Huh. Okay... |
— Himself |
Primitive human turned traveler. A scout for his nomadic people, he was presumed dead or deserted when he failed the last check in before they moved on. Left behind, he utilized his people's gift of traveling, but without the training of a Guide he screwed up. After a bit of time in Sangria and Arcadia, he spends his time as an eccentric wilderness survival trainer in Sangria or a scout for hire in Arcadia, or out wandering the worlds, hoping one day to reconnect with his people.
Cleavon has a fairly primitive mindset, unable (or as is usually the case, unwilling) to understand more abstract ways of viewing the world. He's practical, lacking modesty the modern human has developed, and has a playfully mischievous streak to exploit such modern sensibilities. He sometimes blends the serious and the humorous, unrestrained by the need of many modern humans to keep them seperate.
Cleavon, whose actual name is three syllables that mean "cut sharply through" (keh-leev-awn) followed by a syllable that means "forward" (doe) and together are meant to mean "cut sharply the path ahead," was trained from childhood to be a scout. It was this young scout that managed to get himself disoriented while hunting, only finding his way back to camp after the tribe had passed through to the next world on the cycle. Attempting to use his own knowledge, which proved to be insufficient, he passed through the veil between worlds and found himself in a strange wooded land with no sign of his people. Cleavon spent some time in these woods alone, hunting and foraging, subsisting as his people always had. But someone had taken notice, the woman who lived in the house just outside the woods. An anthropologist, Dr. Melody MacDeod, had been watching him. At first he didn't notice, but when he finally did, he started playing with her observations. Eventually he snuck into the house and confronted her. After a bit of communication issues, the two came to an agreement, Cleavon would be allowed to stay and he would allow her to observe and even ask questions. After agreeing to meet some of Dr. MacDeod's friends, namely a psychiatrist Dr. Erik Schmidt and general practitioner Dr. Sean Dicer. Since he was nearly identical to a modern human with only a few significant deviations, he was originally just seen as simply a member of Homo sapiens, but it was debated later, after much poking and prodding, physically and psychologically, by all three of them, that his people were different enough to classify as a variant of modern human. The subspecies was named after their first (and only) specimen, Homo sapiens cleavonus. Cleavon likewise began to learn some modern ways. Cleavon continued to test boundaries with the team. Despite this, he and the three doctors ended up with a rapport. One day, Cleavon was feeling a bit too under the microscope. He fled into the woods and pushed through the bounds of Sangria. He found himself in Arcadia, a place that made a lot more sense to him, despite the high magic and kingdoms. After a few years, Cleavon found himself missing the science team and took a tentative journey back to Sangria. He found Dr. MacDeod still living in the house, hoping to one day see Cleavon again. So Cleavon began his own cycle, time spent in Arcadia as a scout for adventures, time spent in Sangria as a wilderness survival trainer, and sometimes time spent out exploring other worlds. With a sort of half-professional and half-personal friendship between the two, Cleavon took it rather hard when she got sick and eventually passed. She left the house, its furnishings, and the land encompassing the woods in which he often hunts to Cleavon, though her personal effects within were left to her children. He now lives there alone when he's in Sangria. He has struck out a bit in Superia, even acquiring a superhero identity to his own annoyance. But he doesn't do anything to stop it as it helps him blend in better and gives an excuse for his attire. Like Arcadia, he has no permanent home and uses cheap accommodations when necessary. He's recently been to Futura, but the place is a bit overwhelming for him and he doesn't really like going there as of yet.
Agility - Competent Level
As a scout, Cleavon had to keep his agility and balance refined to high standards. His age and new lifestyle have eroded his skill to a degree, but he remains quite agile.
Animal Magnetism - Expert Level
Cleavon has a natural raw presense and knows how to use it. He can be charming when he wants to turn it on, he can be intimidating when he needs to be, but most of the time he puts out this strong dark charisma that's kinda charming and sorta intimidating and leaves him with a very grounded aura of masculine force.
