Clint Barton

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Full Name:
Clinton Francis Barton
Master Marksman
Clint Barton is a prime example of the "everyman" superhero. He lives out of his Brooklyn apartment with a one-eyed dog, Lucky, tending to neighborhood disputes as he does to more menacing, worldwide threats. He doesn't have superpowers, but kicks ass alongside those who do, slinging arrows along the way. He has the cocksure attitude of a trick shooter. The humility of a family man. And when the world needs him, he steps up alongside the others who call themselves Earth's Mightiest Heroes.


Clint is a kind and loyal man wrapped in the shell of a cocky superhero. He both talks and acts tough, even to the likes of the Hulk, but deep down he's the kind of guy yearning for something stable. A family, maybe, and a home-cooked meal. Just don't ever say that to his face.


Clinton Barton, born in Waverly, Iowa, escaped an abusive father along with his brother when they were in their teens. The runaways found themselves joining a traveling circus, where Clint began training as an archer and acrobat. He spent his youth as a performer, eventually making his way to Coney Island, where he joined the permanent circus there and adopted the moniker, "Hawkeye, The World's Greatest Marksman."

After spending several years in this life, he felt it was time to buckle down and get a real job. He found one working security for Cross Technological Enterprises. During his time here, he fell into cooperation with the Avengers (a matter of chance). Most of his 20s were spent balancing growing responsibilities with these organizations, though he eventually left a high-paying job as Head of Security with CTE for a life of adventuring as an Avenger.

Today, still using the codename, Hawkeye, Clint has settled down in Brooklyn, NYC. He is an active Avenger and a neighborhood watchdog with a growing interest in starting and raising a family. This is something he finds tough to really dig into, though, considering how strongly he feels the allure of superheroism.