Arth Wild

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Full Name:
Arthur Michael Wild
Wild Boy
The son of a nature spirit, Arth Wild is a world-traveling primal human, born of mystic bloodlines and strongly linked to nature, with a special kinship to animals and wild creatures. Searching for his place in the worlds, he has wandered from place to place for most of his life, an eternal youth of light spirit and whimsical disposition.


A nature spirit had an encounter with a spiritually primal man, and the eventual result was the boy who became known as Arthur Michael Wild. The name was bestowed by the spirit, said to have some kind of meaning behind it. "Arthur" is perhaps a reference of some sort to the man who sired him, though he prefers to shorten it to "Arth," and "Wild" speaks to his connection to nature. As for "Michael," maybe the spirit just liked the sound of it. Arth isn't sure, and he doesn't especially care. Growing up traveling from place to place, he's been partly raised by humans, partly by animals, and lives very comfortably in nature. As a wanderer of the worlds, he still travels freely, though he will occasionally settle down for a while in a place if he finds it comfortable enough.