I collect three things, dear boy: ancient lore, valuable artifacts, and that which is beautiful. As it stands, I may see about collecting you, next, but worry not... I take very, very good care of my collections!
Why do they always run away when I say that? |
— Himself |
Some years ago, Axion Starcloak appeared in Altur, where he had audience with the king and, some say, brought him some important news. Whatever dealings he had with King Landgrave, however, remain generally unknown. However, soon after Axion was made a full member of the Emberwing Order, sponsored personally by the king, and immediately afterward took up the life of the wizard-errant, roaming the lands with an unexplained sense of purpose. He spent most of those years in Sylvania or at the academy of Wrosthorne, but to this day he wanders the lands, forever seeking... something.
In some ways, Axion Starcloak is enigmatic and mysterious. In other ways, he's about as subtle as a boulder falling on someone's head. When it comes to matters of lore or politics, his ways are as subtle as any wizard and, for that matter, far less quick to anger. When it comes to interpersonal matters, especially pertaining to romance and intimacy, he can be a complete blunt instrument, though he'd prefer to think he's more like a pillow than, say, a hammer. This is not to say that he has poor social skills, however. He's insightful and empathetic, often very good at handling official or diplomatic situations, and he has no difficulty showing great compassion for others.
On the other hand, his affection for the people around him often tends to lead him to want to "collect" them into his "hoard," which... mostly seems to mean befriending or romancing them, depending on the particulars, and then becoming fiercely protective of them. He isn't controlling or anything, just very fiercely protective. If anyone hurts one of Axion's treasured friends, the draconic wizard is very likely to show an extremely wrathful side. The other aspect of his personality that can tend to trigger his otherwise slow to manifest anger is to insult his pride, which he does not take especially well.
Perhaps a study in contrasts, he has no end of quirks, from the mundane (such as the perhaps odd fact that he is an avowed vegetarian) to the expected (such as his love of exploration and lore) to the downright odd (such as anything to do with his love life). All in all, he is a kind soul, a fierce friend, a dedicated scholar. On the other hand, he's someone who seems to nurse mysterious old hurts and personal secrets, carried by a drive that he seldom, if ever, speaks about.
Much of Axion Starcloak's past remains shrouded in mystery. (Details on these mysteries are located in his +snotes.) However, what is known is that one day, some years ago, he appeared like a blustering storm at the gates of Altur. Many remember the day a dragon fell to earth, thrashing about for a while and causing no end of severe distress to the onlookers. Far fewer know that the dragon, after getting control of itself, slipped away, and soon after, a human-looking man calling himself Axion Starcloak appeared in the city. Showing a wizard's determination and disinclination to suffer fools, he sought and obtained an audience with King Landgrave. Whatever happened in their closed meeting is likely known only to the two of them, but soon after Axion settled in Altur for a time. The King sponsored the wizard's entry into the Emberwing Order, where he became a member in reasonably good standing. After remaining for a time in Altur, long enough to become familiar with the place and to quell any rumors about rogue dragons, Axion took up the role of wizard-errant. He traveled the land, seeing much of it, and while studying some ruins in the south he encountered Avethorn Vorridon. The two became friends, and for a time Axion came to dwell as Vorridon's magic school, Wrosthorne, and even did a bit of teaching. Eventually he moved on, spending a great deal of time amongst the elves of Sylvania, but something always seemed to drive him. While he developed a reputation as a powerful and talented wizard, a first rate scholar, and an insatiable lover of men wherever he went, it was clear that something yet drove him. Whatever that is, he pursues it still...
ACADEMICS - Expert: While his knowledge varies a bit based on what world he's in, Axion has an expansive knowledge of classical art, science, and language. He is explicitly knowledgeable of the cultures and history of Arcadia, and he is far less familiar with the other worlds. It seems there is no language that Axion does not speak, but the truth is that he often cheats using mentalism. However, he does still speak and read a vast number of languages, especially the ancient languages of Arcadia. Notably, he has no experience with the advanced technology of other worlds, and he might not be able to use a smart phone without help.
ATHLETICS - Expert: Thanks to his draconic physique, Axion is in tremendous athletic shape. He has peak reflexes, agility, and other such abilities. When it comes to all kinds of physical pursuits, from lifting or throwing to running or swimming to climbing or jumping and so forth, he is exceptionally capable, whether exploring ruins, engaging in a chase through a city, or making his way through the treetops of a forest. In draconic form, he is also an exceedingly agile and powerful flier.
