Bentley 23

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Full Name:
Bentley Wittman The 23rd
Bentley 23
Super-Genius, Super-Awesome
Young Adult
"I Want to Conquer the World" - Bad Religion
Quote-open.png Isn't it wonderful to be surprised by one's own genius? Don't answer that, Power, I know you don't understand. Quote-close.png
— Himself
The 23rd clone of Bentley Wittman, AKA the Wizard, Bentley 23 was rescued by the Richards Family and became a member of the Future Foundation. Bentley showed himself to be a loyal if contentious member of the group, eventually coming to terms with his creator and earning the right to his name. Bentley considers the good vs. evil moral axis to be outmoded and annoying, and he rejects all notion of being a super-hero or a super-villain. He's Bentley 23, and he's awesome.


Bentley is... challenging. He can be a bossy, pushy, arrogant jerk. Even if he likes you. The more he likes you, the more standoffish he can be, in point of fact. It's just who he is, really. He's not bad person, not at all, not... really. He doesn't see himself as a hero or a villain, but rather, he's "on the side of awesome" - that this aligns him with the Future Foundation and the forces of good is... a happy coincidence.


Bentley 23 is a clone of the original Bentley Wittman, the Wizard. He's the 23rd such clone, really, and though Bentley doesn't like to talk about it, it's implied that the Wizard found the other clones imperfect and had them killed. Bentley was rescued by the Fantastic Four and adopted, before joining the Future Foundation, who fast became his family (though he will NEVER admit that to them). As a member of the Future Foundation, he leads a life of adventure and awesomeness, and is the master of his own fate, which even won him his father's respect -- he is the only one of Wittman's clones who chose to be his own creature.