Austin Reese

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Full Name:
Austin Casey Reese
Young Adult
Austin Reese is, in his own words, "Just a kid from Gotham who's sick of this shit." He's not a hero, at least not in his own mind. He's just a guy doing what needs to be done to protect the only home he's ever known. He can be blunt and perhaps a bit oblivious, but in general he's a good guy trying to do the right thing, even if he sometimes does it the wrong way.


Austin Carey Reese was Gotham born and bred. His family had been living in Gotham for several generations, and he had grown up with a sense of pride in his city. His father was a member of the GCPD and his mother was a nurse. Unfortunately for him both of his parents were killed when he was only ten years old. As a result he has found himself an orphan, forced to live on the streets.

Austin managed to hook up with a gang of orphans that were working towards keeping each other safe, the whole group's focus being to protect each other and their nighborhood. While they were classified as a gang, they were hardly the kind you would normally see in Gotham. Austin eventually worked his way up to leading the gang, but his goal has always been protection. So in turn he began to work towards protecting the city as a whole, not just his local part of town.