Calevaro Stars

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Full Name:
Calevaro Stars
A Vampire Hero
Young Adult
People who have contact with the occult or the supernatural sometimes hear about Calevaro: a vampire who always seems to be willing to help those in need. He is not inexperienced, having been in this world for more than a century. He has a reputation as a good researcher and as someone who likes to look for historical relics. Outside the supernatural world, he is a psychologist. He is an altruist, being involved with various volunteer work and charities.


Calevaro is a calm being. He always tries to find some reason to have a good laugh and rarely lets anything upset him him enough to lose his cool. He has a strong sense of justice and an analytical mind. His calmness is the result of decades of high self-control when that self-control is lost, for whatever reason, he becomes impulsive and can easily make decisions without thinking about the consequences. He feels things intensely, and when he feels anger, it is as intense as his other feelings. He has difficulty to hide his feelings or general state of mind. He is a bit of an introvert, who likes to kep his thoughts to himself, unless asked.


The boy who would later be known as Calevaro was born in 1903, in Santa Monica, California. He did not experience any need or deprivation: his parents' middle-class work ensured that they always had food on the table. Despite this, the boy was not happy. The constant fights of his parents made him anxious. Even so, he was well-liked by the few people who got past his shy exterior, mostly due to his politeness and kindness.

Time passed. Calevaro was an introvert, although he was always polite. It was only during his teens that he started making friends. He fell in love for the first time and, unfortunately, his heart was broken. When he finished his studies, he started to work in a cafe that was close to his home. Conflicts between his parents were getting worse and for him, the less time he spent at home, the better. It was at this time that he discovered the occult. Soon, studying occultism became his main hobby. His mind was open to the possibilities of this uncommon study. Little did he know that when the beautiful pink-haired woman entered the cafe, it meant his whole life would change.

Her name was Samanta. Their connection was instantaneous. When their eyes first met, Calevaro almost dropped the coffee he was holding. She made the first move and motioned for him to approach. After the initial greeting, their connection was complete. Their first chat last for five hours. For the first time in months, Calevaro went home feeling relaxed and at ease. And when his parents started to fight that night he, for the first time, didn't care.

A few months passed. His relationship with Samanta became stronger with each passing day. One thing that he found weird was that for some reason, Samanta would only meet with him during the night. The few times they had met during the day, she seemed to be uncomfortable. Sickly. One particular evening, he found out the truth.

Over the years, Calevaro had continued to study the occult and the supernatural. For him, the whole subject was simply theory, things that could be true but likely were for the most part invention and hyperbole. As he and Samanta were lying beside each other -- in the bed of a cheap hotel they had rented to spend the night on -- she revealed to him what she was. He clearly felt when her heart stopped beating and felt as her skin became colder. First there was shock, then confusion, then fear. All these emotions flashed in his eyes for seconds, but the woman still at his side noticed.

"I'm not going to feed from you, Calevaro," she said as she touched his shoulder, green eyes meeting his blue ones. "I want to offer you a choice. I'd like to offer you the chance to be like me."

His mouth opened and then closed. He was unable to think of a reply. She continued.

"Ever since I met you, I noticed your sadness. You felt alone, just like me. Thats why I approached you in the cafe that night. Now you have to make your choice. I've been in this area for too long and I will have to leave soon. You can choose to come with me as my partner. I'd like you to come with me. Having to leave without you would break my heart. If you accept, I offer you eternity and a new life." It took only a couple of seconds for Calevaro to make his choice.

As Samanta sank her fangs into his neck, Calevaro felt pleasure. He started to feel weak as she continued to feed from him. As his heart was about to stop, he felt Samanta leaving his neck. She slit her wrist with her fangs and started to pour a few drops of blood onto his mouth. Then his heart stopped and, finally, the pain came. The whole process took a few hours. When he rose again, he was thirsty. His first days as a vampire were unforgettable: first, Samanta taught him how to feed. She explained that vampires generally feed from humans without killing them.

For Calevaro, the first time he killed a human was a life-changing experience. He felt his heart sink as that young girl's eyes closed. Samanta was beside him in an instant, having felt his distress.

"Look at me," She said softly.

There was no responsse from the young man, who seemed to have frozen in place.

"Look at me!" Calevaro heard in his mind. His head turned slowly to face his sire. An arm wrapped around him, her touch being one of comfort. "This was bound to happen sooner or later," She explained, a faint frown on her attractive face. "Now what are you going to do about it?" Her tone was soft.

"I.." Calevaro bowed his head, a tear trickling down his cheek. "She has to be buried," He said in a dull tone. Samanta nodded and helped him to bury the young woman's corpse.

"Stop thinking that you are a monster," Samanta said when they were done. "You made a mistake, just a mistake.." He turned his head to her.

"How do you deal with it?" He asked.

"I try to have enough self-control so it is more difficult for this to happen. I also try not to get used to killing others. When you get used to it, you'll be a monster. The mistake is on me. I should have taught you more about feeding before I let you feed on your own." Again her arms wrapped around him.

Over the next few days, Samanta introduced him to important contacts. These people would be able to give Calevaro a steady supply of blood bags for him to feed on. She taught him how to improve his own self-control; this way he would be able to feed without endangering the lives of his victims and would hopefully not have to go through this pain again.

Despite that, Calevaro would only heal about a year later, when he would, finally, be able to cry. His loss of control taught Calevaro a few practical things. He learned, perhaps more than anything else, that when such accidents happened, cleaning up after them was always the difficult part. After the girl was buried, Samanta spent some time altering people's memories: for them, the girl had simply run away from home. Having to do this caused her great and visible distress and, for the first time, Calevaro saw his sire cry.

Calevaro's first decades as a vampire were eventful: he started to get used to his new condition and began to network with useful people. About 20 years after leaving Santa Monica, he learned that his parents had finally divorced. For him, it was about time as he had realized, long ago, that they just weren't good for each other. He still watched them from afar, from time to time, to make sure the both of them were still okay. After all, despite everything, they were still his family.

He also started to learn how to use his blood to do magic. Samanta was a patient teacher and, slowly, he started to learn how to harness the energy in his blood and use it. This, of course, had a catch: the more blood he used, the more thirsty he would be later.

They spent the 20th century travelling the world, using their powers and knowledge to help whoever they could. Calevaro was always learning something new, be it about himself or about the world as a whole. He quickly made friends with other supernaturals and occultists, who came to view him as a reliable ally and a good friend. It was after the second World War that he started to study psychology. He wanted to understand how humans were capable of bringing such pain and destruction onto each other.

Calevaro eagerly adapted to the new technologies that were invented during the 20th century, more than some of his kind. He developed a liking for video games and for the computer. He was glad for his immortality, that he was able to see humanity's evolution, and was eager and curious about what technologies would be developed next.

He and Samanta purchased a large house in Los Angeles, the result of Calevaro's work as a psychologist and of the rewards they received for helping people. It was there that they would rest. Their love had managed to last through the decades. The only constant that they were sure they would always have would be each other. Calevaro would learn that this, too, would change