COMBAT - Competent: Axion is reasonably familiar with various forms of physical combat. As he is not the most capable fighter in this arena, he is instead a treacherous one. Every advantage is pressed, every weakness exploited. He can similarly wield a staff or cane with capable skill, while he is still more proficient in unarmed combat or fighting with clawed gauntlets, as well as various whips and grappling weapons. He tends to rely more heavily on magic than physical prowess.
EMPATHY - Expert: Axion is highly perceptive, wary of trouble and observant of the world around him, and he's attentive when in a social situation, a trait that is bolstered by his supreme level of awareness. He also has a sensitivity to the emotions and motivations of others, making him exceedingly insightful into others' emotions. This insight can sometimes lack cultural context, which can lead to misunderstandings, but he is very good at reading the emotions and intentions of others.
EXPRESSION - Competent: Axion has a reasonable talent for various forms of expression, from composition to visual art. However, his ability seems to rely more upon natural talent than well-developed skill, so in practice he is a competent but not extraordinary performer, and much more of a cultured observer than a participant.
LORE - Expert: Axion most certainly does not have universal knowledge of the supernatural, but he is an accomplished magus and very well-studied in a wide array of paranormal phenomena. What he does not know, he stands a reasonable chance at being able to research and discover something about. He is extremely well-versed in arcane rituals, dream-lore, divination, and knowledge of the old gods of Arcadia that predate he Brilliant Cosmenia. He is also a gifted alchemist, able to brew a wide range of potions and the like. He has a vast number of these memorized, from healing draughts to deadly poisons, and he can mix them all without the need for measuring instruments. Given time and research, there is almost nothing within reason that he cannot do with herbs, chemicals, and magical ingredients.
PRESENCE - Expert: If he puts his mind to it, Axion can be reasonably charismatic. Often, he's more quirky and friendly than smooth and manipulative, but he can be forceful, persuasive, intimidating, or even manipulative when called to be, and is generally good at using his voice, body posture, and other emotive techniques to display exactly what he wants to.
THIEF - Novice: Axion isn't the stealthiest person ever born, but he knows how to move fairly quietly when he must. He can walk silently on carpet and hide in shadows with relative ease, though he's not so sneaky that he could walk on dry leaves without making some noise (unless he used a spell to aid him). He also has very deft hands, with a talent for making things "appear" and "disappear" with a bit of flair, but this does not translate into much practical skill, such as picking pockets or the like.
WILLPOWER - Expert: Axion possesses a will of iron, bolstered by his naturally powerful mind and his various magics. It is virtually impossible to compel him to do anything that he does not wish to do or to directly manipulate his thoughts, no matter how powerful the one seeking to influence him might be. However, his willpower does not extend as strongly to his own impulses. As such, manipulating his personal weaknesses such as his pride, tends to be much more effective than attempting to compel or dominate him. (Additional explanation for his indomitable will can be found in his +snotes.)
AWARENESS - Enhanced: Sharp normal senses coupled with a strong magical essence make Axion supremely well-suited to detecting and deciphering spells, enchantments, or other mystical effects. As one would expect from a magus of his power and experience, he is highly sensitive to magical creatures, mystical effects, and the ebb and flow of magical energies. He is also quite adept at scrying, seeking, and other forms of magic sensory projection and observation. It is very difficult to fool his senses or to hide things from his awareness.
CONJURING - Enhanced: Axion can conjure objects out of ambient magical energy. He can conjure up to about five hundred pounds of most forms of matter, provided that he understands its structure and properties. More foreign or complex materials or greater amounts may be potentially synthesized under laboratory conditions. The items conjured can be in any shape or configuration, but they cannot be any more complicated than a simple clockwork machine. These conjurings may be actual, physical objects or they may be mere illusions. Such illusions are capable of affecting all mundane senses to an impressive degree, though they might be penetrated by someone with enhanced sensory abilities. "Seeing through" the illusion does not necessarily end its effect, however; one may know that the illusory swarm of bees stinging him are not really hurting him, but that does not necessarily stop him from feeling the pain. The larger or more complex the conjuring, the more time and effort it takes to create, ranging from instantaneous to a large work spanning days or even weeks that would remain even after he had left the area and stopped paying attention to it.
