Chandler Eaton

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Full Name:
Chandler Lawson Uriel Eaton
Grad Student / TA
Young Adult
OC (None)
Coming from a long line of local blue bloods, Chandler is not the first magus in his family to enroll in Queensmouth Academy, although he is the most recent. Having completed his initial several years of coursework, he is considered at the level of a graduate student and has taken on additional duties as a teacher's aide. Aside from assisting professors in the classroom, he offers lessons to students interested in learning more practical forms of combat with weapons.


Chandler, having been home-schooled most of his life, is not the most socially adapted person. He's not exactly awkward around people, but he's not the type to make friends instantly or easily. His focus is primarily on his studies, followed by his teaching (in the limited capacity that he does it) and, finally, on making friends and devoting time to them. He is a staunch believer in the value of loyalty and, although he doesn't trust easily, is a stalwart friend to those few he can call such.


Chandler Lawson Uriel Eaton was born into a wealthy family in New England, a long line of blue bloods (and magi) who made their money originally on the railroad industry years ago. Years of shrewd business dealings kept the coffers flowing and they managed to hold onto their wealth with the changing times. From the moment of his birth, his family could tell he would have an aptitude for magic. As such, he was fittingly named after the three most talented spellcasters in the most recent generation - his late grandfather and two late great-uncles, one paternal and one maternal. As a youth, he received schooling from the most prestigious (and expensive) private tutors his family could afford. He was taught not only the traditional academics, but also the basics of magical lore and spellcasting theory.

His formative years were rather uneventful, but Chandler showed a talent for pyromancy that began developing around his early teens. One of the more volatile talents in magic, his family made sure he knew the gravity of his magic and taught him to control it. However, he was always more interested in rituals and traditional spells than cultivating or practicing with his natural affinity for fire magic. Upon reaching the age when he would be ready to attend a university, he elected to move to the opposite coast and put some distance between himself and his family in order to, as he said, 'spread his wings' - his family was not amused, but they did not try to stop him.

At University, Chandler made acquaintances easily, but not many friends. It wasn't that he did not value friendship, he just found it challenging to adjust from the life of a home-schooled teen to a young adult at a college. Out of his small circle of friends, one person stood out - Samantha. It wasn't lost on him, the irony of her name. He thought it meant they were meant to be, and for a year it seemed like they were. Slowly, though, something seemed to change. He couldn't even put his finger on what or why, but they began drifting apart. He still felt passionately about her, but sometimes it felt like something was missing. He wouldn't consider breaking it off, instead putting even more effort into salvaging his relationship. The last straw was when he found her in bed with another man. It took all of his control not to burn them both alive, the magic at his fingertips. His eyes opened to the threat posed by not paying closer attention to his dangerous gift, it was easier for him to cut that part of his life out and move back home.

Once home, he enrolled in the local magical school - Queensmouth Academy - and began going by his middle name, Lawson. Throwing himself into his studies, he slowly learned to control the inferno within him and temper it into something manageable. It was through his disciplined practice that he found another outlet for his magic - the ability to shape light. It was not a common application of pyromancy and, therefore, he threw himself into it. There was an element of newness to it, of researching, of practicing and honing the art. It was everything he needed to focus on to get his mind off his painful past. And so, he carved a new place for himself as a student and, eventually, aide at the Academy.