Athletics - Competent Level
As a former (mostly) nomad, Cleavon kept himself in good shape. He continues to do so now, especially due to his occupations. He could hold his own compared to all but the most dedicated men his own age and could probably give men twenty years his junior a run for their money.
Brawling - Competent Level
Cleavon's hand to hand combat relies heavily on brute force for attacks while relying on his sturdy body to absorb blows rather than his agility to dodge them. While a competent unarmed fighter, his style does leave him somewhat vulnerable to attacks with pointed or edged weapons.
Culinary Hobbyist - Novice Level
Cleavon has taken a liking to preparing his own food. While preparing food back home tended to be crude and minimalist, Cleavon has delved into more involved culinary preparation techniques. He's even begun to cook food on occasion. His main problem is when making food for other people as his taste in foods tends to differ greatly than others in Sangria or Superia. He has had a little more luck in Arcadia.
Ignore Pain - Competent Level
In Cleavon's culture, men are expected to remain stoic when hurting and Cleavon largely keeps to this ideal. The "manhood rituals" they go through desensitize the men of Cleavon's people to pain, making him good at resisting its effects.
Perception - Expert Level
As a scout and hunter, Cleavon's people relied on his ability to notice sources of food and water, possible environmental hazards, and predators attempting to stalk tribe members as prey. By the time he was an adult, Cleavon was honed into a human detection machine. He can't help but notice the small details in his environment, the minor mannerisms of creatures and people, and has developed a sort of intuition about where things are in his immediate vicinity.
He can identify scents familiar to him in his environment and on people, days after that scent was introduced, assuming no intensive cleaning took place.
He can can identify a person by heartbeat, not by rhythm, but by how the sound is affected going through that person's flesh and bone. This may be dampened by heavy use of clothing.
Primal Posturing - Competent Level
Cleavon may have spent some time in civilized company, Arcadian and Sangrian and a bit of Superian, but he is still, by nature, a primal creature. His instincts are still heavily influenced by the natural world, the world of beasts. While he possesses no mystical presense, his natural physical bearing can keep many lesser creatures at bay. Even some predators may think twice before messing with him. This also affects how he reacts to posturing from others, including those of supernatural nature. He may be put in a defensive mindset by such creatures but tends not to panic and instictively knows the mannerisms to display to convey primal communications.
Primitive Weapons - Competent Level
Includes spears, staffs, bows, knives, hatchets, and modern variations of each.
Wilderness: Expert
Rural & Suburban: Competent
Urban & Building Interiors: Novice
Hunting, forraging, finding water, finding/building shelter
Wilderness & Rural (Tropical, Subtropical, Temperate): Expert
Wilderness & Rural (Cold): Competent
Suburban (Tropical, Subtropical, Temperate): Competent
Suburban (Cold): Novice
Urban (All): Novice
Smaller Stones & Similar: Expert
Shuriken & Similar: Competent
Javelin & Similar: Competent
Throwing Knives & Similar: Novice
Larger Rocks & Similar: Novice
Innate: Homo Sapiens Cleavonus - Basic+ Level
Homo sapiens cleavonus (proposed nomenclature) have a few distinct differences from Homo sapiens sapiens:
Cleavon is sturdier, with slightly denser bones and muscles. This mostly only helps against accidents like falls or unarmed or primitively armed combat. Modern or future weapons like bullets, blasters, or high-tech melee like monofiliment whips and blades are still effective.
At six foot, Cleavon is of average height for a male.
Cleavon can bench 450 pounds, which is average for healthy men of his size. He can dead lift 850 pounds, which is above average (750) for healthy men of his size.
Cleavon conserves air more efficiently underwater, doubling the length of time, compared to modern humans of his size and age, he can hold his breath when submerged.
Cleavon can ingest most foods unprocessed, including raw meat and unpurified water, with no ill effect.
Cleavon is less affected by ingesting poisonous plants and fungus, and is not allergic to urushiol (poison ivy, etc) and other such substances at all.