DRAGON - Supreme: At will, Axion can transform himself into a draconic form that resembles the now-vanished constellation of the Celestial Dragon. In dragon shape, Axion becomes a tremendous, winged reptilian creature. Its size varies, always at least the size of an automobile, but potentially bigger than a battleship. Notably, his size does not much affect his power, only his bulk. In dragon form, he gains supernatural level strength and toughness, the ability to fly at subsonic speeds, and a potent breath weapon that can either project or absorb heat, burning or freezing opponents. However, he loses access to most of his other active magics in this form. He retains his passive abilities, such as his awareness, and he retains the ability to communicate via mentalism and spiritualism.
Even in his non-dragon shapes, he retails the essence of being a dragon. He is extremely durable, though less so without his virtually impenetrable scales, but his mind remains extremely potent, strong enough to resist almost any mental or spiritual attacks, including any powers of compulsion or suggestion. He is equally resistant to magics that seek to directly manipulate him, such as through transformation, alteration, or draining his abilities. Untouched by time, he suffers no harm from age, is immune to disease, and is generally unaffected by toxins of all sorts. He is also exceptionally resistant to environmental conditions or other discomforts, such as being able to sit naked in the snow in human form during a blizzard with no ill effect.
DREAMCRAFTING - Supreme: Axion has complete control over his own dreams, and any being that enters them will find themselves wholly subject to his own rules while they remain there. Even when waking, Axion's mind is a fortress. It can be harmed by powerful enough powers or magics, but to influence or dominate his mind is effectively impossible. Beyond this, he's able to enter the dreams of others, influencing them extensively. These dreams can be as vividly immersive and realistic as Axion wants, but they do always end upon the person's waking. Any physical effects that linger afterward are purely psychosomatic, though in many cases such effects may exist. (For instance, of a person experiences a dream of being burned, they may feel the burn for some time afterward, even though they have taken no real harm.) Apart from that, these dreams cannot do lasting, real damage. They cannot kill or physically harm the subjects. Indeed, in most cases this power is not used for offensive purposes at all, but to commune with others or to quietly observe their dreams. This power is not technically a form of sorcery, so it may not be easily defended against using conventional magical means that are designed to counter hostile spells. It is more similar to a psionic effect, though a very potent one.
ENCHANTMENT - Enhanced: With this form of magic, Axion can temporarily alter the state of an object or person, adding effects via enchantment or removing them via disenchantment. He can disenchant even magics that he did not, himself, create, though this may take time and effort for more complex or powerful enchantments. With enchanting, he might make metal stronger, make a person faster, or allow himself to see farther. Enchantments can also be used to transform targets' shapes or states of being, such as transfiguring objects or creatures into entirely new forms. Using more ethereal magics, wards can be placed on a target or location to prevent various objects, beings, substances, or energies from penetrating them. If he can otherwise create a magical effect, then he can also apply that effect to a target as an enchantment. In everyday use, enchantments usually last for up to a single day. After that, everything reverts to its normal state. This power can function at higher levels, but such requires special, often extensive preparations.
EVOCATION - Enhanced: Axion can project sufficient energy to generate or dissipate heat equivalent to instantly take water from freezing to boiling or vice versa, to conjure bolts of lightning, or to whip up a tempest at need. He can project telekinetic force sufficient to levitate large objects, manipulate intricate devices, or shatter stone. This power also allows him to channel raw magic to deflect or dispel magical effects cast by other mages. Of course, while he is supremely powerful and expertly skilled, no one is infallible.
HUMAN PHYSIQUE - Enhanced: In his human form, Axion has Enhanced levels of strength, dexterity, toughness, and personal regeneration. He heals from most injuries quickly enough to be visible to the naked eye. He retains some of his draconic essence, however. At will, Axion can also transform himself from his human shape into draconic form (detailed in his Dragon power). When he does so, all his personal effects and the items he carries vanish, only to reappear when he resumes human form.
MENTALISM - Basic: Mentalism is a common power among many types of dragons, and Axion is quite accomplished at basic telepathy and mental communication. However, he has never delved much into manipulation, mental coercion, or the darker mental arts. Preferring to treat the minds of others as sacrosanct, this is a type of magic that he understands and can use but has avoided developing much beyond the basics.
