Cody Brown

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Full Name:
Cody Alexander Brown
Young Adult
Cody was kidnapped by a renegade fae noble who made him her squire and used his soul to house a mystic sword. Having run from that life, he's trying to find balance and live a human life, hiding out from her.


Cody is reserved and cool. He's friendly on the surface, urbane and obviously used to dealing with situations where he needs to be sociable, because the Fae love their protocol and etiquette, but there is a certain level of self-control and self-containment that he has a hard time getting past. He has a sense of honor and duty built from a twisted pseudo-Medieval upbringing that is slightly out of place with modern/human society, but he's also good at keeping things to himself.


Cody was born in 1984 to middle class parents who lived in Vermont. He was a happy, well-loved and thoroughly average kid who went missing on December 21, 1990 and was presumed dead after several years. Given that his parents woke in the early hours of the morning to find the front door open during a raging blizzard, it was presumed that for some reason, their son wandered out into the night and was lost. Massive search parties were called once the blizzard cleared, but a body was never found. Tragic, but just another face on a wall of missing person flyers in the local police station, with both the notice and the memory of the boy himself fading over time.