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Full Name:
The Masked Butterfly
Patron of Magic and Dreams
Patron of Magic and Dreams
The ancient deity of magic and dreams, Aethe is rarely seen in the waking world, but those who have been blessed to see Aethe in their dreams see either a flight of multicolored butterflies or a masked figure in a robe of shimmering, shifting colors. In the case of the masked figure, accounts differ as to whether the figure might be male, female, or some more fluid form.

To dream of Aethe is to be blessed with the gift of great and powerful magic. Aethe also leaves a layer of stardust on the pillows of those she finds especially worthy, a gift which may be used to enchant a number of items for various uses.


There are some who would call the temples built to Aethe the most splendid temples of any member of the world’s pantheon. This is due largely to the fact that the building of each such temple was overseen by a council of powerful and dedicated mages, who created for their places of worship gleaming spires of marble which in places are so thin they almost look like crystal. In honor of these builders, the temples that have survived to this day are maintained by members of the Emberwing Order.

Holy Day

On the night before the day considered to be the exact middle of summer by the modern calendar, a festival of masks and revels is held, traditionally in honor of Aethe. Bags of "stardust" (an alchemical preparation of psychoactive drugs and sugar) are sold by many a merchant seeking to gain a few quick coins on these nights, on which many get away with things they would not normally be allowed.