Amon Tomaz

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Full Name:
Amon Tomaz
Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park
Quote-open.png ISIS! Quote-close.png
— Himself
A fierce sign of hope for slaves, the downtrodden or the otherwise oppressed, Osiris has some fame in the Middle Eastern region. He is known as the resident liberator on his side of the world, eager for battle and combat, often showcasing his martial prowess in weaponry and hand-to-hand combat.


Above all else, Amon Tomaz wishes to be the best hero he can be. Most times, Osiris is an amiable lad, friendly and happy-go-lucky. He thrives on the battlefield, and deep down, he adores the idea of being better. He remains a great ally, fiercely loyal and protective to those he trusts, and often times, it's not that difficult to gain his trust. He is almost innocent in that regard.

On darker days, he can come off as arrogant, cold and aloof. He despises evil and everything it represents. Partly because he knows how easy he could fall down the same path. He hates those who oppress downtrodden and handles slavers with a surprising brutality compared to his otherwise indifferent moods. In that sense, he is still chained, a slave to his lack of forgiveness.


Osiris, the young god, or Amon Tomaz, the broken boy. Ask for a story, he'll likely tell you. One would tell a grand tale of how he was chosen by the gods while the other would stutter in broken sentences about the scars of enslavement. He would speak of his time on the streets of Egypt when he was kidnapped and chained by Intergang thugs. How they wanted to turn him into an obedient soldier by breaking him. He may even recall the goddess who saved him. It would be the earth deity Isis who bestowed upon Amon the powers of Shazam. The slave would become a god.

He wouldn't dare speak of the bloodbath came shortly after those humble beginnings. On a quest for vengeance, he brutally murdered the slavers and oppressor plaguing the Middle East. The spilled blood took a toll on his mind, however. He learned of his destiny to become the god of death and resurrection. The plight of the oppressed lost its meaning. All mortals lost their meaning. They were just creatures, made to bend before their gods.

Osiris wouldn't accept this path. Instead, he would become a hero of the modern world, clad in tights and all.