Banze Ixa

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Full Name:
Banze Ixa
Owner of the Trick or Treat
OC (None)
Banze is a demon, specifically an incubus, who loves Halloween and its festivities. Accordingly, he opened and runs a club in Queens Cove called the Trick or Treat, which is Halloween-themed and welcoming to all.


Banze is very much a "what you see is what you get" kind of guy. He's cheerful, festive, and fun whenever he can be, although of course he has feelings in the same ranges that everyone does. He prefers to try and remain positive and optimistic, and he enjoys pleasure and fun most of all. Because of this, he tries to help others to enjoy themselves and experience as wide a range of pleasing things as possible. He is fiercely loyal to those he would call friend, and he tends to make long commitments to those who have won his trust. He tends to be very honest and up-front with people, and he expects the same from them.


In the modern world, demons are often misunderstood. But the truth is, they're primal beings and not maleficent servants of some evil power. Typically, demons spend their first years in the realm known as the Abyss, a glorious and beautiful place filled with all kinds of people and different styles and dreams, different imaginations and creations. Inevitably, however, most demons feel the need to wander, and Banze was no different. As a result, he decided to roam around the dimensions.

After having some fantastic experiences, he made the choice to find a place and open a club with the theme being "every night is Halloween", as he was so enchanted with the concept and all that humans do to celebrate the occasion. He found such a place in a town called Queens Cove, and thanks to his demonic abilities and natural charisma, he's found nothing but success.