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Full Name:
Jak Giantkiller
Jeez. You kill -one- giant.... |
— Himself |
Famous for all the wrong reasons, Jak is a farmboy with a reputation as a giant killer. He's nothing so skilled; he just got lucky. But now he has a taste for adventure and is out to find it. Hopefully, it won't kill him.
Jak is a good, decent boy. He might not be the fastest thinker, but he can follow an order (mostly), and he's willing to learn. If he doesn't get himself killed before he gets some training, he will make a very good fighter indeed.
You kill one giant....
You know Jak's story. You've heard it a thousand times. Farm boy sells a cow for magic beans and grows a giant beanstalk. Boy climbs beanstalk, and discovers an amazing land of giants and unstolen bounty. Boy steals all he can and runs like hell. Giant chases him, boy cuts down beanstalk, giant falls to his death (crushing the neighboring farm which was, thankfully, devoid of neighbors at the time).
After that, the gold didn't last. After paying for the neighboring farm, and restoring his mother's farm to respectibilty, Jak found that he had very little gold left (that stuff about the hen with the golden eggs was a big story that he doesn't even know how it got started). What he did have remaining was a few gold pieces, a taste for adventure, and the urge to see what was over the next hill. So, kissing his mother good-bye, he used what little money he had left for a good sword and some decent boots, and set off to find his purpose in the world.
He really hopes that purpose doesn't involve farming.
Armed Combat - Novice Level
Jak has very little experience with weaponry. He can swing a sword, but there's little skill that dictates its movement. He has some natural instinct, but it's largely untapped potential.
Climbing - Competent Level
Jak climbed a million feet of beanstalk and back down again. He's got this climbing thing sussed.
Farming - Competent Level
Just because Jak doesn't like farming doesn't mean he doesn't know how to do it. He's actually kind of good at it, when he applies himself.
Unarmed Combat - Competent Level
Any farm boy can hold his own in a fist fight. Jak is no exception.
Jak means well, and is very earnest. He throws himself fully into whatever he commits to.
Jak has a strong will, although he's content to go along most of the time. Still, if he sets his mind to making something happen, he'll find a way to make it happen.
Jak isn't stupid, but it takes a bit longer for him to grasp a complex concept. The more intricate the idea, the longer it takes for him to understand it. It's why he'll never be a wizard. Or someone who makes change on a regular basis.
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