Clark Kent (Earth 49)

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This is the Earth 49 version of Kal-El. You can check the Superboy and Superman disambiguation pages for more information.


Full Name:
Kal-El, Clark J. Kent, CJ Kent
The Boy of Steel
Superboy TV Theme Song
Quote-open.png Some days I really do feel like I was born on another planet! Quote-close.png
— Himself
This is the entry for the Kal-El from Earth 49, AKA Clark Kent, AKA Superboy, who lives in Smallville, Kansas with his adopted parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent.

This version of Clark, who also goes by the name "CJ," is much like his Silver Age counterpart, a good-hearted and adventuring young hero who balances his life as a late teen with his life as Superboy. He is widely known for doing good, though not quite so famous as his future self will become, and has been known to travel to the 31st Century to work with the Legion of Superheroes. Though originally extremely straight-laced, he has loosened up quite a lot since a Hypertime encounter with another alternate-reality Superboy, Kon-El of yet another timeline. Now a bit more inclined to temper his sense of hard work and responsibility with a daring sense of fun, he is nonetheless still a true-hearted and dedicated young hero.


As noted in A Superman for All Seasons, there are a number of different Kal-Els on Earth from across Hypertime. This character is one of those alternate versions. To contribute in different ways to the game and explore a few different versions of the character, Superman's player has obtained staff permission to run different versions of the character from the aforementioned advantage. The different Hypertime variant Kal-Els being played will be depicted as different character forms, viewable under different forms. The story and information behind each form will be explained in entries linked below. Please contact Clark's player with any questions!