Connor Hawke

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Full Name:
Connor Hawke
Young Adult
Secret son of the original Green Arrow, Connor Hawke spent several years in a monastery to develop his skills.


Connor is possessed of many layers. On the surface, many see gentle kindness and a soft-spoken, delicate young man. Certainly concern for others shows through in his relations with them. He rarely raises his voice. He tries not to be unnecessarily confrontational, considering that it might be hurtful.

Connor is not deceptive, but he is not an open book, by any means. To most, he shows a disciplined, deeply focused individual, able to withstand whatever could be thrown at him. Even if others cannot be strong, his unique position forces him to try. If allowed to become more familiar with him, his friends will find a perhaps surprisingly vulnerable man, one who must maintain his strength so that he of all people can believe in it. He would like to be cared for, but more important on his list of priorities is the protection of others, caring for others so that they will be able to live fully.

He is very sensitive to the things that others will respond to, naturally, and tends to employ this empathy in his relations with others. Yet he carefully makes it so that most will not get too close to him, for their safety and his own. He often maintains himself as an outsider until or unless he can be persuaded otherwise.


Connor Hawke is the son of actress Sandra "Moonday" Hawke and Oliver Queen, although Oliver never knew about him. He grew up idolizing his father as Green Arrow and even entered into a monastery, to become more like him in a way. After defeating an assassin who came after him, Connor then decided to leave the monastery and to find the rest of his family and get to the bottom of the mystery. After meeting Ollie and the others, he became part of Team Arrow and works as a costumed adventurer.