness a very rare and special ceremony where young trainees would form a lifebond with one of the Griffin's that was to hatch. It is a tradition that the Aerie has carried on for generations. The bonded pairs would help protect the world from any trouble. Usually errant flying creatures that terrorized villages, mostly evil dragons but sometimes other things like manticores or harpies. The pairs were trained to take out these problems. The Griffin Riders would come to the aid of those who needed it. The ceremony is very sacred to the people of the Aerie. Very rarely do they allow outsiders to witness the ceremony. However Duncan was born in the Aerie before he chose to focus on a life of magic. It was at the ceremony that everything in Cyrus's life changed.

The candidates would stand in a circle around the clutch of giant eggs. As they are born, the chick would reach out into the minds of those candidates and find the one who fits them. The two create a magical bond on a psychic level. The bond that is created links the two. They grow more powerful as a pair than each would be individually. The bond comes at a price. The two become intertwined forever. If one dies, the other dies. The hatching is a magical and beautiful experience. The eggs hatched and one by one the chicks were bonding. All that was left was one sole egg. As the ceremony was ending. Duncan explained that very rarely a chick isn't strong enough to hatch or it doesn't sense it's partner and it doesn't have the will to hatch. A various list of reasons. It was a sad ordeal but it was something that they had come to accept in the Aerie. However Cyrus could not let it go. As the candidates all left the nest, the brooding dam and sire had this sadness about them. Cyrus left the observation area and he ran to the nest. He laid his hand upon the giant egg and he fed his own energy into the egg. The egg exploded and the bond was created before anyone knew what what happening.

Cyrus found himself in a lifebond with this newly hatched Griffin, Azuraph. The griffin was a bundle of energy from the moment he came out of that egg. Azur has a distinct personality and he cares about one thing in this world and that is Cyrus. Everything else is second to him. The griffin was very much like Cyrus. They both are strong willed and independant. Things came easily to them both and that is where the boredom kicked in. Azuraph was the first of the clutch to be taking to the air. He was the first hunting on his own, he was a daredevil flyer. When Cyrus and Azuraph bonded, word got back to the Academy about the pair. Cyrus was recalled back to the Academy but he could not come. He could not leave the Aerie until Azuraph was old enough to fly and fight on his own. When Cyrus didn't show up, a representative from the Academy came to him. A Griffin rider could never become the Archmage. At which point, Cyrus decided to leave the Academy to focus on his new life with Azuraph. Cyrus was still a mage. And now a griffin rider. He put all of his time and energy into training. The duo rose to the top of his class. As if anyone was surprised by this. Upon graduating, Cyrus and Azuraph were inducted into a special elite squad of Griffin Riders. The pair were strong enough and deadly enough to take down major threats by themselves. Cyrus and Azuraph took to the skies protecting the planet. With Cyrus's magic and Azuraph's beak, claws and talons.