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Full Name:
Benjamin (no last name)
Young Adult
A seemingly ordinary adult male human with no memories of his past. Currently he is guided only by his own boundless curiosity and equally boundless hedonistic tendencies.


Benjamin is easygoing and friendly, but tends to be a rather shameless hedonist. He doesn't know if this is a trait he developed as a result of being here, or if he's always had it, but it seems to be very central to who he is. While he is always well-meaning and considerate of others, he does tend to struggle with a slothfulness that can make it hard for him to focus on anything that doesn't bring him some sort of immediate gratification. Despite this, he is easily approachable and a natural extrovert with an even temper who seems to never let things get him down.


Benjamin is by all appearances (and as far as he can tell) an ordinary human male. He has no memories of his past before the day he awoke completely naked in an unfamiliar bedroom somewhere within the Castle of Delights. Shortly after he awoke, he was attended to by a mysterious servant, a young masked man who seemed to materialize out of nowhere. The servant explained to Benjamin that the world he once inhabited was no more, but that he would be safe in this new realm. It was then that a strange power awoke in Benjamin: his mind was filled with visions of other realms, and by focusing on them for a moment he was able to transport himself into them. Since that day he has wandered these strange new lands in search of his new purpose.