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Full Name:
Brandoch Daha
For every jewel that hath been beat out of my shield in battle, never yet went I to war that I brought not home an hundredfold to set it fair again, from the spoils I obtained from mine enemies. |
— Himself |
Master swordsman, lord of castle Krothering, flamboyant dandy, the Brandoch Daha is a man few can forget. Hailing from a region of fine vineyards and rich pastures, he is at home in both city and countryside. He has earned respect in dueling circles, as his skill with the blade is matched only by the flamboyance of his outfits.
Brandoch Daha was born the eldest child and only son of a noble family. His family home, Castle Krothering, was nestled on an idyllic estate, and he spent many summer days wandering through the surrounding vineyards and pastures. By his mid teens he was already showing skill with a blade and began competing in tournaments. It was around this time that his thirst for adventure spread beyond his family's small estate. As he reached full adulthood, his reputation as a flamboyant duelist and dandy was well established. This reputation continues to this day, and he is well-known wherever he goes, for better or worse. His younger sister, the Lady Mevrian, often looks after Castle Krothering in his absence, allowing Brandoch Daha a free hand to travel wherever and whenever his whims take him.
Brandoch Daha is a skilled duelist, able to go toe-to-toe with other elite swordsmen. He has won numerous tournemants for his swordplay.
Lute Playing - Competent Level
Brandoch Daha has learned to play the lute, though he has not made a special study of it.
Personal: Heroic Reflexes - Enhanced Level
A life of dueling and adventuring has left Brandoch Daha with an incredible reaction time. It is difficult to ambush or surprise him.
Personal: Keen Eye - Supreme Level
Brandoch Daha has a discerning eye, able to pick out subtle movements and fine details, especially when it comes to potential opponents.
Brandoch Daha is the lord of Castle Krothering, an ancient fortress set in a rich land of vineyards and pastures. Its tall stone walls bear the scars of countless sieges. The wines and cheeses of its surrounding lands are renowned for their quality, and are widely traded throughout the world.
Brandoch Daha is well-connected in the social circles of numerous cities, and seems to have an acquaintance to call on for any occasion.
Brandoch Daha has a blade for every situation, and he always travels with at least one of them at his side.
Brandoch Daha is quick to temper, and will not allow any insult to his honor to go unavenged.
Brandoch Daha's reputation precedes him, and can attract unwanted attention.
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