Chase Stein

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Full Name:
Victor Chase Stein
Young Adult
The son of two supervillains, Chase Stein didn't take after either. He seemed like the sterotypical dumb jock until he went on the lam with a group of friends and discovered he expressed the family talents in his own way.


Brash, loud-mouthed. Pretends to be dumb, really quite smart (if earthy). Loyal to his friends.


Born to two scientists, didn't take after either. Discovered his parents were really super-villains and part of the group known as the Pride. Became part of a series of events that led to him going on the run with the other children of the Pride and the apparent, presumed deaths of their parents. At 20, he is now doing his own thing.


Academics - Novice Level

Chase isn't anywhere near the idiot his father accused him of being -- it's just that he's trade-school smart. He's an active learner who picks things up best by doing them.

Athletics - Competent Level

Chase is a good all-round athlete and was often considered his father's shame because he preferred being out on the Rugby pitch to being in the lab.

Machinist - Expert Level

"Chase is a keen machinist with a silver thumb." - Doombot

Piloting - Competent Level

Chase has an innate talent for driving and piloting vehicles ranging from simple to advanced (such as the Leapfrog).


Power: Empathic Link - Basic Level

Chase has an empathic link to his Deinonychus Old Lace. He generally knows where she is, what she's doing, her emotional state, if she's in pain, so on and so forth -- this also makes her highly responsive to his commands.

Tech: Fistigons - Enhanced Level

A pair of weaponized combat gloves Chase took from his father's stash and modified. They're capable of various ranged attacks, ranging from fireballs and lightning bolts to firing explosive micro-missiles. In each case, the attacks deal Enhanced-level damage of that type.

Tech: Footstigons - Enhanced Level

Rocket-Boots powered by repulsor tech. They allow him to reach standard subsonic aircraft speeds.

Powers: Techno-Intuitive - Enhanced Level

Chase has an intuitive ability to tamper with technology, take it apart, put it back together, modify it, and figure out how it works within a very short amount of time, even if he's never seen anything about it. He may or may not have managed to figure out how to turn his friend Victor Mancha back on after his head was sent to him in a box (he's still convinced that Victor's on switch is in his ear and is keyed with an allen wrench).

Tech: X-Ray Specs - Enhanced Level

High tech goggles that can see through materials as dense as solid rock with a range of up to a few miles, though they are of course limited by how far Chase can physically see.



Taken from Chase's parents, this is a large, frog-shaped all-terrain vehicle that can hold upwards of 15 people. It has Enhanced-level defenses against damage and is even ensorcelled to give it similar resistance to magic effects. It can utilize Enhanced-level camouflage stealth systems, can record sensor data and project holograms of those recordings, and it can translate and communicate in approximately five thousand different languages. It can travel at up to Enhanced-level speeds by leaping, swimming, or limited flight. Its robotic form allows it to physically attack as well, dealing up to Enhanced-level damage.

Old Lace

Chase has an empathic link to a Deinonychus named Old Lace. She's actually quite pleasant for a carnivorous dinosaur, and generally minds what he says. She's a good girl. As a large and dangerous predator, she has Enhanced-level strength and durability, as well as a bite that can deal Enhanced-level damage.



Chase's actual first name is 'Victor' (Chase is his middle name). Despite his inclinations he has high levels of scientific and engineering ability. The white elephant in the room is that Chase is a Frankenstein, a descendant of the mad demiurge Dr. Victor Frankenstein. The thought hasn't even occurred to him.

The following logs feature Chase Stein: No pages meet these criteria.

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