Ever put your life in another man's hands, ask him to put his life in yours? |
— Himself |
Zabor is a former Air Force fighter pilot who now works as a private pilot. He also serves as a volunteer firefighter, and on top of that he's a weretiger, or shifter. He works hard, plays hard, and knows when to rest.
Zabor grew up in a home of military men and women from all walks of life. His own parents were both in the Navy. He spent his youth traveling and living in different places as his parents moved from base to base. He finally got some stability in high school, where he was actually able to settle down after his parents' discharges and he played lacrosse and started building his life.
Athletics - Competent Level
He played lacrosse in high school and college, keeping him in good shape and honing his athletic ability. Since becoming a were-tiger, he has only found it easier to remain in excellent shape.
Military Training - Competent Level
Thanks to his Air Force training, Zabor is competent in various skills pertaining to his former role as a fighter pilot. In addition to actual piloting, he's skilled at computer use, aircraft maintenance, and other related technology. He's also familiar with military culture, practice, and protocol. This makes him better able to interact with military (or former military) personnel and with any military-associated bureaucracies.
He joined the Air Force in his first year of college and steadily made his way up in rank, serving as a fighter pilot until he was bitten and became a were-tiger, after which he retired. As a result of his Air Force training, he is an expert pilot with extensive experience in various smaller aircraft, though he is also qualified to fly larger planes, such as commercial jetliners.
Power: Dominance - Enhanced Level
Therianthropes of this type can intimidate those without exceptional willpower, especially normal humans and most animals, simply by making their eyes glow and growling or snarling towards them. They naturally gives off a predatory aura, though this is enhanced and punctuated by any show of dominance, typically when they are agitated or nervous.
Power: Empathic - Enhanced Level
Zabor is extremely Empathic, able to locate and feel the emotions of those close to him.
Power: Healing - Enhanced Level
The resiliency of this type of therianthrope allows them to endure non-lethal wounds from personal weaponry such as swords, shotguns, or even rifles without significant loss of ability. Minor wounds heal almost instantly, and even more severe wounds will heal within a few days at most.
Power: Natural Weapons - Enhanced Level
In their shifted forms, therianthropes of this type have sharp fangs and claws. These are able to carve through stone and steel, and their bite's pressure is able to shatter bone and tear flesh easily.
Power: Physique - Enhanced Level
Therianthropes of this variety are much tougher, stronger, and more agile than an average human, able even to twist and bend solid metal, smash through most structures short of armored or strongly-reinforced materials, and break through solid walls of cement or brick with moderate effort. They can resist substantial amounts of damage, especially blunt force trauma, and emerge either unscathed or with only minor injuries. Especially when "wolfed out," and specifically when running on all fours, they can easily outrun most mundane opponents. They also possesses superior agility, able to catch arrows in midair with moderate effort and, with a little luck, even dodge projectiles like bullets. This enables them to leap much higher and farther than an average human, as well as giving them the ability to bounce off walls and tumble like a skilled gymnast.
Power: Senses - Enhanced Level
The senses of this type of therianthrope are enhanced far beyond the ability of any average human. They can hear things like a person's heartbeat and tell if they are nervous and possibly lying and clearly hear the murmur of a quiet conversation several rooms away. They can see over long distances and also possesses excellent night vision. Through scent, they can track a person, even if the trail is days old; they can also isolate specific individual scents in a larger group.
As a pilot, Zabor not only owns his own small private jet, but he also has access to a hangar to store it in, mechanic to maintain it, and so forth. This allows him to run his business and is the source of his personal income.
Like so many people, Zabor has a low-level caffeine addiction. When it comes to his need for, generally, a daily dose of this drug of choice, he can never say no. HE NEEDS HIS COFFEE!
Therianthropes are closely tied to the phases of the moon. This affects them in various ways, such that they are at their strongest when the moon is full and their weakest during a lunar eclipse. The phase of the moon also strongly affects the therianthrope's emotions, such that they can become almost overwhelming near the full moon. Therianthropes often find a strong urge to shift during the full moon, as well as on the nights just before and after a full moon. Most therianthropes eventually learn to control their shifts and to manage their emotions via various methods.
Mountain ash, when activated, creates a barrier against most supernatural creatures. Therianthropes cannot generally penetrate such a barrier, nor can they create one.
The traditional bane of werewolves and things regarded as evil, silver is largely unreliable as proof against most supernatural beings. However, this character suffers from a vulnerability to it, which can cause discomfort upon contact and, depending on the nature of this contact and its extent, could be seriously harmful or even fatal. To make matters even worse, it's one of the most commonly-known things believed to work against specifically this kind of supernatural being, which means the risk of being exposed to it is extremely high.