— Himself |
A fierce sign of hope for slaves, the downtrodden or the otherwise oppressed, Osiris has some fame in the Middle Eastern region. He is known as the resident liberator on his side of the world, eager for battle and combat, often showcasing his martial prowess in weaponry and hand-to-hand combat.
Above all else, Amon Tomaz wishes to be the best hero he can be. Most times, Osiris is an amiable lad, friendly and happy-go-lucky. He thrives on the battlefield, and deep down, he adores the idea of being better. He remains a great ally, fiercely loyal and protective to those he trusts, and often times, it's not that difficult to gain his trust. He is almost innocent in that regard.
On darker days, he can come off as arrogant, cold and aloof. He despises evil and everything it represents. Partly because he knows how easy he could fall down the same path. He hates those who oppress downtrodden and handles slavers with a surprising brutality compared to his otherwise indifferent moods. In that sense, he is still chained, a slave to his lack of forgiveness.
Osiris, the young god, or Amon Tomaz, the broken boy. Ask for a story, he'll likely tell you. One would tell a grand tale of how he was chosen by the gods while the other would stutter in broken sentences about the scars of enslavement. He would speak of his time on the streets of Egypt when he was kidnapped and chained by Intergang thugs. How they wanted to turn him into an obedient soldier by breaking him. He may even recall the goddess who saved him. It would be the earth deity Isis who bestowed upon Amon the powers of Shazam. The slave would become a god.
He wouldn't dare speak of the bloodbath came shortly after those humble beginnings. On a quest for vengeance, he brutally murdered the slavers and oppressor plaguing the Middle East. The spilled blood took a toll on his mind, however. He learned of his destiny to become the god of death and resurrection. The plight of the oppressed lost its meaning. All mortals lost their meaning. They were just creatures, made to bend before their gods.
Osiris wouldn't accept this path. Instead, he would become a hero of the modern world, clad in tights and all.
SURVIVAL - Competent: Amon picked up lot of things on the streets and more when he was a slave.
WAR'S WISDOM - Competent: Amon possesses some degree of proficiency in most ancient weapons. He is a skilled unarmed combatant, but will occasionally fight with spears or a short sword. While Amon was a trained fighter before his empowerment, his abilities in combat have been greatly enhanced by Zehuti. His movements are still somewhat awkward.
COURAGE OF MEHEN - Enhanced: Osiris is imbued with the courage of the Egyptian serpent god Mehen, which provides him with an inhuman degree of inner strength, protecting him from outside manipulation and mental domination especially from telepathic and mystical sources. This power goes hand-in-hand with the Stamina Of Shu. It allows him to ignore physical pain and keep fighting.
POWER OF ATON - Supreme: The transformation from Amon to Osiris is triggered by a mystical lightning bolt from Aton, the sun god. If the bolt hits Amon or anyone from the Marvel family, a transformation will take place, either back to their mortal form or into their immortal one. It can also be used as a weapon as well. The burst, itself, is from an alternate plane, traveling at the same speed of a typical lightning bolt. It will almost always hit its target (which is Amon) unless he moves or something moves him. If he were to dodge the bolt and let it fall on someone else it could be a potentially devastating magical weapon. The mystical energy from this bolt grants Amon substantial resistance and protection against magic too. A skilled magic-user might find it nigh impossible to directly alter him. Another incidental feat of the bolt is it resets any damage, no matter how severe, done to Amon in his empowered or mortal form. This can be used as healing, although it would probably not be a good idea to use it in the middle of combat. Since his crippling wounds were gotten before his transformation, he can't heal them.
SPEED OF HERU - Enhanced: Osiris is capable of godly speeds and reflexes. He can keep up with some other speedsters, able to break the sound barrier. Occasionally, he can fly even faster if the need is urgent enough and Heru is willing to enhance this blessing.
