Cal Kestis

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Full Name:
Cal Kestis
Knight of the Fallen Order
Quote-open.png Taron Malicos might have been part of my Order but what he is now, I... I have no idea. All I do know is having a lightsaber isn't what makes you a Jedi. We were peace keepers. We were betrayed by those we protected. Hunted down by the Empire. I... I might be one of the last of my kind. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Cal Kestis has returned. The young Padawan who survived the Jedi Purge and later claimed the mantel of Jedi Knight, vanished mysteriously after first openly defying the Empire by denying them a valuable cache of hidden information. Now a dozen years after disappearing from the galactic stage he is back. Unchanged by the passage of those years Cal thanks to being frozen in carbonite, Cal lacks answers to what happened to his friends and allies. What Cal does have is a renewed determination to show the galaxy that a Knight of a Fallen Order can rise again.


As a Padawan Cal Kestis was a diligent and apt student, a hard worker who strove to learn what his Master could teach him of the ways of The Force, a believer in Jedi and their purpose as guardians of peace and justice. Cal had an innate openness about him and general good nature. Though he would have his struggles, he was generally quick to learn new skills uses of The Force that his Master would impart to him and if at first he failed, he would always rise back up and try again.

As a survivor of the Jedi Purge, he followed simple rules to survive, Don't Stand Out. Accept The Past. Trust No One. Don't Reach Within. Hiding from the Empire as a member of Bracca's Scrapper Guild, Cal kept mostly to himself, worked diligently, with a focused work ethic that saw him become one of their elite Riggers and did so with general humbleness so as to not draw undue notice. He kept mostly to himself, personable enough when approached, but otherwise staying quiet, unnoticed. Haunted by the past, by the traumatic events of the purge and the feeling of failing his Master, Cal refused to discuss that past, reacting with anger or cool dismal when the subject was broached. Cal also proved a bit of daredevil at least on the job and as it was part of the job description in many ways. That being the case, it was something he could indulge in without standing out.

Cal broke that last rule when his one real friend on Bracca was plummeting towards death. He reached within, risking his safety to save another. He stood out, breaking another rule and drawing notice from the Empire putting into the place as a hunted fugitive. He'd break the other two rules as well. He'd come to trust the unlikely crew he fell in with, a lost droid, a gruff pilot, a former Jedi, and a Nightsister of Dathomir, forging strong bonds of common purpose that allowed them to thrawt the Empire in recovering Eno Cordova's Holocrom. He'd come to trust in The Force once more and most importantly in himself. He would no longer merely accept the past, that the Empire had won and that it was now immutable fact the Jedi had Fallen and the Empire would rule. He would confront the past, defy that he would be forever broken by it, overcome what he had gone through of it to emerge a Jedi Knight.

No longer haunted by the past, no longer broken and held in place, Cal instead lets it drive him forward, giving him the determination to strive to be what a Jedi should be, a light in the darkness. Though Cal would like nothing more than to see the Jedi Order rise once more, he's grown to see that the Jedi were not infallible, especially when it came to eschewing emotional attachments. Cal's experiences have show him that although strong attachments and emotions can lead to the Dark Side, they can also lead one back to the Light. They are not just a weakness to feared as an exploit, but a source of strength to draw upon as well. If the galaxy is to throw off the yoke of Imperial rule, it will not be by standing apart, it will be by working together.


As a Padawan, Cal Kestis survived the Jedi Purge. Traumatized by the death of his master and the betrayal of those events, his connection to The Force was severely damaged. Nearly powerless, he spent years in hiding working with the Scrapper's Guild on Bracca until events forced him back out into the open. After a series of harrowing trials Cal claimed his place as a Jedi Knight, his connection to The Force was healed and his faith in himself and the Jedi's purpose restored. It was a moment of triumph over tragedy with Cal having a new determination to show the galaxy that not all the Jedi had fallen, to help those oppressed by the Empire, and to bring peace and justice to a galaxy far, far away.

Then he vanished from the galactic stage. Captured by bounty hunters while providing a diversion to allow his friends to escape aboard the Mantis, Cal Kestis was placed in carbonite suspension until he could be turned over to the Empire. He disappeared without a trace when a stowaway BD-1 sabotaged the ship transporting Cal, causing the vessel to go wildly off course and crash on a remote planet in an obscure system in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. With Cal rescued, though now stranded on a very inhospitable planet, Beedee left the young Jedi frozen in carbonite for safekeeping and activated an encoded distress beacon before entering into low-power mode to await eventual rescue. Due to the isolated location and weakness of the signal, that rescue would not come for another dozen years when that alert was finally detected.

Rescued at last, Cal was left with many unanswered questions. What happened to his friends and allies? What happened to their ship the Mantis? Did they escape? Were they destroyed by the bounty hunters? If they escaped.. what happened to them afterwards. With too many such questions with no ready answer to them, Cal focused himself on the on thing that was clear. That he had lost too much time. Too much time where the Empire only grew stronger, where hope faded, where belief in the Jedi and The Force was relegated to tall tales or dismissed as ancient religion best forgotten. Too much time lost and now that Cal Kestis is back he's not wasting any more time. The time is now. To remind the galaxy of what the Jedi were, guardians of peace and justice. To awaken the galaxy to what the Jedi can be, the light of a new hope, the spark of rebellion that can be fanned into flames. To show that even a vanished Knight of a Fallen Order can rise again.