Cleavon has more acute senses of smell and hearing and he relied on both senses far more often than modern humans.
Cleavon's people have a longer natural lifespan than Homo sapiens sapiens. Once they've matured to about forty, their aging seems to stop. In reality, they just don't reach older stages until they're nearing a hundred forty, and they begin to age as normal until most who die of old age make it to between a hundred sixty to a hundred ninety. Only a handful live much beyond that.
Magic: World Walking - Enhanced Level
Cleavon comes from a nomadic people who travel not just around the world, but to other worlds as well. They have a ten year cycle through a number of very similar worlds. While all members of his people are taught the magicks to Travel, only a select few specialize in the practice. These Guides help the entire tribe use their abilities when the time is come to Travel to the next world in the cycle using their training to plot the paths. Cleavon, as a Scout, was not a guide, his understanding of the magicks even now is rudimentary and he can only use it to Wander Between Worlds.
Cleavon has a reputation in Arcadia of being a good scout. That and the fact he speaks little earned him the moniker The Silence. More people would recognize him by the alias The Silence than by his name Cleavon.
Cleavon can speak the language of his people, which is a primitive langauge with some similarities to the early Indo-European languages. Dr. MacDeod called it Mawklawket mistaking Cleavon's use of syllables meaning 'exhale thoughts outward' (which is how his people say 'speech') to be the name of the language. He can speak American English mostly fluently with some idiosyncratic phrasing and his accent is rather unique. He can speek the Common tongue of the Arcadian humans about as well. He can understand Elven and Dwarven to a decent extent, but can't speak but a handful of basic words.
Cleavon inherited the house from which his initial observation was run and where Dr. MacDeod lived even after he disappeared. It's where he usually stayed when he was in Sangria and the land it sits on includes the wooded area he hunts in. The house sits on the outskirts of Queen's Cove near the coast with the wooded area behind it now fenced off as private property. It's a two-level (plus basement) house of Scandinavian architecture and furnished with modern amenities.
Not trusting the government with such things, the three doctors used their connections to get him an identity as a former feral child, which to them wasn't far off of what they believed until they were able to get more out of him. Since his false identity of Cleavon Doe is tied to legal processes, he has little to deal with when it comes to ID. He has a state ID, but no drivers license since he has never learned to drive.
Cleavon is an obscure street vigilante in Superia and has been seen in Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, and Hump City, but usually in the seedier bits. He's only really known to those who pay attention to the obscure, like superhero bloggers. It was one of these who connected his appearances in disparate areas and he was dubbed The Primitive due to his looks, simple primitive-looking "costume", and favored attack simply being throwing stones or debris, or simple fisticuffs when necessary. As in Sangria, when he must he'll don modern clothes to move about public areas and uses his Sangrian name Cleavon Doe, though lacks a legitimate civil presense there.
Cleavon often has had to submit to the custom of wearing clothing, whether due to social mores or due to climate. Even after more than twenty years, he still doesn't feel comfortable wearing clothes and will wear as little as he can get away with. The more he wears, the more he just looks miserable, the more he fidgets and readjusts, the more he gets distracted more often. He also eschews clothing in private and doesn't often bother to put anything on when the outside world intrudes. Which may or may or may not lead to awkwardness.
Cleavon's stomach doesn't like modern processed foods. The more processing a food has gone through, the more likely he'll get sick off the food. That raw steak you're about to put in the oven is fine. That family pack of salisbury steaks you took out of the microwave is iffy. That Twinkie might as well be a death loaf. Okay, probably not, but still...
Cleavon is functionally illiterate. He can sound out most words that use basic English pronunciation rules, and can typcially read enough English for basic commerce. Other than that, written words escape him. He can't read any other languages.
Cleavon has been wandering between Sangria and Arcadia, and sometimes other worlds, for over twenty years now. During that time he's resisted assimilating medieval or modern ways into his own life. Even today, he'd rather take to the woods and hunt his food than go to a shop and buy food. Even in Sangria.