Cleavon Doe

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Full Name:
Cleavon Doe
The Silence, The Primitive
Primitive Worldwalker
"The Wanderer" by AMORPHIS
Quote-open.png Huh. Okay... Quote-close.png
— Himself
Primitive human turned traveler. A scout for his nomadic people, he was presumed dead or deserted when he failed the last check in before they moved on. Left behind, he utilized his people's gift of traveling, but without the training of a Guide he screwed up. After a bit of time in Sangria and Arcadia, he spends his time as an eccentric wilderness survival trainer in Sangria or a scout for hire in Arcadia, or out wandering the worlds, hoping one day to reconnect with his people.


Cleavon has a fairly primitive mindset, unable (or as is usually the case, unwilling) to understand more abstract ways of viewing the world. He's practical, lacking modesty the modern human has developed, and has a playfully mischievous streak to exploit such modern sensibilities. He sometimes blends the serious and the humorous, unrestrained by the need of many modern humans to keep them seperate.


Cleavon, whose actual name is three syllables that mean "cut sharply through" (keh-leev-awn) followed by a syllable that means "forward" (doe) and together are meant to mean "cut sharply the path ahead," was trained from childhood to be a scout. It was this young scout that managed to get himself disoriented while hunting, only finding his way back to camp after the tribe had passed through to the next world on the cycle. Attempting to use his own knowledge, which proved to be insufficient, he passed through the veil between worlds and found himself in a strange wooded land with no sign of his people. Cleavon spent some time in these woods alone, hunting and foraging, subsisting as his people always had. But someone had taken notice, the woman who lived in the house just outside the woods. An anthropologist, Dr. Melody MacDeod, had been watching him. At first he didn't notice, but when he finally did, he started playing with her observations. Eventually he snuck into the house and confronted her. After a bit of communication issues, the two came to an agreement, Cleavon would be allowed to stay and he would allow her to observe and even ask questions. After agreeing to meet some of Dr. MacDeod's friends, namely a psychiatrist Dr. Erik Schmidt and general practitioner Dr. Sean Dicer. Since he was nearly identical to a modern human with only a few significant deviations, he was originally just seen as simply a member of Homo sapiens, but it was debated later, after much poking and prodding, physically and psychologically, by all three of them, that his people were different enough to classify as a variant of modern human. The subspecies was named after their first (and only) specimen, Homo sapiens cleavonus. Cleavon likewise began to learn some modern ways. Cleavon continued to test boundaries with the team. Despite this, he and the three doctors ended up with a rapport. One day, Cleavon was feeling a bit too under the microscope. He fled into the woods and pushed through the bounds of Sangria. He found himself in Arcadia, a place that made a lot more sense to him, despite the high magic and kingdoms. After a few years, Cleavon found himself missing the science team and took a tentative journey back to Sangria. He found Dr. MacDeod still living in the house, hoping to one day see Cleavon again. So Cleavon began his own cycle, time spent in Arcadia as a scout for adventures, time spent in Sangria as a wilderness survival trainer, and sometimes time spent out exploring other worlds. With a sort of half-professional and half-personal friendship between the two, Cleavon took it rather hard when she got sick and eventually passed. She left the house, its furnishings, and the land encompassing the woods in which he often hunts to Cleavon, though her personal effects within were left to her children. He now lives there alone when he's in Sangria. He has struck out a bit in Superia, even acquiring a superhero identity to his own annoyance. But he doesn't do anything to stop it as it helps him blend in better and gives an excuse for his attire. Like Arcadia, he has no permanent home and uses cheap accommodations when necessary. He's recently been to Futura, but the place is a bit overwhelming for him and he doesn't really like going there as of yet.