STAMINA OF SHU - Supreme: Imbued with the divine essence of Shu, Osiris is, to some extent, invulnerable. Bullets, flames, high energy won't hurt him, but he can be thrown around like a ragdoll with enough physical power. He can survive anywhere on Earth and space without aid and is not affected by disease, toxins, or poisons. Osiris can fight for months without succumbing to his wounds and does not require rest, food, or drink.
STRENGTH OF AMON - Enhanced: Gifted with a portion of his namesake's power, Osiris' physical strength is awe-inspiring. He is capable of godlike physical feats such as effortless punching through bricks, ripping steel, and lifting tanks above his head.
WISDOM OF ZEHUTI - Enhanced: Differing from his others, this gift grants Osiris direct guidance from the gods. During times of needs, their wisdom is channeled directly into his mind. He is able to easily comprehend abstract concepts, understanding any language spoken, even communicating with aliens. What's more, Osiris possesses almost limitless wisdom. He understands situations better than most, but comes off as more common or realistic rather than what one might expect from a scientist or surgeon. If this enhanced knowledge fails him, he also possesses a vast bank of divine and ancient knowledge that stretches back into the far reaches of time which he can mine for if the need arises. It's as if he can tap into the 'knowledge of the gods' giving him clarity. With limited clairvoyance, Amon can make a situation into an advantage even if he isn't fully aware of the situation at hand. It's as if he can tell what is the 'right' thing to do without knowing why.
CHAMPION'S GEAR When Amon calls upon that special bolt, he instantly changes into his hero 'getup'. It's pretty standard, sleeveless and black with a shining bolt adorned upon it. More importantly, it's durable, only weathering away to attacks that would otherwise harm him. There's also golden gauntlets around his wrists that he tends to use during combat to deflect blows.
ISIS' LIGHTNING Due to rare way Amon gained the powers of Shazam, Osiris can call upon a portion of his sister's power. Unlike his transformation bolt, this burst of lightning comes directly from Osiris's body. Due to its power and the toll it takes on his mind, he rarely uses this ability.
ATTACHED Amon has nothing left from his parents and barely even remembers them. Isis is the only person Amon has left and the most important person in his life. Amon is more than willing to protect her no matter the cost of anyone or himself. His devotion to his sister is blind and eternal. The normally happy youth will tear the world apart to protect her.
CRIPPLED Due to the horrific beating he received at the hands of Intergang's thugs, Amon is actually a paraplegic. He has no use of his legs and needs a wheelchair to get around. He feels very vulnerable when at his mortal form because of this and usually stays as Osiris when he can.
DESTINED Amon is both cursed and blessed by gods. Perhaps it's due to him receiving the gift of Shazam in an unorthodox fashion or maybe because he's just not worthy. Whatever the case, whenever Osiris kills someone, he is driven further into godhood. It is foretold that he will eventually become apathetic towards human life and see them as little more than cattle. The temptation doesn't end there; he also becomes more powerful every time he takes a life. It is said that he could slip into the realm of the fallen and resurrect someone from death...so long as he kills enough innocents to pay for the life. One day, the Egyptian god of death will need a successor, and Amon is the prefect candidate.
GAGGED Amon must be able to clearly say 'Black Adam' in order to summon the bolt that turns him into Osiris and he must be able to clearly say 'Isis' in order to summon this bolt from his body. If he is somehow unable to speak he would be stuck in whatever form he is currently in and unable to generate lightning.
HAUNTED Haunted from memories of being shipped around like cargo, Amon has yet to fully adjust to the civilized world. His constant link to Zehuti shielded him from the emotional trauma that a normal person might suffer from years of abuse, but on those rare days when he cannot become Osiris, he is left with the scarred child that he has managed to avoid for so long.
SHOCKED Strong bolts of electricity can 'fake' Amon's transformation reverting him back from Osiris. There is no real rule that decides if the bolt will work or not, but the closer it is to actual lightning, and the more mystical in nature the more likely it is to work.