Trent McCord

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Full Name:
Trent McCord
OC (None)
Trent is a legacy hero. His mother was an ice hero that worked out of Hump City, though he wasn't actually aware of her secret identity until his powers developed during a time of stress. This has sent him in a tailspin of life, as now most of the small town in Montana he is from view him differently. Add the forced transfer to Sky High mid-term, and he is a bit off his game. Though still friendly, it is going to take some time for him to come to terms with his new path.


Born in the small town of Grance, Montana, a place that is 80% of the year covered in snow, Trent McCord never really had an issue with the cold, even as a kid. Never sick, never got ear infections or had the flu. Until age 7, there was nothing in his life that was remotely bad...until the day his mother died, he was told it was an old injury that never really healed right. So it wasn't sudden but it still hurt him, causing him to start taking a few more risks in life. And so Trent grew up to love extreme sports, and up until his 16th birthday he was a normal kid, snowboarding, surfing, skydiving -- he was even on a few teams and was sponsored for a bit.

But all that again changed when his powers kicked into overdrive. He had always been lucky to never really get cold, but a few days after his 16th birthday, his body went haywire while he had a makeout session with a cheerleader, turning up the heat in the room to almost 101 degrees Fahrenheit. This wasn't too crazy, except it was so fast that it flash-burned his partner. After a trip to the ER, the doctor ran some tests and everything seemed fine except his body was out of electrolytes. When he got home, his dad sat him down and explained to him what was happening, and that his mother was a superhero from Hump City originally. It seemed Trent inherited his powers genetically. And because of that, he now had to go to a new school for super-powered kids!

So now, feeling not only lied to but a freak as well, it took about a week or so to get him moved in. A man named Xavier, in a tricked out chair, said he was expecting the young man's arrival. So now his journey begins, and he is none too happy about it...


ACROBATICS: Competent -

ATHLETICS: Competent - Trent played sports for his old school and also engaged in extreme sports like snowboarding, mountain biking, surfing, and skydiving.

BRAWLING: Competent -




ENHANCED SENSES: Basic-level Power - Trent has heightened awareness to the point that he can detect changes in air temperature, wind currents, and tides. A sub-power is that he can (sometimes) predict if someone is swinging at him from behind, due to the changes in the air.

NEGATIVE SHOCK: Basic-level Power - By changing the charge around his finger tips he can produce negative leaders (channels of ionized air) that will mimic cloud to ground lightning strike. While it is non-lethal to standard non-powered people, it will short out any unshielded electronics either he or the target is in contact with.

THERMO-CONTROL: Basic-level Power - He can radiate heat or absence of heat, adjusting his core temperature and the air around him to be between 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 degrees at will. Currently it only affects about two feet out from his body.



CALORIE INTAKE - His powers to change his body temperature seem to currently speed up his metabolism. If he doesn't have sufficient fuel for the body, his control over it will wane and go back to normal.

UNCONTROLLED DISCHARGE - He can lose control of his Shock ability under times of stress such as (but not limited to) anxiety, panic, and other forms of mental impairment.

UNTRAINED - His lack of a mentor when it comes to his powers has clearly put him behind most of his peers in the ability to control his gifts.

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