Don't mess with the S! |
— Himself |
Conner Kent is a student at the school Sky High. He's one of the extraordinary students taught how to use their super abilities while getting one the best educations possible. He's no fan of the books or studying but he gets his work done when he's not hanging out with his friends or working out. Conner also happens to be the Titan known as Superboy.
On the surface, Superboy is a cocky, fun-loving, outgoing, and generally cheerful hero. He's happy to joke around, quip, banter, and have fun. Conner is a fiercely loyal and protective friend, happy to defend those he cares about to the end. He tries not to show he's got a sensitive side and worries about things like his origins as a clone and whether or not he can live up to the S. Despite that and his attitude, Kon is a true hero at heart like anyone else that wears the S.
The organization CADMUS stole genetic material from Superman and used it to create their own super-powered soldier. This is Superboy. Only he escaped before he could be programmed into an obedient little servant. Striking out on his own, Kon originally lived in Hawaii and became a local hero. But with the help of Superman, he's struck out to be a hero for the wider world, enrolling at Sky High and fighting evil as a member of the Titans.
ATHLETICS - Expert: Even with his powers, Kon likes to work out and play sports. He's a very athletic guy.
COMBAT - Competent: Kon's able to hold his own in a fight. He's a skilled brawler and can use his powers effectively in a fight beyond just smashing.
POP CULTURE - Competent: He may not be the best when it comes to academics but when it comes to pop culture going on out in the world, Kon is one of the best guys to go to for information.
SUPERHERO KNOWLEDGE - Competent: Superboy's not super experienced but he's got enough to know the various heroes and villains out there in the world pretty well.
FLIGHT - Enhanced: Kon is able to fly like any Kryptonian. He can also use his TTK to fly.
HEAT VISION - Enhanced: Like any Kryptonian, Kon can fire heat beams from his eyes. These can be anywhere from a wide area concussive attack to a very focused cutting beam and everything inbetween.
INVULNERABILITY - Supreme: Kryptonian DNA and TTK combine to make Kon one incredibly tough guy. Most attacks can be shrugged off without worry of harm.
SOLAR BATTERY - Basic: Just like any Kryptonian, Kon absorbs solar energy which is then used as power. He constantly absorbs and stores solar power even during the night. Red Sun will drain him though, Yellow Sun being what powers him up.
SUPER BREATH - Basic: Kon's able to survive in harzardous locations like deep underwater and even space for extended periods of time thanks to his ability to hold his breath for far longer than a normal person. He's also able to blow out gusts of freezing breath.
SUPER SENSES - Enhanced: All of Superboy's senses are much more powerful than the average person's. He had trouble controlling them at first but he's got the hang of them now. Kon can hear things at great distances or that are incredibly quiet. He's also able to see even to the microscopic level. He's got X-ray vision as well, able to see through a lot of things but not substances like lead.
SUPER SPEED - Enhanced: While not as fast as the likes of the Flash, Superboy is still incredibly quick. He's got lightning fast reflexes and he can move fast enough to breath the sound barrier with ease.
SUPER STRENGTH - Supreme: While he may not be able to reach the same levels as a full blooded Kryptonian, Kon has the same amazing strength as one of them and his TTK helps boost it up.
TACTILE TELEKINESIS - Supreme: Superboy's tactile telekinesis or TTK is his original power and what he had before his Kryptonian ones kicked in. It allows him to manipulate things he's touching either directly or indirectly. His power can stretch along floors and floor, cover other people or objects, crush things, explode the ground under someone, and much more. It doesn't protect him against gasses and only works when he's touching something though.
CHARISMATIC Kon is just a naturally charismatic guy. He just has a charm that gets people to like him and he knows it.
IMPLANTED KNOWLEDGE While in the cloning tank, Kon had a lot of information downloaded into his brain. He's got an almost highschool level education.
KRYPTO Dog is man's best friend and Superdog is a Superboy's. Krypto is a Kryptonian dog given to Conner by Superman. He's a loyal companion with all the same powers as Superman and is happy to fly to his master's side whenever he's needed.
LEGACY Superboy is a member of the Super Family. Superman, Supergirl, and more are at his disposal if he needs help or guidance. He's also got the reputation and fame of wearing that S-shield.
TEEN HERO CONNECTIONS Among the teenage hero population, Kon is especially popular. He knows a lot of them and can call for help if needed. His biggest allies are his fellow Titans like Robin and Impulse.
CADMUS The organization that created Superboy is less than happy to let him go. They've tried to manipulate and kidnap him in the past and could likely try again in the future.
CLONE BLUES Superboy is a clone of Superman. That's a big shadow cast over him and he works hard to get out from under it and to live up to the reputation of the SuperFamily. He's also a clone of Lex Luthor and isn't particularly pleased with this fact. He worries he might turn out evil like Lex. Kon doesn't know it but he also has to worry about some programmed mind-control phrases Lex Luthor arranged to be implanted in Superboy's head while he was cloned.
KRYPTONITE Kon isn't as badly affected by it as a full-blooded Kryptonian but he's still vulnerable to Kryptonite. Green, red, and more are all things to worry about.
MAGIC Superboy's invulnerability doesn't protect him from magical attacks. They hurt him just like they'd hurt a normal person.
MATCH A clone of Superboy created by the AGENDA. Match is Superboy's 'evil double'. Kon wishes it weren't the case but his clone is usually trouble when they get together.
PSIONICS Superboy has no special defenses against psychic attacks. He may be training to resist mind control itself but other stuff can serve as a weakness to him.
SECRET ID The general public has no idea Conner Kent is the one and only Superboy. And he'd like to keep it that way to both protect himself and his friends and family.
YELLOW SUN DEPENDENT Without the energy of yellow sunlight, Superboy's kryptonian powers can't work. And if he's exposed to Red Sunlight, it will drain that power out of him. He'll still have his TTK but he won't be nearly as strong as he would be when charged up on Yellow Sun.