Caleb Ixa

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Full Name:
Caleb Ixa
Skater, Model, and Student.
OC (None)
Quote-open.png Ball! Quote-close.png
— Himself
Scamp is a playful teen whom is a semi famous skater and model. His supposed gimmick is he's almost always seen with puppy dog ears and Tail that seem to change even mid session. In reality he is a youthful shifter whose form changes at will. Banze Ixa has taken the puppy under his wing and enrolled him at Queensmouth Academy.


Scamp is playful fun-loving and silly. He's often clutzy and has very little if any impulse control. He bumbles around to whatever catches his interest with little to no plans or even thought.


Scamp or Caleb as he was named at birth, has little to no memory of his past. He just remembers growing up on the streets teased by some, yet always able to find someplace safe to sleep and food to eat when he was hungry. Then one day he somehow ended up at a certain club. A pack of teenage werewolves were pranking and teasing the poor puppy relentlessly until Banze showed up. The club owner quickly set that right and after a brief conversation Scamp had a job helping out and a place to stay. Time passed and his luck bloomed he happened rollerblading in a park when a photo shoot was happening and got scouted. Soon he was a little celebrity, and enrolled in Queensmouth Academy. Scamp just took everything in stride from Banze adopting him, and finding him a dependable agent (After all there are a lot of demons in that business), to learning atleast a modicum of control over his shifting abilities. To him all was right in the world.