Brantley McCown

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Full Name:
Brantley Cheston McCown
"Running All Night" - Zayde Wolf
Quote-open.png Dunno what you think I did, but it wasn't me. Quote-close.png
— Himself
Common trucker on paper, often smuggling supplies for his wererat colony. An adorkable man one might not expect when one hears the word "trucker" or "smuggler."


Brantley is in many ways unlike the typical wererat. Wererats tend to put on a facade of confidence, prone to bullying weaker people, and often make great boasts with little to no merit when they believe they are in no danger. Brantley is often quiet, genuinely personable, doesn't like to impose on others, tends to be submissive, and takes little overt pride in his genuine accomplishments. He doesn't lie to himself or others about his nature, knowing full well his kind are bullies and cowards. He doesn't judge his brethren, though, despite the fact he's often picked on for his differences. He tends to take a nonjudgmental approach to humans and other supernatural species, too, in defiance of his people's disdain for outsiders.


The Wererat

Brantley was born to, what from the outside appeared to be, a typical big rural family. Internally, though, his family was not so normal. Like most modern wererats, his parents married only to keep up appearances to the outside world. They were definitely not faithful to each other and half their kids were sired by other males. Including Brantley. But this is the way of the wererat. Brantley was raised in both the culture of the humans of the area and in the culture of the colony, leading an overt life as a human and a covert life as a wererat. Like most wererats, Brantley was born as such. Wererats rarely pass on the condition though tooth or nail, preferring to give in to their base instincts and breed their kind.

The Defect

Even from an early age, Brantley was different from his peers. He lacked the false bravado and, in order to go with the flow, pretty much just did whatever was demanded of him. He did his chores without arguing with his parents, his schoolwork was always done and turned in on time, his brothers naturally walked all over him, and his sisters were often giggling with their friends as they made fun of Brantley's perceived weakness. Even his father would often degrade Brantley, making comments about how if he had sired him, Brantley wouldn't be such a weakling. And through all this, Brantley took it all in stride.

The Man

In middle and high school, Brantley tried to fit in, trying to join in the activity of other wererat boys his age. He tried sports, being a mediocre player who never earned praise from the coaches or fellow players, so he ended up giving sports up. Nothing else he tried mattered either, he was simply not competitive. Which is why, when he graduated high school, he pleaded with his father to let him be a supplier. Figuring the young man would fail, his father agreed to let him try anyway. Surprising everyone, including himself, Brantley was able to handle himself out in the human world alone. Though he had to stay local several years and had the colony nearby, he still proved himself. And as he grew up and went on longer hauls, he proved himself there, too. Though inside he knows he's walking a razor sharp edge of a line, fearing he might succumb to the seduction of the outsiders' life.