Bart Allen

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Full Name:
Bartholomew Henry Allen
Fastest Teen Alive
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— Himself
Bart Allen attends the exciting and exclusive Sky High, where extraordinary teens are taught to use their powers while also receiving a top-notch education. When he's not hitting the books or playing video games, he's also the hero known as Impulse, member of the Titans and widely known as the fastest teen alive!


Bart can't sit still for too long without some sort of release. Whether it be video games, sports, or just bouncing off the walls and being crazy, he has to expend pent up energy somehow. It takes a lot to get him down, unless you find a way to keep him sitting still for too long. He tends to be infuriatingly optimistic, always seeing the way to make the best of a situation, with no heed at all for what's right, proper, appropriate, or otherwise acceptable. His spirits border on indominable. Hand in hand with his hyperactivity comes Bart's curiosity. Things will pique his interest almost at random, and once they do, he'll pursue them doggedly for whole seconds at a time until something else happens to grab his fancy. Naturally, this is yet another trait that gets him into trouble, but Bart just finds it hard to resist his curiosity.


Born in the future, Bart grew up in a virtual reality simulation to protect him from aging to death. The more he moved and used his super speed, the faster he aged. Fortunately, his grandmother sent him back in time, where the Flash taught him to control his speed. Stabilized at the physical, mental, and emotional equivalent age of seventeen, he's had a while to get used to his new time period and has become a well-known hero.