Seal the deal and let's boogie! |
— Himself |
A fae descendent of Ian Hayden. A musical prodigy and sound based bard. He is a fairy songbird.
Brendon is a hedonistic, pleasure-loving party animal. He is laid back, easygoing and loves to have fun and to play music.
Brendon is direct descendant from the fairy doctor, Ian Hayden. His fairy blood caused him to age and grow slower than his peers. Due to his size, he was bullied and picked on for most of his life. When he finally hit puberty, his fairy ancestry began to show in his gift over song and sound. He is the equivalent of a fairy songbird. He has powers that allow him to affect emotions, stun, disorient, deafen. He can move at the speed of sound and break the sound barrier. He champions the underdog and repressed. He is normally a fun, hedonistic person.
ATHLETICS: Expert - Brendon is a very athletic person. He keeps in good shape with running, climbing, acrobatics, gymnastics. He likes to dance and is uses his athletic ability in his performances.
CAROUSING: Expert - Brendon is an expert party person. He embraces his hedonistic side and knows where to find the best parties, the wildest times. He's an A-list person who has a standing invitation at most events.
MUSIC: Expert - Brendon is an amazing musician. He has an innate knowledge of music theory and instruments. He can play almost any intrustment after playing with it for a few moments. He has a great memory for lyrics and knows most songs.
PERFORMANCE: Expert - Whether it's belting out vocals, playing a riff on guitar, dancing on stage, acting or oration, Brendon is a master performer. He has a charismatic presence that is enhanced by his fae heritage. He has used his performance for disguise and impersonation of others.
AURA OF SILENCE: Basic-level Power - Brendon can dampen the level of sound around him in a 30 foot radius. This gives him and his allies a boost to stealth. It also gives him a small bit of protection to his keen hearing, so he isn't deafened by loud noises.
CONCUSSIVE TOUCH: Supreme-level Power - Brendon can charge his hands with sonic vibrations. His touch or fists can release a concussive blast to add sonic damage to his punches or touch. This results in a knock-back or knock-down effect, along with additional damage to his unarmed attacks.
DEAFENING BURST: Supreme-level Power - Brendon can create a massive blast of sound. The blast has a range of 120 feet and 30 foot radius. In addition to causing sonic damage, creatures in the area may be deafened and disoriented for up to an hour. Repeat exposure to this ability can cause cause damage that may lead to the deafness becoming permanent. Small creatures and unattended objects may be knocked back significantly with this ability.
FLIGHT: Enhanced-level Power - Brendon can, by manipulating his own vibrations, levitate or fly at sufficient speed to break the sound barrier.
GLAMOUR: Enhanced-level Power - Brendon's fae heritage allows him the ability to glamour his appearance and mimic voices and sounds. He uses this for disguise, impersonating other performers, and for creating his unique stage presence and costumes.
GOLDEN SONG: Basic-level Power - Brendon is able to enthrall, stun and emotionally overwhelm others with his song. He can use his performance to suggest courses of action to the listeners. This ability is emotion based.
KEEN HEARING: Basic-level Power - Brendon can hear amazingly well. He can use his hearing as a form of echo-location to help guide him in even perfect darkness. He has perfect pitch and can hear subtle changes in voice and tone to determine when people lie or try to conceal things.
LIGHT SHOW: Basic-level Power - Brendon is beginning to learn to internalize sound vibrations to release them in pulses of light. He can create simple patterns out of rays of light or combinations of patterns which produce trance-like effects in his targets. He can create a pulse of light on the order of several thousand watts of power, which temporarily blinds people with its brilliance. He can create a chaotic cascade of sparkling lights and colors that severely upsets other people's equilibrium, or a pulsating strobe-light effect. He can generate a coherent beam of light, approximating a laser beam. He can generate a shield from laser energy that can deflect projectiles or energy beams.
LINGUISTICS: Enhanced-level Power - Brendon is a skilled linguist and can pick up languages by hearing people speak them.
SONIC BOOM: Enhanced-level Power - Brendon's can break the sound barrier, creating a sonic boom. This thunderous blast is a radius effect based on his location. The effect of stunning those in a 60 foot radius. The stun effect lasts only minutes but with his speed, is often enough to allow him to get in a few extra attacks or make a get away.
SPEED OF SOUND: Enhanced-level Power - Brendon is able to travel at the speed of sound. He is fast enough he can break the sound barrier creating a sonic boom. He has faster than normal reflexes and his keen hearing helps him when traveling at such speeds. He uses the speed generated to help with his subsonic vibration to achieve flight and travel between worlds.
SUBSONIC VIBRATION: Supreme-level Power - Brendon can vibrate his own molecular structure, allowing him to phase out of sync with physical reality. If he carries this far enough, it actually allows him to travel between worlds, crossing their barriers harmlessly.
A-LISTER - Brendon is a famous musician and star. He is an A-lister and has an invitation to most parties, galas and events. He can get in with or without an invitation to most establishments.
FAME - Brendon is famous. He is easily recognized by others and he carefully cultivates his reputation.
RESOURCES - Brendon is a famous musician blending his music, power and fey powers to create a successful career. He likes being able to splurge and spend. He has enough wealth to do so.
COLD IRON - Like some fae, Brendon has a natural weakness to cold iron and takes extra damage from cold iron weapons. Cold iron may also offer some defense against his magic, though it is seldom able to negate it completely.