Jesse Drew

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Full Name:
Jesse Miriam Drew
The Spider
Unique Investigator
Young Adult
"Thursday" - Asobi Seksu
Genetically-enhanced with spider-themed abilities, Jesse Drew works as a super-powered private investigator and takes cases that no one else can solve!


Though born in England to parents Jonathan and Miriam Drew, and uniquely sporting a middle name from his mother's first, Jesse was moved to Wundagore Mountain in Transia at barely a year of age. Due to the initially unknown radioactivity of the region, Jesse became very ill. His father and the High Evolutionary, his partner in research, worked to use their knowledge of genetic science to save the boy.


Spider Tempest

In a time of need, Jesse may expend all of the collected bio-electricity in his system and pair it with his pheromone expression to make a delirious, literally stunning spectacle. He is able to affect a distance around him the size of a medium room, comparable to a hotel ballroom, at optimum levels. The effects are more intense in a smaller area and may last slightly longer. Attempting to expand the area of effect past this area can weaken the impact, though this may be useful if Jesse is only trying to disorient and not intent to stun as many as he can.

In an optimal situation, he can stun multiple targets around him and cause unconsciousness. He can try to direct his power at specific targets, but with more possible targets, it makes it much more difficult to control. The pheromones are used as a sort of deliriant, and in the context tend to put his foes at an extreme advantage.

Unfortunately, pushing himself to this level can make it nearly impossible for him to use his venom blasts for around half an hour, until he can recover his bio-electrical battery charge. It can also make it difficult for Jesse to control his pheromones, possibly causing unpredictable results.


Acrobatics - Expert Level

Acting - Novice Level

Athletics - Competent Level

Combat - Expert Level

Investigation - Expert Level

Manipulation - Competent Level

Marskmanship - Competent Level

Piloting - Competent Level

Stealth - Competent Level


Power: Adhesion - Enhanced Level

Jesse is gifted with the power of being able to adhere to surfaces, through his natural bio-electricity. The electrostatic attraction allows him to easily stick to virtually any and every surface, as well as giving him the ability to hold onto things securely. He is able to stick to a wall, for example, while simultaneously holding a considerable weight, at least dozens of times his own. As long as he isn't trying to move that much or that rapidly or emphatically, he is in most average cases able to do it almost indefinitely. Naturally, the more he's trying to do and the quicker he's trying to do it, the less time he will logically be able to do so.

Power: Gliding - Basic Level

Jesse is able to glide on currents of air. He can't fly per se, but as long as there is some movement of air, he will normally be able to catch it and glide on it for as long as it holds out. He is able to glide with passengers, but not many and not altogether well; with any added weight, especially unbalancing weight, he has to work much harder to keep them aloft. Most of the time, when using this ability to rescue someone or catch someone, his immediate goal is to land as soon as possible.

Power: Immunity - Supreme Level

Jesse's metabolism is able to create incredible immunities and antitoxins extremely quickly. Though an initial exposure may make Jess a little dizzy, his body will be able to bounce back almost unbelievably in less than a couple of minutes. He is completely immune to radiation. Jesse's blood can be donated to others as if he were a truly universal donor. In most cases, it can at least temporarily allow for Jesse to share his immunities and some element of his physiological robustness, though these effects might not last indefinitely. If too much blood is shared, it may cause some of Jesse's abilities to become weaker, until he can recover the blood, which shouldn't take an especially long time.

Power: Pheromones - Basic Level

Due to the genetic alterations made to his body, Jesse has the ability to exude pheromones. Originally, he had little control over it, though now, he has a basic ability to control the level to which they are emitted. His pheromones tend to produce one of two reactions: either they tend to fascinate or please a person, or they enhance apprehension or discomfort from them. Typically, they work by enhancing emotion already present, thus her friends and people who already know and like her will probably just feel more comfortable with her. Strangers are a little more difficult to predict, but Jesse may sometimes be able to influence the reaction by using his skill at manipuation.

Power: Regeneration - Enhanced Level

Jesse has an excellent ability of recovery, able to bounce back from most injury in a fraction of the time it would take an average person. Something that would take hours to heal would only take minutes or seconds for Jesse, and something that takes weeks would only take a few days, at most. This ability also allows for much slower aging for Jesse as well, and extended longevity.

Power: Spider Physiology - Enhanced Level

Due to genetic augmentation, Jesse's body has a number of traits that allow his body to operate at levels greater than an average human. He is able to lift around seven tons, capable of moving faster than even an olympic-level sprinter consistently. He also possesses greater stamina than an average human, able to exert himself at peak levels for several hours before fatigue truly begins to impair him.

He is more durable than a human, and more resistant to injury, though not to the level of technical invulnerability. Still, he can take damage with mild to moderate discomfort that would be severe or fatal to an average human. His agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all far greater than even the human body's natural inborn limits, as are his reflexes, meaning his reaction time is far better. He is also tremendously more flexible than most, at least twice as much as an average human.

His senses are enhanced so that he is able to notice things with them better than the average person. He is, notably, able to detect sound on many frequencies, and even through a thick steel door of several inches or a considerable distance. His other senses are comparable on level.

Power: Venom Blasts - Enhanced Level

Jesse naturally produces inordinate amounts of bio-electricity in his body and can channel this and direct it as an attack. Normally, he uses his hands to do this. At maximum power, he could potentially kill an adult human, though he only rarely would save it to focus into such an attack. Usually, he merely uses his power at a level that will stun, though it packs a wallop even held back. Depending on how much or how little bio-electricity he directs into a blast, it can have varying effects. Mostly, the blasts affect the nervous system in humans. They can overwhelm the body like any other form of electricity and are comparable to a lightning bolt at his maximum power. It takes some time for Jesse to recharge his battery, as it were. If he uses his power too frequently or discharges all of the bio-electricity he's accumulated, he won't be able to do much more than make his target tingle for a few minutes.



Thanks not only to his idealized metabolism, but also his regular presence of pheromones, Jesse is often seen by people as incredibly hot. More so than most, even other superheroes, Jesse and the Spider are powerfully attractive to most who behold him. He can, of course, use this to his advantage and regularly does so.


Jesse has done work for and with a number of super-powered individuals and has connections with various teams and heroes. He has an overall good reputation in the heroic community and is especially close with some of the Avengers and Justice League, and with the X-Men and Sky High. He is also something like friends with the Impossible Man, and he has worked with the Fantastic Four. In his professional capacity as an investigator, Jesse also has a number of contacts to call upon, as needed. These include information brokers, fences, other investigators, and even some personnel involved in human authority, and various other potentially useful people who are not part of the super-powered set.

Lindsey Mccabe

An actor and friend of Jesse's, Lindsey is genuinely good at what he does. Despite that, he has been known to randomly take time away from his career to help out his best friend. He's aware of Jesse's secret identity and has kept the secret for some time. Lindsey is remarkably self-motivated and willing to be the main driving force in any endeavor, especially if it might help Jess.



There is a downside to being amazingly attractive, and that is that Jesse can be unforgettable. He can stand out, especially with his tendency for very bold colors and styles.

Secret Identity

Jesse's costumed identity is not known to the world at large, though it is known to a few people close to him, who know him well. Because of this, he can be put to great disadvantage by having to protect the secret that he possesses superhuman powers.


Jesse has often viewed himself as unlucky, though that's not entirely accurate. He does tend to have things work out in the end, though he does also attract enough oddness and interest on the way that he usually has to work harder than most. It would be more accurate to say that he is a weirdness magnet, and complications often present themselves due to that strangeness that finds itself attracted to him.

Faction Memberships

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