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Full Name:
Son of the Bear, Bear Boy
Primal Guardian
"Rise" by Fame On Fire
A young warrior who was believed by his people to have been born from the union of his mother and the Bear God. His ability to Spirit Walk across the land and beyond led him to find strange wonders.


Brave: Omwok was raised in a culture in which he was expected to be brave im the face of adversity, but not brash to foolishness.



Omwok was born to a primitive culture on a primitive world. Despite this, his culture has a rather complicated social system. For one, males and females don't live in the same villages or encampments. One of the young women came back from berry picking with an incredible story. She claimed that a manifestation of the Bear God came to her and she succumbed to his virility. Her partner corroborated the story, saying she witnessed it from her hiding place. So Omwok was born under the impression that he was the Son of the Bear. His mother was honored in her clan and he was honored by being adopted by the chieftain of the women's male counterpart clan.

But while his mother and her friend lied about what happened, there was magic about the man who fathered Omwok. And Omwok manifested some magical traits as he grew from child to youth.

The Road Ahead

Despite his supposedly divine heritage, Omwok wasn't given any special treatment as far as the hierarchy was concerned. He had to earn his place as a hunter and then again as a warrior. He held the high honor as sentinel until he disappeared, having his first Spirit Walk and being guided by his subconscious through the worlds to find his place.

Omwok proved to be quite adaptable, finding places of high magic and others of advanced technology, some places middle in both and others as primitive as his own world. Among the amazing multiverse of worlds, he seeks his place as a young warrior who has had to learn that fighting is not all that life holds for him.+


Ursine Panic

Cornered animals are often the most dangerous. If Omwok is in dire straits, facing an opponent that is clearly superior, and there is no way to flee or escape, the Bear may take over. Omwok's form shifts into a large black ursine creature with a glowing spirit aura. His claws become Supreme-level, able to tear through most materials except for silver, and his flesh becomes immune to most damage, Supreme-level against anything except that delivered by silver. His strength rises to divine levels, also Supreme for the duration of the transformation. Once the threat is gone, either by defeat in combat or though forging an escape route, the Bear leaves him and Omwok becomes exhausted, requiring a night's rest or the equivalent before being back in good shape.


Melee Combat - Expert Level

Omwok once held the title of Sentinel among his people. To reach this honor, he had to master combat using no tools. He can be very dangerous using only his fists and feet, and sometimes other body parts. He's also very skilled using a knife, staff, or spear. He's adapted to weapons outside his people's familiarity, including such things as swords, axes, polearms, flails, vibroblades, and whips.

Ranged Combat - Competent Level

Omwok's primary familiarity with ranged combat was with rocks and spear. Other than hunting, ranged weapons were rarely utilized, the primitive people of Omwok's world favoring a more personal, direct form of fighting, so he's not as skilled with ranged combat. He's familiar enough with many ranged weapons now, but he still has that primitive preference for a more personal fight when combat finds him. Other than his trusty spear and stones, he also knows how to use the likes of javelins, firearms, blasters, bows, crossbows, boltcasters, and slings.

Sport - Competent Level

Omwok is very fit and part of his training, both as a child and as a warrior, was a variety of games designed to be both fun and train various aspects of hunting and fighting. He is very capable of adapting to similar games from other cultures.

Stalk - Expert Level

As a warrior and a hunter, Omwok's life revolved around protecting his people and finding food. Hiding and stalking his adversary or prey, especially for ambushes, is basically his professional skill.

Survival - Competent Level

Omwok is from a primitive world and primitive people who had to live with nature. Survival was tough and he's capable of surviving in many environments, even able to help a small group survive. The more developed an environment is, the less he's able to adapt.


Spirit: Animal Magnetism - Enhanced Level

Omwok has a sort of aura of primal masculinity that tickles at the minds of those he interacts with. It affects others differently, but tends to enhance their perceptions in him of natural charm and raw physicality.

Magic: Claws - Enhanced Level

Omwok is able to manifest bear-like claws. Replacing his fingernails with large black claws that are durable and strong as steel, Omwok's superhuman strength allows him to slash his way through all but the strongest magical material or metal alloy. Most armors are useless against his claws, and most flesh easily rended under his power.

