Clark Kent II (Earth H)

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This is the Earth H version of Kal-El. You can check the Superboy and Superman disambiguation pages for more information.


Full Name:
Clark Kent
Forgiveness of Krypton
This version of Clark Kent was born on a distant Hypertime world and swept into the events of a terrible Crisis, which brought out his hidden Kryptonian powers and made him into Superboy! Later, Earth H's Darkseid attempted to turn him into a minion with brainwashing, but Superboy broke this programming and joined the hero team Unity in repelling the tyrant of Apokolips. He is now fully a member of the Unity family and frequently visits Superia.


Good Hearted: Clark is quite kind and understanding when it comes to others, able to take jokes at his expense and make friends. He enjoys having fun and likes to be out with his friends, so the boy is always thought of having a good or kind heart.

Unsure: Clark is not totally at ease with his powers, he has really only had to use them once and that was in combat to save the universe. He is unsure of where his limits lie, or if he has limits at all, he often can be seen holding back as to not hurt the person too badly or cause collateral damage to harm innocent people.

Clark is the last survivor of two home worlds: both Krypton and Earth have been lost since his birth. He holds the sadness of those tragedies deep inside of him and does affect him in various ways, usually when it comes to danger on a planetary scale or danger to ones close to him. It also has a great deal to do with his need to protect others, as another loss so great might fracture him permanently.

Hopeful: Even though he has twice lost everything, Clark is hopeful of the future. He has devoted himself to keeping Earth and the rest of the worlds safe for the future, so that there is always hope in a better tomorrow.

Drive: Clark is determined to become a great hero, that he was destined to be on his own planet. He is given much more competition, so to speak, to stand out here amongst all the other heroes but he stills wants to obtain a worthy mantle to the Superman line.

Naïve: Clark was not exposed to super villains or intense evil until the Crisis on Infinite Earths saga, and has since then been living in a paradise realm. He has been rather sheltered when it comes to true horrors and dark elements of life, so he lacks such experience and naïve in those areas.


In an alternate reality known in some spheres as Earth Prime, Superboy had a very different origin. Jor-El discovered that Krypton's sun, Rao, was about to go super-nova and plead to the ruling council to deal with the threat. This became a political issue and action on it was stalled, which left Jor-El and his wife, Lara, to work on construction of a transportation device that could send a payload of fifty pounds, supporting a living being, across the universe, enough for their toddler son, Kal-El. The child rocketed to the planet Earth as Krypton was destroyed. On Earth, near a New England coastal town, the young child was found in the woods by Jerry and Naomi Kent, who took him in as their own. They even give him the name Clark, even though the name Clark Kent was the name of a popular comic book hero, Superman. Clark grew up without any special powers or even knowledge of his alien heritage, so his life was spent as a normal boy. By high school, he was a typical, if highly athletic, human teen.

That all changed when a terrible Crisis came to Clark's world, activating his powers and allowing him to become a hero: Superboy! Later, Darkseid from Earth H spirited Superboy away to another reality, taking him him to Earth H's Apokolips, where Superboy was brainwashed into believing he was the son of Darkseid and his willing soldier. However, when Darkseid attempted to force Superboy to commit evil acts, he broke free of his programming and turned against Darkseid, joining the forces of Unity. When Darkseid was defeated, Superboy joined Unity full-time, becoming part of their assembled family. Since then, Knick Alen of Earth H and the other Kryptonians of Unity have helped Clark train and develop his powers and learn a great deal about his Kryptonian heritage, even beginning to fill in the education that he would have received on Krypton. Thas has included some training against the worst effects of Kryptonite, which remains highly dangerous to him but somewhat less deadly than it would otherwise be.

When the members of Unity visit Superia, "Prime" now often accompanies them.