SPIRITUALISM - Basic: While Axion can interact with spirits in various ways, he tends to limit himself to communication. He has established a working basic knowledge of various magic for interacting or affecting spiritual beings, but apart from wards or the like he has not delved deeply into these waters. He finds the idea of binding or compelling spirits utterly abhorrent and has avoided going anywhere near such practices.
STARLIGHT SORCERY - Supreme: Something of a combination of conjuration and evocation, starlight sorcery is one of Axion's most powerful abilities. Essentially, it functions by manifesting motes of energy, akin to tiny stars, which he then configures into various shapes by arranging them and connecting them with strands of spun light. Once the form is complete, it then functions according to its shape for as long as he concentrates on it. In this way, he can conjure anything fro
HOARD As a dragon, it may come as no surprise that Axion maintains a hoard or two. While he has been creating them for only a fairly short few years, he does have a considerable stockpile of wealth to draw upon. While his wealth is far from limitless, and he does tend to hate to part with his shiny trinkets, money for him is generally no object. These hoards also include an impressive collection of mystic texts and lore, as well as various artifacts, ranging from minor magical baubles to reasonably rare and powerful enchanted weapons. They also contain many curiosities and various memorabilia, and in truth they are more personal museums and libraries as they are arsenals or vaults.
INFLUENCE Since his first appearance in Arcadia, Axion has become very well-connected. He has proven able to gain an audience with the king of Altur on multiple occasions, and he is a member in good standing of he Emberwing Order, an Altur-based society of wizards and sorcerers. Some say that he's a traveling wise man, while others say he's a meddler. Even those who are not kindly disposed towards him are likely to know of him. Still, in many circles he is fairly influential, able to achieve a fair bit by exchanging requests and personal favors alone.
SECRETS Axion has a number of secrets, some of which might be helpful at times, while at other times these might be a hindrance. This information will be detailed in his +snotes.
LOYALTY Once Axion's allegiance or friendship is given, he considers this a bond that cannot be broken except by the blackest of betrayal. Because of this, he will go to great lengths, ignoring what is best or safest for himself, to help a friend in need. This is doubly true if the person is directly related to him by blood. His loyalty is not given freely or even easily, but once earned, it is absolute. The only thing that could force him to compromise such devotion would be an Oathbond he had willingly sworn.
NEWLY HUMAN Axion was not born to a human form. He's in many ways much more comfortable being a dragon than a humanoid, and in fact (as detailed in his secret +snotes) he had never lived in human form before his arrival in Altur. He's mastered some of the easier aspects of living as a human, such as feeding himself, wearing clothing, and how to speak and read in various common languages. However, there are still some things that he has difficulty with. Perhaps most obviously, for those who know him, he is very susceptible to the more hormonal side of human living, which translates into him being an unrepentant letch. (At least, that's the presumed excuse.) When he finds someone desirable, he tends to so bluntly and often, doing little or nothing to hide his interest. This can get awkward.
OATHBOND When Axion gives his word to someone, he literally cannot break it. He will be compelled to do all he can to fulfill his oath, no matter what the cost or difficulty to himself, until the bond is fulfilled or he is released from his vow. Notably, he cannot make a vow which is impossible, and if he cannot promise to do something, then it is a very good sign that it is beyond his power. If he can promise to do something, then it is potentially within his grasp, but that does not mean it will be easy to accomplish.
PRIDE While Axion is highly intelligent and, at least in some ways, fairly controlled, he does have a rather deep sense of personal pride. As such, he does not take slights or insults well, and this can make him easier to provoke than he otherwise would be. He is generally not quick to anger, but insulting his pride is one way to inspire a flash of temper from the dragon.
SECRETS Axion has a number of secrets, some of which might be helpful at times, while at other times these might be a hindrance. This information will be detailed in his +snotes.
STUBBORNNESS There are many advantages to being exceptionally strong-willed, but in Axion's case a major drawback is that he's also very stubborn. While he is not unduly combative by nature and he can certainly go with the flow when he sees no reason to argue, once he makes up his mind about something it tends to be very difficult to change it. When he settles on a particular course of action, it can seem to take moving heaven and earth to dissuade him.