Alvis Spengo

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Full Name:
Alvis Timaeus Spengo
Alvis is, to all appearances, an ordinary human male college student whose attempts at studying are frequently derailed by other more important (to him) things. In reality, he hails from a distant alternate future and travels between worlds, seeking interesting experiences.


In a distant alternate future, quite different to the world of Futura, there existed a coalition of prominent alien races races and other major factions: when a sentient race achieved FTL travel, and thus began its migration and assimilation into the greater intergalactic community, it was a requirement that their genetic code at the time of first contact would be recorded in its entirety and stored securely. This was done to assure that if an entire species was somehow wiped out or corrupted, they would have a means of restoring that species and allowing it to re-emerge, thus giving it another chance to flourish.

A native inhabitant of a space colony in this unusual sub-dimension of time and space, Alvis was accidentally created via this method of genetic backup and restoration. Now the only pure-blooded human in that reality, where the others had long since integrated into other species' bloodlines, Alvis is ostensibly a college student studying math, physics and engineering. Despite showing signs of strong potential in these fields, he struggles to maintain an interest in his studies and is often led astray by a seemingly inexhaustible drive toward fun and hedonism. Biologically he is an ordinary human, created via genetic engineering in a universe where humans have not existed in their original form in at least ten thousand years, having long since migrated across multiple galaxies and bred with countless intelligent alien races.