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Full Name:
Balloch Fergus McDonald
Da Bull
Young Adult
Uh... What? |
— Himself |
A young man who grew up in an orphange seeks possible family ties in the northeast, looking for purpose in his life. Often acts as bullish as his werebull ancestry might indicate.
Bull is usually content to be the dumb worker drone others see him as. Though he's typically a friendly man, he's easily riled up, his beastly nature with his easily manipulated naivete often gets him into trouble.
Balloch Fergus McDonald was abandoned at a hospital when his mother didn't have the wherewithal to take care of the growing boy. At four years old and already a stubborn kid, he wasn't particularly attractive to those who'd seek to adopt. Ending up in a home for boys, that was a cover for a herd of werebulls who had noticed Bull's true nature, the young werebull was quite a handful even for those like him. As soon as he was of age, he rejected the herd and headed across the country toward the northeast where a note of unknown origin assured him he has family ties.
Bull has had little to no prospects in his life and has had about as much guidance. He does, though, know quite well how to keep a house, or other building, in decent repair with minimal tools. He's also quite familiar with most labor-based jobs and has been employed with menial factory work, dock work, and such to sustain himself.
Bull's aggression has landed him in many a scuffle in his life. Especially when it comes to brute force attacks, Bull is quite skilled. However, his reliance on his brute strength can often leave him vulnerable.
Power: Dominance - Enhanced Level
Werebulls of this type can intimidate those without exceptional willpower, especially normal humans and most animals, simply by making their eyes glow and snorting or grunting aggressively at them. They naturally give off a territorial aura, though this is enhanced and punctuated by any show of dominance, typically when they are agitated or nervous.
Power: Healing - Enhanced Level
The resilience of the werebull leaves non-lethal wounds from personal weaponry of little concern to Bull. He'll heal from minor wounds instantly, while severe wounds tend to heal in a couple days, maybe three or four for the worst cases.
Power: Natural Weapons - Enhanced Level
In bull form, Bull has bovine horns on his head. His horns are sharp enough and his strength great enough for them to pierce through steel. His horns are nearly unbreakable, requiring great force to snap or extremely tough material to shatter against.
Power: Physique - Supreme Level
Werebulls are much tougher and stronger than an average human. Bull is able to smash through most reinforced materials. He can break through solid walls of stone with moderate effort and with time even strong metals may give in to his brutal strength. Bull can resist substantial amounts of damage, especially blunt force trauma, and typically will emerge unscathed when charging through almost any structure. His strength is great enough that he can lift most automobiles and throw them several yards with greath force. When running his speed can typically reach over a hundred miles an hour, though with enough space can reach upwards of three hundred miles an hour.
Power: Senses - Enhanced Level
Bull's senses are enhanced beyond a normal human's. He can hear heartbeats to detect if there is potential danger around him. He can hear conversations, even quieted ones, a few rooms off. His night vision is excellent and his ability to sniff out food has few parallels. If he needed to, he could stalk someone with his nose, following their scent across all sorts of terrain.
Bull is very persistent when he puts his mind to it. This makes him a naturally good worker as he is unlikely to complain about much unless he's goaded into a situation.
Bull has struggled for most of his adolescent and adult life with an inner aggression he often loses his handle on. He is very easily goaded into conflict in a manner that would appear that he's the aggressor to observers.
While he's not really stupid, Bull lacks an affinity for book smarts and may appear to be quite dim-witted to most. He does have a little trouble learning, but anyone who's dedicated can get through to him.
Bull's bull eyes are blue due to his aggression getting him in over his head when he was younger. Those who understand what this means may have misgivings, especially if combined with his aggressiveness.
Like most shifters, werebulls are closely tied to the phases of the moon. This affects them in various ways, such that they are at their strongest when the moon is full and their weakest during a lunar eclipse. The phase of the moon also strongly affects the werebull's emotions, such that they can become almost overwhelming near the full moon. Werebulls often find a strong urge to shift during the full moon, as well as on the nights just before and after a full moon. Bull has largely learned to deal with the emotional tides, though during the full moon his aggression still increases.
During a full lunar eclipse, werebulls like Bull are generally powerless and essentially reduced to the status of ordinary human. Once the moon becomes visible again, his werebull nature is restored. During a partial eclipse he is somewhat weaker than normal, but he does retain his powers at a high-end Basic level.
Mountain ash, when activated, creates a barrier against most supernatural creatures. Werebulls cannot generally penetrate such a barrier, nor can they create one. Bull is no different.
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