Bryan Welsh

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Full Name:
Bryan Welsh
Rookie, Guinea Pig
Ghostbusters Field Coordinator
Young Adult
"Ghostbusters" by James Dean Death Scene
Quote-open.png If there's something weird,
and it don't look good...
Who you gonna call?
— Ghostbusters Promotional Material
Rookie and "Experimental Equipment Technician" (aka Guinea Pig) for the Ghostbusters before he disappeared into an alternate dimension utilized by nefarious Gozerian cultists. After having been expelled spontaneously from his prison, he goes back to work as a Ghostbuster, instates the Ghostbusters Field Headquarters, and assumes the mantle of Ghostbusters Field Coordinator.


Bryan is an easy-going man, but the scars of the Gozerian dimension have left a sort of underlying intensity. He can be a bit domineering if he's in charge, and not afraid to speak up to authority when he's not. Mostly he's chill, but he might like Ghostbusting a little too much.


Rookie Ghostbuster

Bryan Welsh grew up an average child, an average teenager, an average young man. A virtual nobody, Bryan answered an ad placed by the Ghostbusters for an 'experimental equipment technician.' Soon after, a new surge of spirit activity exploded and he helped work on setting things right, The Gozerian Codex and Bryan disappeared, brought to a Gozerian dimension where the Codex meant to have itself recovered by the cult. But Bryan's presense put a monkey wrench into that plan.

Gozerian Survivor

Hiding in the dimension until he could find a way out, Bryan had to learn the ins and outs of Gozerian magic to survive. After what seemed like eons to Bryan, he managed to escape the dimension. But not without a stint as the cult's prisoner. He was subjected to a number of surprisingly benign tests while awake, though who knows what they did when he was asleep. He tries not to think about it. Eventually an opportunity presented itself and he escaped the cult and found himself summarily shunted from the Gozerian dimension. To this day he's unsure if the cult banished him, he accidentally found a way out, or if the dimension itself just randomly spit him out.

Ghostbusters Field Coordinator

Despite being some time into the future of when he disappeared, Bryan immediately sought to start his own branch of the Ghostbusters. He rented a place in Chicago to act as an office. He assumed the title of Field Coordinator and the use of Ecto-2 and created Ecto-15. After an incident in Missouri where Bryan was investigating an old haunted high school, he thought he had cleansed the area but something interfered with the portal he was using to travel back to Chicago. Instead of traveling across the country, he traveled across the Bleed to another Earth where the primary infestation of the school was. After clearing this out, Bryan found that his portal creation was failing.

Stranger In A Super Land

With the support of Central City, where the alternate school had long been haunted and unused, Bryan converted the school into a new Ghostbusters Field Headquarters, with the full support of Central City. Bryan has since recreated Ecto-15, paid the debts on the land and construction, and established Ghostbusters as a respected business in Central City. Eventually, he even solved the riddle of the portal and figured out how to bypass inter-Earth blocks on portal travel. Since he's established himself in Superia, he decided to stay,