Axion Starcloak

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Full Name:
Axion Starcloak
Traveling wizard, it seems
OC (None)
Quote-open.png I collect three things, dear boy: ancient lore, valuable artifacts, and that which is beautiful. As it stands, I may see about collecting you, next, but worry not... I take very, very good care of my collections!


Why do they always run away when I say that?
— Himself
Some years ago, Axion Starcloak appeared in Altur, where he had audience with the king and, some say, brought him some important news. Whatever dealings he had with King Landgrave, however, remain generally unknown. However, soon after Axion was made a full member of the Emberwing Order, sponsored personally by the king, and immediately afterward took up the life of the wizard-errant, roaming the lands with an unexplained sense of purpose. He spent most of those years in Sylvania or at the academy of Wrosthorne, but to this day he wanders the lands, forever seeking... something.


In some ways, Axion Starcloak is enigmatic and mysterious. In other ways, he's about as subtle as a boulder falling on someone's head. When it comes to matters of lore or politics, his ways are as subtle as any wizard and, for that matter, far less quick to anger. When it comes to interpersonal matters, especially pertaining to romance and intimacy, he can be a complete blunt instrument, though he'd prefer to think he's more like a pillow than, say, a hammer. This is not to say that he has poor social skills, however. He's insightful and empathetic, often very good at handling official or diplomatic situations, and he has no difficulty showing great compassion for others.

On the other hand, his affection for the people around him often tends to lead him to want to "collect" them into his "hoard," which... mostly seems to mean befriending or romancing them, depending on the particulars, and then becoming fiercely protective of them. He isn't controlling or anything, just very fiercely protective. If anyone hurts one of Axion's treasured friends, the draconic wizard is very likely to show an extremely wrathful side. The other aspect of his personality that can tend to trigger his otherwise slow to manifest anger is to insult his pride, which he does not take especially well.

Perhaps a study in contrasts, he has no end of quirks, from the mundane (such as the perhaps odd fact that he is an avowed vegetarian) to the expected (such as his love of exploration and lore) to the downright odd (such as anything to do with his love life). All in all, he is a kind soul, a fierce friend, a dedicated scholar. On the other hand, he's someone who seems to nurse mysterious old hurts and personal secrets, carried by a drive that he seldom, if ever, speaks about.


Much of Axion Starcloak's past remains shrouded in mystery. (Details on these mysteries are located in his +snotes.) However, what is known is that one day, some years ago, he appeared like a blustering storm at the gates of Altur. Many remember the day a dragon fell to earth, thrashing about for a while and causing no end of severe distress to the onlookers. Far fewer know that the dragon, after getting control of itself, slipped away, and soon after, a human-looking man calling himself Axion Starcloak appeared in the city. Showing a wizard's determination and disinclination to suffer fools, he sought and obtained an audience with King Landgrave. Whatever happened in their closed meeting is likely known only to the two of them, but soon after Axion settled in Altur for a time. The King sponsored the wizard's entry into the Emberwing Order, where he became a member in reasonably good standing. After remaining for a time in Altur, long enough to become familiar with the place and to quell any rumors about rogue dragons, Axion took up the role of wizard-errant. He traveled the land, seeing much of it, and while studying some ruins in the south he encountered Avethorn Vorridon. The two became friends, and for a time Axion came to dwell as Vorridon's magic school, Wrosthorne, and even did a bit of teaching. Eventually he moved on, spending a great deal of time amongst the elves of Sylvania, but something always seemed to drive him. While he developed a reputation as a powerful and talented wizard, a first rate scholar, and an insatiable lover of men wherever he went, it was clear that something yet drove him. Whatever that is, he pursues it still...