Artifact: Dream Walk - Enhanced Level

For most, the Dream Vest simpy allows the dreamer to dream lucidly. It's little more than a novelty. But for those who are able to Spirit Walk like Omwok, it allows the dreamer to do so while asleep, entering the Dream Realms, and enter the dreams of others. It allows control over the dreams of those who aren't dreaming lucidly, though those who become aware of their dreaming, that control wanes and may even disappear. Typically, Dream Walking in this manner causes no psychic damage and doesn't allow psychic attack, though those with developed psychic abilities may be able to use it as a way into another's mind.

Magic: Eternal Youth - Enhanced Level

Omwok may not actually be the son of a god, but he does posess a spark of spiritual vigor and vitality that prevents him from physically aging beyond that short (and often ambiguous) stage between teenager and adult. This includes most unnatural and supernatural attempts at aging as well, including the life drain of many necromancers and undead, or alchemical devices to drain life essence, or technology developed to distill youth.

Spirit: Healing - Enhanced Level

Due to his connection with the spirit realm, Omwok's physical body is very resilient. He's resistent to most infections and toxins, fighting most of them off and quickly recovering from most of the rest. His body heals quickly from severe cuts and bruises when he rests, even charring burns fade away and broken bones are rewoven. He's unable to regrow limbs and such, but reattaching them will heal up like any other wound.

Magic: Physique - Enhanced Level

Omwok is stronger and tougher than a normal human of his build. He is able to smash through most wood or stone structures or those of similar material. Omwok's flesh is far more durable than it appears, being able to withstand superhuman amounts of damage.

Magic: Senses - Enhanced Level

Omwok's senses are far more acute than the average human. He can hear heartbeats, discern simple emotional states through scent, and typically can tell if someone is lying.

He can hear quiet conversation rooms away, farther if unimpeded by walls or other structures.

His sight is excellent even at night and he can see much farther than an average human.

His ability to discern scents lets him track with excellant accuracy, even after days and inclement weather, and isolate specific scents from a number of others.

He is able to identify, primarily by scent, whether food is edible or if it's toxic for him to eat.

He is often able to sense the presense of another within couple dozen yards, sort of intuiting with his combined senses on a subconcious level.

Spirit: Spirit Walk - Enhanced Level

Omwok has the ability to shift his body into pure spirit and phase into the spirit realm while in this form. He is able to travel very quickly this way and then remanifest far away, even beyond the boundaries of the world and into others.

Magic: Teeth - Enhanced Level

Omwok is able to manifest bear-like teeth. Replacing his normal teeth with large bear-like teeth that are durable and strong as steel, Omwok's superhuman strength allows him to tear his way through all but the strongest magical material or metal alloy. Most armors are useless against his teeth, and most flesh easily rended under his power.



Despite being from a primitive culture, Omwok has shown an uncanny ability to adapt to other cultures even if that culture is far more advanced. He typically can blend in on a superficial level after encountering another culture, though it takes mich more time for him to internalize nuances. Likewise, he is able to quickly pick up simple common language, though again more complicated nuance of language still requires much time to internalize.

Dream Vest

The Dream Vest was gifted to Omwok by a sorceress after saving her child from drowning. Woven from fading dreams and pulled from the Dream Realms, the Dream Vest typically presents as a black fur vest with light often refracting off in blue. In more modern worlds, it is usually a black leather biker-style vest with the snaps, buckles, zippers, and such appearing as gold.

Feral Stomach

Omwok's stomach can handle raw vegetation, uncooked meat, and unpurified water that would make modern humans sick.


Fish Out of Water

Even though he is typically quick to adapt, Omwok is still alien to most cultures. The more one spends around him, the more it's going to be noticeable that he doesn't really fit in. Even when he comes to speak a language, he typically has a strong accent.


Only the shamans of his people could read and write and even that was a very primitive written language. As easy as it is for him to pick up spoken languages, Omwok has a very hard time learning written languages, either writing or reading. Even now he's been unable to learn any written language and has shown great frustration when trying.


In his culture, silver is connected to the spirit realm. Silver may be used to bind him, his strength useless against it. He is unable to use his strength to break through silver structures despite silver being a soft metal. Silver can harm him as if he were an average human. Silver can be used to prevent transfer to the spirit realm.

The following logs feature Omwok: No pages meet these criteria.

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