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— Himself |
Bart Allen attends the exciting and exclusive Sky High, where extraordinary teens are taught to use their powers while also receiving a top-notch education. When he's not hitting the books or playing video games, he's also the hero known as Impulse, member of the Titans and widely known as the fastest teen alive!
Bart can't sit still for too long without some sort of release. Whether it be video games, sports, or just bouncing off the walls and being crazy, he has to expend pent up energy somehow. It takes a lot to get him down, unless you find a way to keep him sitting still for too long. He tends to be infuriatingly optimistic, always seeing the way to make the best of a situation, with no heed at all for what's right, proper, appropriate, or otherwise acceptable. His spirits border on indominable. Hand in hand with his hyperactivity comes Bart's curiosity. Things will pique his interest almost at random, and once they do, he'll pursue them doggedly for whole seconds at a time until something else happens to grab his fancy. Naturally, this is yet another trait that gets him into trouble, but Bart just finds it hard to resist his curiosity.
Born in the future, Bart grew up in a virtual reality simulation to protect him from aging to death. The more he moved and used his super speed, the faster he aged. Fortunately, his grandmother sent him back in time, where the Flash taught him to control his speed. Stabilized at the physical, mental, and emotional equivalent age of seventeen, he's had a while to get used to his new time period and has become a well-known hero.
ATHLETICS - Expert: Bart has learned to control his powers, as well as a lot about athletics. Coupled with his video game training, he's rather good at all sorts of sports, just due to sheer athletic ability. He can run, jump, climb, swim, throw, etc, with the best of them.
FAKIN' IT - Novice: Bart is able to teach himself how to accomplish tasks at extreme speeds. The drawback to this is that if he does not keep up careful practice with the skill he may lose it, and thus have to teach it to himself all over again.
MARTIAL ARTS - Novice: Now Impulse is no karate kid, and he's certainly no Batman, but he has had a fair amount of self-defense training. As a result, he is capable of throwing punches, kicks, elbows, and other maneuvers in a combat situation.
TECHNOLOGY - Competent: Bart has picked up an ability with technology due to his fascination with it, especially anything entertaining or computerized. By now he's figured out how to make most gadgets function, even if not always in the exact way they were intended.
VEHICLES - Competent: Bart had played enough simulators in Virtual Space to pick up on piloting actual craft with fair ease. His particular specialty is with exotic science fiction vehicles which don't really exist, but he can also handle more contemporary craft.
VIDEO GAMES - Expert: Bart lived for a couple years inside a video game. He's very, very good at them. All kinds of them. This skill has helped to train his athletic and strategic abilities, as well as making him an excellent pilot.
AIR CONTROL - Enhanced: Due to his control over the Speed Force, Bart is able to actually affect air currents via super speed. He can create a twister by running in circles, air funnels by spinning his arms, or other such effects. The air currents can be rather powerful, capable of moving up to 200 tons of material with them. He cannot sustain them in a controlled manner for long, largely due to his own limited control, nor can he perform any fine manipulations with them.
DIMENSIONAL ANOMALY - Basic: As a result of his origins and trips through the Speed Force, Bart is a distinct temporal and dimensional anomaly. This makes it very easy for him to travel between worlds and dimensions, while also making it actually impossible for him to create or be affected by temporal shifts or paradoxes. Somehow, for him, everything always just works out.
METABOLISM - Enhanced: Because of Bart's enhanced metabolism, he is able to process toxins, illnesses, and any other antigens at such speeds that he hardly has time to feel queasy or sneeze before he has removed them from his system. It is virtually impossible to poison Bart or get him sick, but the drawback to this is that he eats enough to feed a small zoo.
SPEED SCOUTS - Basic: By creating an echo of himself within the Speed Force, Bart is able to generate "clones" of himself, all of which are capable of operating independently. All the clones seem to share Bart's consciousness, so he still has one mind, just spread out over all of his bodies. All feel harm caused to any one of them, and if one of his clones is destroyed, Bart will revert back to a single body and will be rendered unconscious. The clones are typically used as scouts, since Bart has enough trouble trying to concentrate on just one mine. With many in the mix, it gets crazy.
SUPER SPEED - Supreme: Impulse is part of the living embodiment of the Speed Force, allowing him to move and travel at speeds that are truly astounding. Protected by a frictionless aura, he suffers none of the negative effects from friction or G-forces that would otherwise be generated by this movement, and he can move through a room at high speeds with no more damage to the area around him than a strong wind would have. He can literally run around Earth's equator in just seconds! When in motion, he also resists damage with as much force as his velocity, but once he stops that stops too. All of Bart's additional powers are based off of this one, and unless otherwise noted require movement on some level to be accomplished.
VIBRO-PHASING - Enhanced: Impulse can move any individual body part (or parts) at high speed, even to the point where he can vibrate his molecules straight through solid objects, simply by moving that fast. He can keep this vibrating up for a few minutes at a time, and can move through objects that aren't super-dense. So long as there is space between the molecules of the objects, he can move through them. The more dense, the harder it will be. Bart can disperse anything he can lift or carry in this manner. He really can't keep this up for too long without great difficulty, simply because it's just too hard for him to concentrate on only one thing.
FLASH RING This is a ring which was given to Bart by his grandfather that, utilizing advanced technology, allows him to store his costume and change into it instantly. While wearing the uniform, his street clothes are stored within the ring. It is made from an advanced, non-ferrous alloy from his native time and is very light and durable.
BLOOD FEUD In the 30th Century, Bart's home era, the Thawne family and the Allen family have had a feud for generations. The Thawnes are very powerful, and despite existing in a whole different time period, they are still able to cause Impulse a great deal of trouble when given the opportunity.
EASILY BORED The name "Impulse" was meant as a warning! Bart has a very limited attention span, partly due to his preference of doing everything at high speed. For him, the entire world moves in slow motion most of the time, and tends to leap before he looks. He can get to be quite a pain if he's been forced to sit idle for a long time without release.
FEARLESS Impulse has spent most of his life in a video game. Now, in a video game if you die, you just start over at the beginning. Therefore, he's really not afraid of much of anything. He hasn't got a lot of common sense when it comes to doing dangerous or even stupid things that could hurt him.